Hi, my name is Troy.
I'm a scientist and professor. I enjoy traveling and cooking. I was a Mormon for 43 years.

About me
I was born into an orthodox LDS family on the east coast of the United States. I served a mission in South Korea, attended BYU, and married a wonderful woman in the DC Temple. I've served in elders' quorum presidencies and young men presidencies. My background in logic, science, and critical thinking eventually made it difficult to continue telling myself the lies that have to be told to remain aligned with the Mormon narrative. The November homophobic exclusion policy was the final straw. If the prophets could be SO wrong about something so vital, what else where they wrong about?? Several years later, I enjoy and appreciate other people and the world so much more than ever before. I still believe in God, still consider myself a Christian and, most importantly, haven't experienced a lack of connection with the divine that LDS leaders say will come to those who "fall away" from Mormonism.