Hi, I'm Jeremy Runnells
I love life. I love exploring and experiencing this vast and amazing Universe we find ourselves in. I was a Mormon.

About me
I was born and raised in Southern California, as a seventh generation Mormon of Pioneer heritage and I reached every Mormon youth milestone. An Eagle Scout, Returned Missionary, BYU alumnus, I was married in the San Diego Temple with expectations and plans of living Mormonism for the rest of my life.
In February 2012, I experienced an awakening to the LDS Church's truth crisis, which subsequently led to a faith transition that summer. In the spring of 2013, I was approached and asked by a CES Director to share my questions and concerns about the LDS Church's origins, history, and current practices. In response, I wrote what later became publicly known as the CES Letter.
The CES Director responded that he read the "very well written" letter and that he would provide me with a response. No response ever came.
On my shelf
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
TL;DR...just read the CES Letter. :)
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'What do you call yourself now that you aren't mormon?' by Jeremy Runnells What do you call yourself now that you aren't mormon? See more answers about 'What do you call yourself now that you aren't mormon?'
I label myself "Jeremy". "Human". "Husband". "Father". "Friend".
I no longer consider myself Mormon or Ex Mormon. I'm just Jeremy. A fellow human. A fellow seeker. A fellow wanderer and explorer in this vast and amazing Universe we all find ourselves in.
Inspired by a comment made by a friend, Scott, I'm borrowing and altering his words to drive home this point:
For me, having been a Mormon is like the other stages of my life. It’s something that I was, and it’s something that I did. It had its positives and negatives. But my current self is not defined by my former relationship to that church. I lived in New York City – I’m not an ex-New Yorker. I attended and graduated from BYU but I’m not ex-BYU.
I’ve graduated and transcended from Mormonism. It’s a part of my past but it no longer is a part of my present and future. To me, it’s something like my missionary journals…I’m reminded of my past from time to time seeing the journals on my bookshelf but it no longer has much power or much influence over my present life and my future.
#Link to this answer of 'What do you believe now?' by Jeremy Runnells What do you believe now? See more answers about 'What do you believe now?'
I believe in love. Kindness. Empathy. Compassion. Respect.
I believe in today and this very moment. I believe in life before death.
There is awe, wonder and mystery in the Universe. I embrace open-mindedness over dogmatism.
You can learn more about my work at cesletter.org
You can find FAQs at cesletter.org/…