Hi I’m Nancy
I was a golden convert. I was a mormon.

About me
I was a teenager about to enter my senior year in high school. At the time I had many friends converting to versions of Evangelical Christianity. I was a little skeptical of their teachings . I also had a friend who was Mormon. After a lot of discussion I agreed to the missionary lessons. I was skeptical of the Book of Mormon, it seemed like a significant portion of it was copied from the Kings Janes Bible. However Joseph Smiths first vision resonated with me because he was of similar age as me at the time and seeking the truth like I was. I agreed to be baptized because it was the only church that made sense to me. They also assured me that polygamy was no longer practiced, which would have been a dealbreaker.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
As time went by I learned I wasn’t told the full truth about polygamy when I discovered widowers ( but not widows) could have more than one wife in the hereafter. Then in college I learned the truth about The Book of Abraham. I knew it wasn’t an anti Mormon lie because I learned it in my Pearl of Great Price class. Over the years as more stuff piled on my proverbial faith shelf I came to decide that I didn’t need a true church, just a good one. Then the the treatment of LGBTQ people , backtracking on whether being gay was a choice and then not admitting the mistake, as well as the purity culture teaching that women who had sexual relationships before marriage were like chewed gum challenged even that. I finally had to admit it wasn’t a good church, much less a true one .
I came to this conclusion without reading/listening to anything critical of the church or challenging its truth claims. I’m a slow study but in 40+ years I finally made my way out.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'How did being Mormon affect your daily life?' by nancypantsy72 How did being Mormon affect your daily life? See more answers about 'How did being Mormon affect your daily life?'
Almost from the moment I was baptized I started to feel less than. First I was told my clothes were immodest. Then that I was too fat. ( I wasn’t . I was within normal weight for my height) I dieted got very thin and came down with an eating disorder. That was just the beginning.
#Link to this answer of 'Are you happy?' by nancypantsy72 Are you happy? See more answers about 'Are you happy?'
Unequivocally yes.