Sunstone Article: Two Centuries of Book of Mormon Historicity Debates
19th Century: Mormons use Native American and Mesoamerican ruins as evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Early 20th Century: Skeptics point out anachronisms in the Book of Mormon such as wheels and horses. Apologists search for archeological evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Mid-20th Century: The original Book of Abraham papyrus is discovered to actually be a funerary text, helping to throw more doubt on the ancient origins of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars propose a "limited geography" of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars begin looking for "Old World" parallels to the Book of Mormon. Late 20th Century: The LDS Church disciplines revisionist scholars. President Ezra Taft Benson's focus on the Book of Mormon initiates more scholarly attention and anti-Mormon polemics. FARMS counters attacks on the Book of Mormon. Early 21st Century: DNA studies seem to rule out Israelitish ancestry of Native Americans. The Internet spawns an explosion of critical and apologetic material.
If after a rigid examination, it be found an imposition, it should be extensively published as such; the evidence and arguments on which the imposture was detected, should be clearly and logically stated, that those who have been sincerely yet unfortunately deceived may perceive the nature of the deception and be reclaimed, and that those who continue to publish the delusion, may be silenced.
If false, [The Book of Mormon] is one of most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid impositions ever palmed upon the world, calculated to deceive and ruin millions who will sincerely receive it as the word of God, and will suppose themselves securely built upon the rock of truth until they are with their families into hopeless despair. - Orson Pratt, Mormon Apostle
"We do not have penalties in the Temple. We used to. (Therefore, he swore an oath saying, 'I will not tell anyone about the secrets here lest I slit my throat.') The vow was regarding the ordinance of the Temple. It's comparable, similar to a masonic, relationship." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
"If people want to call us a cult, they can call us a cult, and you can call us a cult. But we are 14 million and growing, and I'd like to think that your respect for me would be enough to know that this man doesn't seem like a dodo." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
"If that's what they believe, it's probably a good thing they chose to leave it. Because we're not a cult. I'm not an idiot. You know, I've read a couple of books, and been to a pretty good school." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
(As a record of historical fact, was Joseph Smith convicted of being a con-man in 1826?) I have no idea. There's a good deal of difficulty in the early frontier life in America, but that's an incidental matter to the character and integrity of the man. - Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
"What got translated, got translated into the word of God. The vehicle for that, I do not understand, and don't claim to know, and know no Egyptian." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
The amazing Spiderman wearing a CES Letter sticker was removed from the comic book.
The CES Letter
CES Letter is one Latter-day Saint's honest quest to get official answers from the LDS Church on its troubling origins, history, and practices. Jeremy Runnells was offered an opportunity to discuss his own doubts with a director of the Church Educational System (CES) and was assured that his doubts could be resolved. After reading Jeremy's letter, the director promised him a response. No response ever came.
Personal Mormon Faith Crisis Report - Summary and Potential Next Steps
Personal Mormon Faith Crisis Report - Research Summary