What do you feel or know about the Book of Mormon and DNA Studies?
DNA studies show no genetic link between Native Americans and ancient Jewish populations, which contradicts the Book of Mormon’s claim that Native Americans are descended from Lamanites, ancient Jews. When I heard this, I wasn’t frustrated—I just laughed. Of course, more lies. The church’s attempt to explain away these findings by adjusting narratives to fit the scientific evidence only deepens my distrust. It confirmed what I already knew: it’s all fabricated. If this doesn’t make someone question their faith or leave, I honestly don’t know what will. People are so devoted they are blind to the obvious truth

I've read the church letter on this, and the reasoning is terrible. No logical conclusions can be found: they present facts in a biased way, then say that the only way to really know the truth is though prayer. Not compelling to someone wanting an answer rooted in reality.