Hi, I'm Meredith
I am a mother, wife & animal lover. I enjoy reading. I enjoy a variety of podcasts. I was a mormon.

About me
I was born a 4th generation Mormon in Louisiana. I have 4 sisters. My father is a former bishop & stake president. We were an active, ideal family. At least that was the appearance my father projected. Behind closed doors, my mother had many undiagnosed mental disorders. With no professional help, she broke & left the 5 of us with our father. I was 9 years old.
On my shelf
On the Mormon Spectrum
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
My parent's divorce was the beginning of my doubts. My family would not be together forever. I continued going to church until I was 16. When I gained my voice & spoke out against going to church, it was used as a punishment. Anything I said or did that was unfaithful was reprimanded by attending meetings, youth functions or talking to the bishop.
I realized that there was a whole world outside of Mormonism. I saw the beauty & goodness in the very things I was taught were bad or wrong.
I became a single, teenage mother. I knew that I would never force my opinions or beliefs on my children the way my father's were forced on me.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'What advice would you give to someone interested in joining the Mormon Church? Or for that matter, someone interested in leaving the Mormon Church?' by mbreaux What advice would you give to someone interested in joining the Mormon Church? Or for that matter, someone interested in leaving the Mormon Church? See more answers about 'What advice would you give to someone interested in joining the Mormon Church? Or for that matter, someone interested in leaving the Mormon Church?'
2 questions, same answer. Research outside of church-approved sources. Do not doubt your doubts.