November 12—Flew to St. George. When one of the small airplane’s engines exploded, I expected to be killed. But after a precipitous dive in the disabled plane, the pilot made a safe emergency landing in Delta. I was going to St. George to give the opening prayer at the inaugural services at which Rolfe Kerr became president of Dixie College. - Russell M. Nelson, From Heart to Heart: An Autobiography, Quality Press, Inc. 1979. Highlights of 1977, Page 376 |
November 12—Flew to St. George. When one of the small airplane’s engines exploded, I expected to be killed. But after a precipitous dive in the disabled plane, the pilot made a safe emergency landing in Delta. I was going to St. George to give the opening prayer at the inaugural services at which Rolfe Kerr became president of Dixie College. - Russell M. Nelson, From Heart to Heart: An Autobiography, Quality Press, Inc. 1979. Highlights of 1977, Page 376

Russell Nelson Embellishing Stories Again – Exploding Engines and Free Fall Death Spirals

Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is known for recounting dramatic and miraculous personal experiences that highlight his faith and divine protection. However, over the years, these stories have evolved into exaggerated, faith-promoting narratives, raising questions about the accuracy of his accounts. One such story is Nelson’s account …

As of 2024, 66% of the current LDS Apostles are from Utah. Since 1850, when Utah became a U.S. Territory, over 82% of all Apostles have either been young immigrants to or natives of Utah. Expanding the geographic scope to include the broader "Mormon Corridor" (Utah, Southern Idaho, and Northern Arizona), this figure rises to over 92%. |
As of 2024, 66% of the current LDS Apostles are from Utah. Since 1850, when Utah became a U.S. Territory, over 82% of all Apostles have either been young immigrants to or natives of Utah. Expanding the geographic scope to include the broader "Mormon Corridor" (Utah, Southern Idaho, and Northern Arizona), this figure rises to over 92%.
”[General Authorities] are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church. This practice allows for far more church members on a worldwide basis to be considered for a calling to serve as a General Authority, rather than limiting considerations to only those who may be financially independent.” - Do General Authorities get paid? LDS website FAQ, 2024 |
”[General Authorities] are given a living allowance which enables them to focus all of their time on serving in the Church. This practice allows for far more church members on a worldwide basis to be considered for a calling to serve as a General Authority, rather than limiting considerations to only those who may be financially independent.” - Do General Authorities get paid? LDS website FAQ
“To believe that someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or bitter diminishes our moral agency and transforms us into objects to be acted upon. As agents, however, you and I have the power to act and to choose how we will respond to an offensive or hurtful situation. In many instances, choosing to be offended is a symptom of a much deeper and more serious spiritual malady.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference |
“To believe that someone or something can make us feel offended, angry, hurt, or bitter diminishes our moral agency and transforms us into objects to be acted upon. As agents, however, you and I have the power to act and to choose how we will respond to an offensive or hurtful situation. In many instances, choosing to be offended is a symptom of a much deeper and more serious spiritual malady.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference
“You and I cannot control the intentions or behavior of other people. However, we do determine how we will act. Please remember that you and I are agents endowed with moral agency, and we can choose not to be offended. One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others. A thing, an event, or an expression may be offensive, but you and I can choose not to be offended.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference |
“You and I cannot control the intentions or behavior of other people. However, we do determine how we will act. Please remember that you and I are agents endowed with moral agency, and we can choose not to be offended. One of the greatest indicators of our own spiritual maturity is revealed in how we respond to the weaknesses, the inexperience, and the potentially offensive actions of others. A thing, an event, or an expression may be offensive, but you and I can choose not to be offended.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference
“It ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference |
“It ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, And Nothing Shall Offend Them, October 2006 General Conference
“We live in a world where everybody is offended about almost everything. We don't take offense, we just ask people to respect what, to us, is very sacred. The name of the church was revealed. We didn't have a task force and test it with focus groups, it was revealed by the head of the church, who is Jesus Christ. And we simply are asking people to respect that, and call us what we are.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, Addresses the National Press Club, 2022 |
“We live in a world where everybody is offended about almost everything. We don't take offense, we just ask people to respect what, to us, is very sacred. The name of the church was revealed. We didn't have a task force and test it with focus groups, it was revealed by the head of the church, who is Jesus Christ. And we simply are asking people to respect that, and call us what we are.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, Addresses the National Press Club, 2022
“I think that President Russell M. Nelson will be known forever as a man of remarkable courage, to say, we will no longer use a nickname pejoratively attached to our church, by our enemies, anymore. We're inviting other people to call us what we are called, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, Addresses the National Press Club, 2022 |
