Hi, I'm Sam.
I was a mormon.

About me
I was born to a Mormon family, and I was raised Mormon. I was an avid reader, and I read everything I could get my hands on, and when I got to the religious texts, I started to find inconsistencies.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I left the Mormon church because I was regularly treated unfairly, and they couldn't explain the inconsistencies in their religious texts. My peers would make up lies about me, like I was violent towards them in some way, or that I said cruel things that I would never say, and my leaders never tried to help. The last chance I gave the church was my last year at camp. I love camping more than I hate being surrounded by my Mormon teenage peers. Someone claimed I threatened to light the forest on fire, and I absolutely love nature, I would never hurt it. That and some other lies, got me kicked out of the one thing I tolerated my peers for. I don't understand why my peers would make up such blasphemy about me, and why the leaders didn't care enough to actually talk to the people I was talking to before kicking me out. And on my way out, they kept on lying to me, saying they loved me and other bullshit, acting as if I'm an idiot. I may be autistic, but I am absolutely not an idiot, I know when I'm being lied to.