A stack of issues on a scale vs a single issue about a warm feeling: • Zero archeological or DNA evidence to support the Book of Mormon's claims • Joseph's "translation" of the Book of Abraham scrolls bears no relation at all to what the scrolls actually say. • Joseph's 14 year old "wives", and his 15 year old ones, and his 16 year old ones, and his "wives" who were still married to other men • Dark skin is how God marks sinners. When they repent they become "white and delightsome". • To prove that a man has the initiative and intelligence needed to become a god, he must accept without question everything "the brethren" say. • Oh, and the best a woman can ever hope for is to be one of a man-god's multiple wives, pumping out spiritual babies. • Drastically differing versions of the First Vision story • Temple ceremony, garments, and secret handshakes copied from Free Masonry • Kinderhook plates • Book of Mormon contradicts later Mormon teachings (about nature of the Trinity, Plan of Salvation, and many others). • Place names in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to place names near where Joseph grew up • Events in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to those described in "View of the Hebrews" • For years church leaders denied negative claims about Joseph Smith, and even excommunicated members who talked about them, yet they now admit those claims are true. • And many many more vs • I prayed about it and got a warm feeling in my heart.
A stack of issues on a scale vs a single issue about a warm feeling: • Zero archeological or DNA evidence to support the Book of Mormon's claims • Joseph's "translation" of the Book of Abraham scrolls bears no relation at all to what the scrolls actually say. • Joseph's 14 year old "wives", and his 15 year old ones, and his 16 year old ones, and his "wives" who were still married to other men • Dark skin is how God marks sinners. When they repent they become "white and delightsome". • To prove that a man has the initiative and intelligence needed to become a god, he must accept without question everything "the brethren" say. • Oh, and the best a woman can ever hope for is to be one of a man-god's multiple wives, pumping out spiritual babies. • Drastically differing versions of the First Vision story • Temple ceremony, garments, and secret handshakes copied from Free Masonry • Kinderhook plates • Book of Mormon contradicts later Mormon teachings (about nature of the Trinity, Plan of Salvation, and many others). • Place names in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to place names near where Joseph grew up • Events in the Book of Mormon strikingly similar to those described in "View of the Hebrews" • For years church leaders denied negative claims about Joseph Smith, and even excommunicated members who talked about them, yet they now admit those claims are true. • And many many more vs • I prayed about it and got a warm feeling in my heart.
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/. There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/. There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
Surprisingly, my aunt and uncle and their 4 children have also left the church. I only found this out recently, and it blindsided me as my aunt especially was so deeply involved in the church, but she couldn’t look past the skeletons in the church’s closet. It makes me happy to know they’ve come to their senses. I only hope that more of my family will do the same and leave this destructive cult. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
Surprisingly, my aunt and uncle and their 4 children have also left the church. I only found this out recently, and it blindsided me as my aunt especially was so deeply involved in the church, but she couldn’t look past the skeletons in the church’s closet. It makes me happy to know they’ve come to their senses. I only hope that more of my family will do the same and leave this destructive cult. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
Less than two months later, I announced my own atheism, and my subsequent leaving of the church. The response was the same. I lost many friends in an instant. But I chose that time to show my brother he was not alone, that I’d had the same thoughts and conclusions he had. I wanted him to know it, and this was my way of showing him. I’m now closer to him than ever. Six months later, I shipped off to basic training, avoiding much of the fallout of my falling away, which took a lot of the flak off of my brothers back. Now, 4 years later on, all of my siblings have stated to me their disillusionment with the church and their desire to abandon it. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
Less than two months later, I announced my own atheism, and my subsequent leaving of the church. The response was the same. I lost many friends in an instant. But I chose that time to show my brother he was not alone, that I’d had the same thoughts and conclusions he had. I wanted him to know it, and this was my way of showing him. I’m now closer to him than ever. Six months later, I shipped off to basic training, avoiding much of the fallout of my falling away, which took a lot of the flak off of my brothers back. Now, 4 years later on, all of my siblings have stated to me their disillusionment with the church and their desire to abandon it. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
During this time, my younger brother had delved deeper into the scripture as well, becoming even more devout than ever. He studied and made notes every night, prayed and discussed with my grandpa, who was in the bishopric. He was the star Mormon teenage boy. And then suddenly he publicly announced he was an atheist and despised the church and all it stood for. This took me by complete surprise, and what surprised me even more was the reaction of those we knew. The responses he got were vile, telling him he’d burn forever, saying he was possessed by the spirit of the devil, saying he had no right to make that choice as he was still a minor. He became depressed and withdrew from all of us. This was the time, I felt. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