“I think that President Russell M. Nelson will be known forever as a man of remarkable courage, to say, we will no longer use a nickname pejoratively attached to our church, by our enemies, anymore. We're inviting other people to call us what we are called, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” - David A. Bednar, LDS Apostle, Addresses the National Press Club, 2022
"Tastes like a crappy cup of coffee" "No, it's the world's best cup of coffee" - Elf The official name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The full name was given by revelation from God to Joseph Smith in 1838... When a shortened reference is needed, the terms “the Church” or the “Church of Jesus Christ” are encouraged. The “restored Church of Jesus Christ” is also accurate and encouraged. - Style Guide — The Name of the Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Same as demanding to be called "World's Best Church" |
"Tastes like a crappy cup of coffee" "No, it's the world's best cup of coffee" - Elf The official name of the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The full name was given by revelation from God to Joseph Smith in 1838... When a shortened reference is needed, the terms “the Church” or the “Church of Jesus Christ” are encouraged. The “restored Church of Jesus Christ” is also accurate and encouraged. - Style Guide — The Name of the Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Same as demanding to be called "World's Best Church"
The publishing of a new scripture, hidden for years in the Church vaults, sends shockwaves through Mormondom. President Nelson, intrigued by a plate of gold, used Joseph Smith's seer stone in a hat to translate it, unlocking a sermon delivered to the ancient Nephite prophet Macaroni directly from Jesus Christ. The message troubled Nelson, as it criticized the modern Church leadership. Torn between his duty and his legacy, Nelson decides to publish the new scripture quietly, to avoid attention. Apologists already downplay this and the text's significance, but it raises profound questions about the current Church's direction. Macaroni's words echo Christ's condemnation of its recent corporate practices. This introduces a complex, ironic reflection on LDS prophetic leadership. -
The publishing of a new scripture, hidden for years in the Church vaults, sends shockwaves through Mormondom. President Nelson, intrigued by a plate of gold, used Joseph Smith's seer stone in a hat to translate it, unlocking a sermon delivered to the ancient Nephite prophet Macaroni directly from Jesus Christ. The message troubled Nelson, as it criticized the modern Church leadership. Torn between his duty and his legacy, Nelson decides to publish the new scripture quietly, to avoid attention. Apologists already downplay this and the text's significance, but it raises profound questions about the current Church's direction. Macaroni's words echo Christ's condemnation of its recent corporate practices. This introduces a complex, ironic reflection on LDS prophetic leadership. -
”Quite miraculous, really, through the gift and power of God. We know that they had a table like this. We know they had the golden plates, covered usually. And Joseph used these: the Urim and Thummim, seer stones, in the hat. And it was easier for him to see the light when he'd take that position.” - President Russell M. Nelson, 2020. What if Nelson knew more about the translation process? What if he used the same technique and translated from the sealed portion of the Gold Plates? What would God say to him? Would he find his new scripture flattering? Introducing the Book of Macaroni:
”Quite miraculous, really, through the gift and power of God. We know that they had a table like this. We know they had the golden plates, covered usually. And Joseph used these: the Urim and Thummim, seer stones, in the hat. And it was easier for him to see the light when he'd take that position.” - President Russell M. Nelson, 2020.What if Nelson knew more about the translation process? What if he used the same technique and translated from the sealed portion of the Gold Plates? What would God say to him? Would he find his new scripture flattering? Introducing the Book of Macaroni:
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
Leaving the Church is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I still think of myself as a Christian, as I still believe in God & Jesus. I’m also working out what exactly I believe. I have a lot of questions & there’s a lot I don’t know. However, one thing I do know is that I want nothing to do with the Mormon Church. As someone once said, what’s good about Mormonism is not unique. And what’s unique about Mormonism is not good. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Leaving the Church is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I still think of myself as a Christian, as I still believe in God & Jesus. I’m also working out what exactly I believe. I have a lot of questions & there’s a lot I don’t know. However, one thing I do know is that I want nothing to do with the Mormon Church. As someone once said, what’s good about Mormonism is not unique. And what’s unique about Mormonism is not good. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Learning this greatly disturbed & unsettled me spiritually & caused another faith crisis, though much less severe this time. Any small testimony I had left of the Church was destroyed. I no longer connected my Church membership to following Jesus. The two were completely separate in my mind. In my experience & in my opinion, being a Mormon had nothing to do with following Jesus & living a good Christian life. If you’re a good Christian, you’re a bad Mormon. Conversely, if you’re a bad Christian, you’re a good Mormon. I’d rather be a good Christian. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Learning this greatly disturbed & unsettled me spiritually & caused another faith crisis, though much less severe this time. Any small testimony I had left of the Church was destroyed. I no longer connected my Church membership to following Jesus. The two were completely separate in my mind. In my experience & in my opinion, being a Mormon had nothing to do with following Jesus & living a good Christian life. If you’re a good Christian, you’re a bad Mormon. Conversely, if you’re a bad Christian, you’re a good Mormon. I’d rather be a good Christian. