Hi, I'm Rodney James McGuire
I love logic and reason. I love my family. I was a mormon.

About me
Joined church in August of 1979, at age of 10. Lived right next to Harmony, PA. Was totally in. For reference, see the June, 1987 issue of New Era, "Downstream". Served mission in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, from 1988-90. Attended BYU for two years. Temple worker, multiple callings throughout local and stake levels.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
As a teenager (1980's), my great uncle, who was a devout baptist Christian, sent me mailings from an anti-Mormon group in Utah, led by John L. Smith (no relation to THAT Smith). The things they would write about as "evidences" against the church were pathetic; worse than the "GodMakers" film of that time.
I went to BYU for a year, and went as a missionary to the Belgium Brussels Mission (defunct), from 1988-1990. The mission was thankfully, almost entirely a great experience. The mission president wasn't a jackass, I had great companions (except for one), and I really loved the people. In fact, just before writing this I was speaking to one of them. I was a successful missionary for that area of the world, baptizing about 35 people. I returned home an even more devout Mormon.
I returned to BYU in the winter semester of 1993. During this semester, I was called to do research for the Stake, to be use as a supplement in Sunday School lessons. Because of the nature of the calling, I was brought into contact with the controversial issues of church history. It was at this time that I encountered the issues regarding The Book of Abraham, Joseph's polygamy, the seer stone, The Book of Mormon anachronisms, etc. This is when I started building my shelf...
It became a rather large shelf, and it wasn't sagging, for one reason alone. I couldn't figure out how Joseph Smith came up with The Book of Mormon. The explanations I'd seen from "anti" sources, just didn't cut it.
Then in May of 2014, I happened upon a video presentation by Chris Johnson, "How The Book of Mormon destroyed Mormonism", where, in short, he demonstrates that Joseph Smith, Jr., certainly borrowed from a book of his time "The Late War", in the creation of The Book of Mormon.
Bam!! No more shelf. What had been building for over 20 years, collapsed in 2 hours. I then knew precisely how Joseph Smith, Jr., fabricated The Book of Mormon.
Shortly thereafter I encountered the CESLETTER, which condensed what I already knew, into an easy to read format.
I resigned from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in December of 2014. It was a difficult thing to do. I've been called absolutely horrible things by people who I thought were inalienable friends. I was wrong. And that shows how profound the Cult of Mormonism actually is.
I am now philosophically Atheist, while finding a niche concept in the addition of "Possiblian" by Dr. David Eaglemen (Google it).
I lost my youngest daughter, Coralee (18), in January, and am currently struggling to find a semblance of peace in life since then.
I have 5 children, and two grand-daughters.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or I can help with your escape from Mormonism. ([email protected])
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?' by Rodney-James-McGuire Do you consider yourself a Christian? See more answers about 'Do you consider yourself a Christian?'
No. I am Atheist, with "Possibilian" in mind (Google it)
#Link to this answer of 'How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church?' by Rodney-James-McGuire How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church? See more answers about 'How did you come to be Mormon? Were you raised in the church?'
Convert from Catholocism