"This church means everything to me. Everything. I don’t care what happens; I don’t care what price has to be paid, as painful as that can be; and as much as I don’t want to invite the test as much as I don’t want to sound arrogant, or self-confident, or filled with any kind of pride other than the love of the Lord – this church means everything to me. And I’m NOT going to leave it. And I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE IT." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle - wasmormon.org
"This church means everything to me. Everything. I don’t care what happens; I don’t care what price has to be paid, as painful as that can be; and as much as I don’t want to invite the test as much as I don’t want to sound arrogant, or self-confident, or filled with any kind of pride other than the love of the Lord – this church means everything to me. And I’m NOT going to leave it. And I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU LEAVE IT." Jeffrey R Holland, Mormon Apostle
Like many religions that evolved in isolation from significant predators, the dodo was entirely fearless of the internet. This fearlessness and its inability to reveal made the dodo easy prey for scholars. "I'm not an idiot, you know, I've read a couple of books and I've been to a pretty good school." Elder Jeffrey R Holland the Dodo.
Like many religions that evolved in isolation from significant predators, the dodo was entirely fearless of the internet. This fearlessness and its inability to reveal made the dodo easy prey for scholars. "I'm not an idiot, you know, I've read a couple of books and I've been to a pretty good school." Elder Jeffrey R Holland the Dodo.

Elder Holland’s Taffy-Pulled Devotional – Don’t You Dare Bail & Stay in the Boat!

Elder Jeffrey R Holland gave a fiery talk at a devotional in Tempe, Arizona in April 2016. Tempe Rescue This is a very dynamic address, and he’s quite emotionally charged about those who leave. Though charged, Holland does come off as more intelligent than in his BBC interview where he claims he’s neither an idiot …

Jeffrey R Holland’s BBC Interview – Transcript and Video Clips

As a result of a believing Mormon potentially leading the United States, there was increased scrutiny of the Mormon church. John Sweeny, of the BBC, interviewed LDS Apostle Jeffrey Holland for a program called ‘The Mormon Candidate’ which aired on BBC in 2012. Holland is caught in lies during the interview and resorts to claiming he’s neither an idiot or a dodo.

Cartoon representing Two centuries of Book of Mormon Historicity Debates from Sunstone Article. Two Centuries of Book of Mormon Historicity Debates 19th Century: Mormons use Native American and Mesoamerican ruins as evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Early 20th Century: Skeptics point out anachronisms in the Book of Mormon such as wheels and horses. Apologists search for archeological evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Mid-20th Century: The original Book of Abraham papyrus is discovered to actually be a funerary text, helping to throw more doubt on the ancient origins of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars propose a "limited geography" of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars begin looking for "Old World" parallels to the Book of Mormon. Late 20th Century: The LDS Church disciplines revisionist scholars. President Ezra Taft Benson's focus on the Book of Mormon initiates more scholarly attention and anti-Mormon polemics. FARMS counters attacks on the Book of Mormon. Early 21st Century: DNA studies seem to rule out Israelitish ancestry of Native Americans. The Internet spawns an explosion of critical and apologetic material.
Sunstone Article: Two Centuries of Book of Mormon Historicity Debates 19th Century: Mormons use Native American and Mesoamerican ruins as evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Early 20th Century: Skeptics point out anachronisms in the Book of Mormon such as wheels and horses. Apologists search for archeological evidence of Book of Mormon civilizations. Mid-20th Century: The original Book of Abraham papyrus is discovered to actually be a funerary text, helping to throw more doubt on the ancient origins of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars propose a "limited geography" of the Book of Mormon. Orthodox scholars begin looking for "Old World" parallels to the Book of Mormon. Late 20th Century: The LDS Church disciplines revisionist scholars. President Ezra Taft Benson's focus on the Book of Mormon initiates more scholarly attention and anti-Mormon polemics. FARMS counters attacks on the Book of Mormon. Early 21st Century: DNA studies seem to rule out Israelitish ancestry of Native Americans. The Internet spawns an explosion of critical and apologetic material.