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was shocked & horrified to see that my spiritual experiences were not at all what I believed & had been taught in the Church. Almost all of my significant spiritual experiences were easily explained by elevation emotion, frisson, confirmation bias, & other things that had nothing to do with God, or the Spirit teaching me the truth. In short, my so-called spiritual experiences had betrayed me. My treasured spiritual experiences had confirmed the truthfulness of many things that were false or only partially true. I also learned that my so-called spiritual experiences were not unique: to me or Mormonism. Most people have the same so-called spiritual experiences about their religion that I had experienced with Mormonism. Most people believe that God has told them that their church is true & that God called them to join it. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was shocked & horrified to see that my spiritual experiences were not at all what I believed & had been taught in the Church. Almost all of my significant spiritual experiences were easily explained by elevation emotion, frisson, confirmation bias, & other things that had nothing to do with God, or the Spirit teaching me the truth. In short, my so-called spiritual experiences had betrayed me. My treasured spiritual experiences had confirmed the truthfulness of many things that were false or only partially true. I also learned that my so-called spiritual experiences were not unique: to me or Mormonism. Most people have the same so-called spiritual experiences about their religion that I had experienced with Mormonism. Most people believe that God has told them that their church is true & that God called them to join it. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Alarmingly, on top of learning that the Church is not true, I realized that I’d been lied to, manipulated, gaslighted, exploited, betrayed & wronged by the Church my entire life. I discovered the concepts of elevation emotion & frisson. With this new knowledge of elevation emotion & frisson, and the knowledge I gained from studying Church history the previous 4 years, I used my critical thinking skills & evaluated my most influential spiritual experiences. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Alarmingly, on top of learning that the Church is not true, I realized that I’d been lied to, manipulated, gaslighted, exploited, betrayed & wronged by the Church my entire life. I discovered the concepts of elevation emotion & frisson. With this new knowledge of elevation emotion & frisson, and the knowledge I gained from studying Church history the previous 4 years, I used my critical thinking skills & evaluated my most influential spiritual experiences. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was devastated to learn that the Church is demonstrably false. Yes, Mormonism is made up; indeed, Mormonism is a scam. Having studied Mormonism all my life (including both sides: for & against) the only logical, valid conclusion is this: Mormonism does NOT hold up against scrutiny, especially Mormonism’s truth claims. A simple internet search can make the Church fall apart. The evidence strongly suggests that the Mormon church is not true—it's made up & based on lies, etc. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was devastated to learn that the Church is demonstrably false. Yes, Mormonism is made up; indeed, Mormonism is a scam. Having studied Mormonism all my life (including both sides: for & against) the only logical, valid conclusion is this: Mormonism does NOT hold up against scrutiny, especially Mormonism’s truth claims. A simple internet search can make the Church fall apart. The evidence strongly suggests that the Mormon church is not true—it's made up & based on lies, etc. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was especially bothered that these so-called men of God lied & said that they didn't use tithing money on the lavish mall in Salt Lake, which cost billions. They also lied about tithing not being used to pay the high General Authority salaries & overly generous benefits. I was pissed that they exempt themselves from tithing & treat themselves like kings, while the members (whom they're supposed to serve) get the bare minimum & are neglected & exploited. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was especially bothered that these so-called men of God lied & said that they didn't use tithing money on the lavish mall in Salt Lake, which cost billions. They also lied about tithing not being used to pay the high General Authority salaries & overly generous benefits. I was pissed that they exempt themselves from tithing & treat themselves like kings, while the members (whom they're supposed to serve) get the bare minimum & are neglected & exploited. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
In short, it was obvious that the Church is NOT what it claims, not even close. I saw the Church 's endless unchristlike, unrighteous, & sinful behavior. And this horrible behavior is consistent & often intentional. I also realized that I was so ignorant as a TBM (true-believing member). My concerns about Mormonism & the Church are many, sincere & very valid. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