During this time, my younger brother had delved deeper into the scripture as well, becoming even more devout than ever. He studied and made notes every night, prayed and discussed with my grandpa, who was in the bishopric. He was the star Mormon teenage boy. And then suddenly he publicly announced he was an atheist and despised the church and all it stood for. This took me by complete surprise, and what surprised me even more was the reaction of those we knew. The responses he got were vile, telling him he’d burn forever, saying he was possessed by the spirit of the devil, saying he had no right to make that choice as he was still a minor. He became depressed and withdrew from all of us. This was the time, I felt. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
That’s when I found the CES Letter. It flipped everything I knew upside down and tore it to shreds. For those who have read it, I’m sure you know why. So many falsehoods and lies the church taught me since childhood, I couldn’t believe it. I had to find more. And so I did. My shelf crumbled at the age of 16 or 17 and I stayed a closeted atheist for nearly that whole time, waiting for the right time to announce my unbelief to the world. The right time would come soon, though. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
That’s when I found the CES Letter. It flipped everything I knew upside down and tore it to shreds. For those who have read it, I’m sure you know why. So many falsehoods and lies the church taught me since childhood, I couldn’t believe it. I had to find more. And so I did. My shelf crumbled at the age of 16 or 17 and I stayed a closeted atheist for nearly that whole time, waiting for the right time to announce my unbelief to the world. The right time would come soon, though. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
However, soon enough these questions grew to larger questions. Why can’t I see you God? Why haven’t you spoken to me? Why do you allow suffering? I delved into the scriptures, desperately looking for answers, but what I found was more troubling. Contradicting teachings everywhere I looked, strange beliefs and statements. This couldn’t be right, so I watched Conference talks as much as I could. But something stuck with me from one, he said to “doubt your doubts,” look not to the world but only church approved teachings. This struck me as strange, why should I avoid the worldly teachings if they’re so obviously false? Besides, if I couldn’t find answers within the church, where else would I look but outside of it? - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
However, soon enough these questions grew to larger questions. Why can’t I see you God? Why haven’t you spoken to me? Why do you allow suffering? I delved into the scriptures, desperately looking for answers, but what I found was more troubling. Contradicting teachings everywhere I looked, strange beliefs and statements. This couldn’t be right, so I watched Conference talks as much as I could. But something stuck with me from one, he said to “doubt your doubts,” look not to the world but only church approved teachings. This struck me as strange, why should I avoid the worldly teachings if they’re so obviously false? Besides, if I couldn’t find answers within the church, where else would I look but outside of it? - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
Initially, my struggles with the church started with the divorce. I blamed myself for it, even though I know I had no part in it, but even still it hurt me. I prayed every day and night asking for my family to be fixed and for Him to forgive me for whatever I’d done to make this happen. Years and years passed and I had no answers and only more questions had joined the fray. Why can I not drink coffee? Why can’t I have sex until I’m married? Simple questions a preteen would have with a growing mind. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
Initially, my struggles with the church started with the divorce. I blamed myself for it, even though I know I had no part in it, but even still it hurt me. I prayed every day and night asking for my family to be fixed and for Him to forgive me for whatever I’d done to make this happen. Years and years passed and I had no answers and only more questions had joined the fray. Why can I not drink coffee? Why can’t I have sex until I’m married? Simple questions a preteen would have with a growing mind. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
At times I feel I matured quickly, though I know I probably didn’t, as I had to be a rock for my siblings. Eventually we settled into our new life, and we grew up as normally as we could. I had taken up music as a Cellist just after the divorce and it proved to be an outlet I needed, and continues to be to this day. Years passed and at the age of 19, partially to avoid going on a mission and avoid repercussions from recently leaving the church, but mostly because I always wanted to, I joined the United States Army as an infantryman, and nearly 4 years later I still am. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
At times I feel I matured quickly, though I know I probably didn’t, as I had to be a rock for my siblings. Eventually we settled into our new life, and we grew up as normally as we could. I had taken up music as a Cellist just after the divorce and it proved to be an outlet I needed, and continues to be to this day. Years passed and at the age of 19, partially to avoid going on a mission and avoid repercussions from recently leaving the church, but mostly because I always wanted to, I joined the United States Army as an infantryman, and nearly 4 years later I still am. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
