Hi, I'm JR
I was a mormon. I left 30 years ago. I am a musician & photographer.

About me
I was raised Mormon. My mother was very devout, but my father was what we call, a Jack Mormon. He really didn't care one way or the other. One day someone left the book 'God's Word, Final, Infallible and Forever' on my doorstep. I threw it in a corner and forgot about it. Then one day I picked it up. My world changed almost overnight. I started reading my trusty KJV Bible and it truly came to life before my eyes. I was sure some of the things I was reading weren't there before. Eventually, I got saved and was baptized in a local Baptist church. I played on the worship team for many years, was a Youth Leader, and numerous other ministries. I also was very much one of the local "anti-Mormons". I was jeered at. Threatened (by a return missionary non the less). But I continued trying to minister to Mormons. Admittedly as of late I just tired. I'm tired of the circular conversations and the refusing to listen I got. I know I shouldn't give in that easily so maybe this group will give me some much needed energy.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I left because it's a cult and it's history is filled with lies and deceptions. I believe Jesus Christ is my Savior and He is all I need for Salvation.