In short, it was obvious that the Church is NOT what it claims, not even close. I saw the Church 's endless unchristlike, unrighteous, & sinful behavior. And this horrible behavior is consistent & often intentional. I also realized that I was so ignorant as a TBM (true-believing member). My concerns about Mormonism & the Church are many, sincere & very valid. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My wife and I had a severe falling-out with our Mormon bishop. I went online to see if this was common & to see how other Mormons handled it. By doing so, I went down the rabbit hole. I learned the real, true history of the Church. As a result, for the first time, I learned the truth because I had the facts & more objective sources, as opposed to the whitewashed, sanitized, correlated garbage from the Church I had always used previously. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My wife and I had a severe falling-out with our Mormon bishop. I went online to see if this was common & to see how other Mormons handled it. By doing so, I went down the rabbit hole. I learned the real, true history of the Church. As a result, for the first time, I learned the truth because I had the facts & more objective sources, as opposed to the whitewashed, sanitized, correlated garbage from the Church I had always used previously. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I'm a truth seeker who loves video games, sightseeing, hot tubs & pools. I was born into the Mormon church. I grew up in southern Idaho in a large family. Growing up, I was known for being kind, sincere and honest. The Church was my identity, my culture, my world view, my community, my connection to something bigger than myself, my morals and religion, my eternal plan for my life, in short, everything. I was a Mormon. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I'm a truth seeker who loves video games, sightseeing, hot tubs & pools. I was born into the Mormon church. I grew up in southern Idaho in a large family. Growing up, I was known for being kind, sincere and honest. The Church was my identity, my culture, my world view, my community, my connection to something bigger than myself, my morals and religion, my eternal plan for my life, in short, everything. I was a Mormon. - Corey's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
I am happy now. Yes, I reflect on things that I have issues with. I see a therapist and it has helped immensely. I refuse to let the people and the church bring me down because I know that is not what God wants. My purpose in life is to ascend to a higher state of consciousness, and to live the best life that I possibly can, and to love those who are struggling. That’s truly Christlike to me. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I am happy now. Yes, I reflect on things that I have issues with. I see a therapist and it has helped immensely. I refuse to let the people and the church bring me down because I know that is not what God wants. My purpose in life is to ascend to a higher state of consciousness, and to live the best life that I possibly can, and to love those who are struggling. That’s truly Christlike to me. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I wholeheartedly believe that not only does the church protect child predators, but I know that they have a large legal team that tries to cover up all kinds of accusations from church members who were honestly abused. At one time the church was asking people to call a hotline and they would be taken care of, people experiencing crises from sexual trauma from church authorities. They would take these people's stories and say they were recording them and if they did take any notes, they were confiscated and destroyed. The church members who called the hotline thinking that something was going to be done were sorely mistaken. Not only does the church cover it up, but they have influenced the state of Utah to almost make it a haven for sexual predators. In Utah, the church is the legislature too. In this state, there’s no separation of church and state. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I wholeheartedly believe that not only does the church protect child predators, but I know that they have a large legal team that tries to cover up all kinds of accusations from church members who were honestly abused. At one time the church was asking people to call a hotline and they would be taken care of, people experiencing crises from sexual trauma from church authorities. They would take these people's stories and say they were recording them and if they did take any notes, they were confiscated and destroyed. The church members who called the hotline thinking that something was going to be done were sorely mistaken. Not only does the church cover it up, but they have influenced the state of Utah to almost make it a haven for sexual predators. In Utah, the church is the legislature too. In this state, there’s no separation of church and state. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
God is not exclusive. That’s another thing that Mormons are confused with, and it makes it really culty. A lot of other religions welcome people, they aren’t exclusive. The Mormon church is one of the most exclusive, churches or cults I have ever experienced. The way that Mormons expect perfection is extremely unhealthy. Most other religions accept the fact that we are all sinners and that we need God in our lives to help us. This is where the Mormon church is so toxic. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
God is not exclusive. That’s another thing that Mormons are confused with, and it makes it really culty. A lot of other religions welcome people, they aren’t exclusive. The Mormon church is one of the most exclusive, churches or cults I have ever experienced. The way that Mormons expect perfection is extremely unhealthy. Most other religions accept the fact that we are all sinners and that we need God in our lives to help us. This is where the Mormon church is so toxic. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I’m not one who lost faith altogether. I love God and I have a personal relationship with him. I think a lot of Mormons get confused and think that religion and your relationship with God have to be one and the same, they must intertwine. I can’t think of anything further than the truth. God is everywhere. He’s not just in the temple and he isn’t just available if you’re perfect, everyone has access to him. God is not exclusive. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I’m not one who lost faith altogether. I love God and I have a personal relationship with him. I think a lot of Mormons get confused and think that religion and your relationship with God have to be one and the same, they must intertwine. I can’t think of anything further than the truth. God is everywhere. He’s not just in the temple and he isn’t just available if you’re perfect, everyone has access to him. God is not exclusive. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at