I had the standard Mormon life: church, Boy Scouts, growing and young family. However, at age 9 my parents decided to get a divorce and to this day I do not know all of the reasons, but I know part of it was my mom’s disillusionment with the Church. She left the church very soon after the divorce, and mine and my 3 siblings lives were thrown into turmoil. Growing up with two homes to live between, especially as the oldest, was difficult. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
I had the standard Mormon life: church, Boy Scouts, growing and young family. However, at age 9 my parents decided to get a divorce and to this day I do not know all of the reasons, but I know part of it was my mom’s disillusionment with the Church. She left the church very soon after the divorce, and mine and my 3 siblings lives were thrown into turmoil. Growing up with two homes to live between, especially as the oldest, was difficult. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
I am a musician and a friend to many. I was born and raised in the church to loving parents, that I can’t deny and never would. I am a Soldier. I am the atheist in the foxhole they claim doesn’t exist. I was a Mormon. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
I am a musician and a friend to many. I was born and raised in the church to loving parents, that I can’t deny and never would. I am a Soldier. I am the atheist in the foxhole they claim doesn’t exist. I was a Mormon. - Ian's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/greensockninja/
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/. There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/. There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
I consider myself Christian, but I’m relearning what that means. I am going to a community church with my children and I’m meeting regularly with a religion professor who has given me books to read. I love learning and I’m grateful that God has provided so many resources to continue to grow towards him! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I consider myself Christian, but I’m relearning what that means. I am going to a community church with my children and I’m meeting regularly with a religion professor who has given me books to read. I love learning and I’m grateful that God has provided so many resources to continue to grow towards him! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I now know God is bigger than the Mormon church. God’s love reaches all his children in what ever form they are willing to receive it. There is no “one true church.” That’s it. That’s as far as my testimony goes. I’m sure my testimony of Jesus Christ will change over time. My hope is that I continue believing in him and God. From the start of leaving the Mormon church, my greatest fear was to loose my spirituality which is based on Christ. Just like some believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas, I believe in Christ and the magic of Christianity. I don’t want to loose it or him! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I now know God is bigger than the Mormon church. God’s love reaches all his children in what ever form they are willing to receive it. There is no “one true church.” That’s it. That’s as far as my testimony goes. I’m sure my testimony of Jesus Christ will change over time. My hope is that I continue believing in him and God. From the start of leaving the Mormon church, my greatest fear was to loose my spirituality which is based on Christ. Just like some believe in Santa and the magic of Christmas, I believe in Christ and the magic of Christianity. I don’t want to loose it or him! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I had also been struggling with depression, and never feeling like I was good enough. I remember finally asking for contentment because I was on the brink of suicide. Once I had realized I had suicide ideation, I stopped praying for happiness and started praying for contentment. I think that’s why God gave me the answer he did about tithing. I no longer wanted to subscribe to the Mormons ways of finding happiness. I had tried them and they lead me into a viscous cycle of unattainable goals. My desires had changed and so God lead me to contentment. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I had also been struggling with depression, and never feeling like I was good enough. I remember finally asking for contentment because I was on the brink of suicide. Once I had realized I had suicide ideation, I stopped praying for happiness and started praying for contentment. I think that’s why God gave me the answer he did about tithing. I no longer wanted to subscribe to the Mormons ways of finding happiness. I had tried them and they lead me into a viscous cycle of unattainable goals. My desires had changed and so God lead me to contentment. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I don’t want to be a part of a church that recognizes their wrongs but makes no apologies. I don’t want to be a part of a church that actively marginalizes blacks and women by doing so. I have made my story very simple, but it is more complex. While in the church, I loved learning of its history and would come upon conflicting issues that I would justify and put away from myself so I could focus on being a good Mormon. Those conflicting issues did help me leave when God finally gave me a way out. