![“There are amongst us great numbers of honest artificers and labouring people, who, fed with a vain hope of growing suddenly rich, neglect their business, almost to the ruining of themselves and [their] families, and voluntarily endure abundance of fatigue in a fruitless search after imaginary treasures. They wander through the woods and bushes by day to discover the marks and signs; at midnight they repair to the hopeful spot with spades and pickaxes; full of expectation they labour violently, trembling at the same time in every joint, through fear of certain malicious demons who are said to haunt and guard such places. At length a mighty hole is dug, and perhaps several cartloads of earth thrown out, but alas, no cag or iron pot is found! No seaman’s chest crammed with Spanish pistoles, or weighty pieces of eight! Then they conclude, that through some mistake in the procedure, some rash word spoke, or some rule of art neglected, the guardian spirit had power to sink it deeper into the earth and convey it out of their reach.” - Benjamin Franklin, The Busy-Body, No. 8, March 27, 1729 | wasmormon.org](https://i0.wp.com/wasmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Benjamin-Franklin-on-treasure-diggers.jpg?fit=640%2C640&ssl=1)
![“There are amongst us great numbers of honest artificers and labouring people, who, fed with a vain hope of growing suddenly rich, neglect their business, almost to the ruining of themselves and [their] families, and voluntarily endure abundance of fatigue in a fruitless search after imaginary treasures. They wander through the woods and bushes by day to discover the marks and signs; at midnight they repair to the hopeful spot with spades and pickaxes; full of expectation they labour violently, trembling at the same time in every joint, through fear of certain malicious demons who are said to haunt and guard such places. At length a mighty hole is dug, and perhaps several cartloads of earth thrown out, but alas, no cag or iron pot is found! No seaman’s chest crammed with Spanish pistoles, or weighty pieces of eight! Then they conclude, that through some mistake in the procedure, some rash word spoke, or some rule of art neglected, the guardian spirit had power to sink it deeper into the earth and convey it out of their reach.” - Benjamin Franklin, The Busy-Body, No. 8, March 27, 1729 | wasmormon.org](https://i0.wp.com/wasmormon.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Benjamin-Franklin-on-treasure-diggers.jpg?fit=640%2C640&ssl=1)
Jana’s journey is a powerful testament to the courage it takes to question deeply ingrained beliefs and to prioritize personal well-being over rigid expectations. Raised in a devout Mormon family in Utah, Jana spent years trying to conform to the ideals of her faith, despite the inner turmoil it caused her. As she struggled with …
Continue reading “Jana Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight”
Salt Lake Area held a YSA conference where they also held a speed dating event which set a new world record for the number of people at a speed dating event (at 2,060). After receiving the award, Elder Pearson gave the keynote address to the YSA conference attendees. Kevin Pearson described three types of people: …
Continue reading “Kevin W. Pearson, Holy Ghost Not Active For Doubters or Apostates”
In October of 2022, Russell M. Nelson announced a temple in Texas in the town of Prosper during General Conference. Prosper is north of Dallas, where the church already has an established Temple. Prosper is only about 30 miles north of the existing Dallas Temple. Prosper, Texas The city of Prosper is located within the …
Continue reading “Fairview Says No to Gigantic, Large and Spacious Mormon Temple and Steeple”
This question about the relevance of the church being true gets asked all the time by Mormons when confronted with evidence that the church’s claims aren’t true. Some members of the church will even candidly admit that the church’s doctrines and history seem sketchy to them, but they don’t worry about it. They say the …