Hi, I’m Jeff.
I love family, games, and friends. I was a mormon.

About me
Raised in the church. Served a mission at 19. Married within months of my faithful return.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I believed it all until I felt it damaging to believe. I jumped straight past issues in the church and went full atheist. This caused close to a decade of contention with my then active wife. I started listening to podcasts on mixed faith marriages in an attempt to better understand my wife. This led to my discovery of so much nastiness cluttering up nearly every aspect of the church. It was only a few months of revealing these truths to my wife before she joined me in post Mormon happiness.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'What do you believe now?' by Jeff Krammer What do you believe now? See more answers about 'What do you believe now?'
I live for today. Life is too precious to waste time serving an unseen god. I believe in having fun and being nice.