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I don’t want to be a part of a church that recognizes their wrongs but makes no apologies. I don’t want to be a part of a church that actively marginalizes blacks and women by doing so. I have made my story very simple, but it is more complex. While in the church, I loved learning of its history and would come upon conflicting issues that I would justify and put away from myself so I could focus on being a good Mormon. Those conflicting issues did help me leave when God finally gave me a way out. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I’m surprised that the gospel topic essays don’t pull more people I know away. They try to be honest but are deceptive at the same time. The essays that bothered me most are on the priesthood and polygamy. I hurt for the blacks who lost their priesthood rights and succinctly family rights. Why does the church refuse to apologize for taking the priesthood away from blacks when they know Brigham Young was not God lead in doing so? I also grieve for early European immigrant converts who were told by missionaries that church didn’t practice polygamy only to find out after a life threatening journey to the Salt Lake valley that they do. I can’t imagine the pain those wives bore when their husbands agreed to practice polygamy and bring in new wives. It makes me want to vomit! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I’m surprised that the gospel topic essays don’t pull more people I know away. They try to be honest but are deceptive at the same time. The essays that bothered me most are on the priesthood and polygamy. I hurt for the blacks who lost their priesthood rights and succinctly family rights. Why does the church refuse to apologize for taking the priesthood away from blacks when they know Brigham Young was not God lead in doing so? I also grieve for early European immigrant converts who were told by missionaries that church didn’t practice polygamy only to find out after a life threatening journey to the Salt Lake valley that they do. I can’t imagine the pain those wives bore when their husbands agreed to practice polygamy and bring in new wives. It makes me want to vomit! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I was relieved to leave the many rules, policies and expectations of the Mormon church! Shortly after removing my garments, I remember attending a family birthday party and feeling like I could finally love and fully accept my family members who weren’t Mormon. I didn’t have to be a superior example or pray that someday they would except the church beliefs and live with the rest of us in a celestial kingdom for eternity. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I was relieved to leave the many rules, policies and expectations of the Mormon church! Shortly after removing my garments, I remember attending a family birthday party and feeling like I could finally love and fully accept my family members who weren’t Mormon. I didn’t have to be a superior example or pray that someday they would except the church beliefs and live with the rest of us in a celestial kingdom for eternity. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
Wow! What a great start to a snowball effect. If I don’t pay tithing, I can’t go to the temple. If I can’t go to the temple, I don’t have to wear my garments. If I don’t wear my garments during the week, should I be untruthful and wear them on Sunday? If I don’t wear my garments, other Mormons will be able to tell and judge me. I would rather not go to church and be judged. If I don’t go to the LDS church, then I can finally attend other churches. I would love to attend other churches! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
Wow! What a great start to a snowball effect. If I don’t pay tithing, I can’t go to the temple. If I can’t go to the temple, I don’t have to wear my garments. If I don’t wear my garments during the week, should I be untruthful and wear them on Sunday? If I don’t wear my garments, other Mormons will be able to tell and judge me. I would rather not go to church and be judged. If I don’t go to the LDS church, then I can finally attend other churches. I would love to attend other churches! - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I left because of a simple problem and a prayer asking for a solution for the problem. The answer I received in prayer did not match my taught expectations. All I wanted to know was “How should I pay tithing?” I expected to hear, “Make sure to pay 10% of your own income.” But instead I heard, “You do not need to pay any more money to this church.” - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
I left because of a simple problem and a prayer asking for a solution for the problem. The answer I received in prayer did not match my taught expectations. All I wanted to know was “How should I pay tithing?” I expected to hear, “Make sure to pay 10% of your own income.” But instead I heard, “You do not need to pay any more money to this church.” - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
My name is Erica and I was raised as a Mormon with pioneer ancestors from both parents. My favorite part about me is that I’m spiritual. I thought this made me a valuable Mormon, but as I explored the church history, I found out that personal revelation doesn’t keep you a member. The church no longer serves me in a healthy way. I was a Mormon. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/
My name is Erica and I was raised as a Mormon with pioneer ancestors from both parents. My favorite part about me is that I’m spiritual. I thought this made me a valuable Mormon, but as I explored the church history, I found out that personal revelation doesn’t keep you a member. The church no longer serves me in a healthy way. I was a Mormon. - Erica's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/ehaner/