Hi, I’m Troy. I am a returned missionary, married in the temple.
I was a mormon.

About me
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. But after a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Are Mormons Christian?' by troyaddington Are Mormons Christian? See more answers about 'Are Mormons Christian?'
Yes, the Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament
#Link to this answer of 'Does the church encourage leader worship?' by troyaddington Does the church encourage leader worship? See more answers about 'Does the church encourage leader worship?'
Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior.
#Link to this answer of 'Is the Mormon church a cult?' by troyaddington Is the Mormon church a cult? See more answers about 'Is the Mormon church a cult?'
I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion