Being half-black, learning about the church's doctrines, revelations, and policies of racism hurt me deeply; they were incredibly personal. I had never personally felt the sting and shame of racism in my life, until I felt it through the Mormon church.
If you’re struggling in the church or contemplating leaving, You’re not alone! For the past year I have been very cautious about who I shared news of my leaving with, as I don’t want to hurt or offend anyone, cause rifts, or invite debate or reactivation efforts. But as the news has slowly trickled out, I have been amazed by the number of Mormon friends I have who have confided in me that they have also left the church.
I left the LDS church 9 years ago when I discovered disturbing things in church history and feel that God led me out of the church.
Skimming the fat from milk is the story the church tells about why Thomas B Marsh left the church in apostasy.
Tyler was a mormon. Continue reading Tyler's full wasmormon profile at
I took a deep dive into the truth claims of the so-called church. What hurt me most was that I was never given the chance to decide with all the information available to me. I felt betrayed and lied to.
I’m a logically thinking, LGBT defending, truth searching father and medical professional. I was Mormon.
I have 3 children and love being involved in their development. I try to teach them critical thinking skills and how to hone their BS detector.
An example of Anachronisms Found in the Book of Mormon, here's a native riding a tapir rather than a horse like it says in the Book of Mormon.
One version of Joseph Smiths first vision in stained glass. “Joseph Smith’s First Vision” in the Palmyra Temple, created by Tom Holdman.
During the journey of my life, I have literally tried every option to find peace, love, acceptance, and a place in the church - mission, active church service, attentive general conference study, institute classes and one on one conversations with every institute teacher I had, meetings with bishops, years of church-approved therapy with 4 different therapists and a psychiatrist, gay Mormon conferences and support groups, 12 step groups, medication, fasting, praying, scripture study, weekly temple attendance - it has been literally an entire life given to the church. But I have found that there is no place for me in God’s great “Plan of Happiness.”
Taking a break from the church and shedding this horrifyingly depressing and incomprehensibly offensive doctrine, I was finally able to imagine a future for myself where I could be happy and I could progress with a family, with kids, with love and happiness and companionship and a future. I can now start to set goals and make plans and be motivated to work for a better life. But I can’t have these things if I remain a member of the church.
In October of 2017 these terrible thoughts and views poisoned my mind to the point that I attempted to end my life. Looking back I am terrified to think how that night could have come to a horrific end. Coming out of that experience, I realized that something needed to change if I wanted to survive. I took the scary and lonely path of distancing myself from the church - my culture, my family, my friends - and also distanced myself from the unacceptably degrading reality of being a gay man in the church. The resulting 15 months have proven to be literally life saving. I’ve found peace, happiness, and love that I never thought was possible for me. I now can see a future for myself.
The church has no answers. No help for someone that is pleading for guidance and direction. No place for a gay man in the kingdom. The church’s official website on Mormons and gays is misleading at best - I personally know several of the people on the website and I know that the image that the church pushes is falsified and full of deception. In each case there is a dark side that is never acknowledged by the church - depression, secret love affairs to fill unmet needs, double lives, marrying a woman but still having emotionally intimate relationships with men, divorces, and overall men who are unhealthy both emotionally and mentally.