Hi, I'm Fiona from NZ
I was for a time a Mormon...including temple ordinances...the first Endowment session had me reeling with absolute doubt! I literally felt the evil...

About me
I married a Mormon in 2014. Mormonism with my TBM husband [a LDS member for over 20 years]...realizing relatively soon that there were events, issues and historical accounts that just didn't add up...I travelled down the appropriate rabbit holes...the rest is history...literally! I am now a Traditional Catholic, having once been in [post Vatican II] Catholicism before becoming curious about Mormonism, which I came to discover is a deranged impostor! A sickening lie that is equally sickening as Martin Luther.
"it's been painful witnessing my TBM's denials and deeply ingrained indoctrination...even despite the profound evidence, the programming is keeping him there...I absolutely despise the lies!!"
January 2024
My husband has now broken away from Mormonism! I am super happy for him...for us... And what did it? Despite many things, even evidence, that I brought forward over the years, it STILL had to be true...right..? Brainwashing cult!! It was the Mormon Stories, 3 x episodes with Dr Ritner [R.I.P.] that woke him up!
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I'm naturally an investigative person who asks questions and needs to make logical connections regarding rational reasoning alongside any form of historical claims. I despise gaslighting and euphemistic language that controls people. Apart from the current globalist governments and their lying mainstream medias, I believe Mormonism is one of the most damaging man-made, mind-controlling religious machines to ever enter mankind!