I was a Mormon and suffered prejudice for being Brazilian

About me
I visited several chapels in Europe, and all I saw was prejudice and racism against Black people, Latin Americans, Brazilians, and, surprisingly, even Russians! I met an American girl who was studying in Spain, the country where I live. She attended the same ward as I did, and due to our closeness, we started a friendship that eventually evolved into a relationship. Her parents did not approve of the relationship because I was Brazilian. I basically already had all the requirements that Mr. Prophet Russell M. Nelson sets for marriages between LDS (Latter-day Saints) members—that is, I had a stable financial life, respected the church’s doctrine, and respected the girl. But there was one point that disqualified me from marrying an American Mormon girl in the covenant: I wasn't “white enough” to marry a 21-year-old blonde girl with blue eyes and a charming smile, who followed the church's harmful doctrines.
Her father explicitly said I didn’t meet the standards to marry his daughter, even though she liked me. He said that if she married me, she would live in disgrace and would also bring the entire family into the “world of Satan.” This shattered my self-esteem because I felt like a sinner for not being as white as they required. If I, who don’t have dark skin, experienced this, I can only imagine what Black and Latin people go through.
Mr. Russell Nelson is a despicable racist who wants to impose his madness on the members. Long story short, I may have lost the person I loved most in life, and I recently found out that her family has already “arranged” a marriage with someone more “qualified” for her.
This is my story with this cursed sect."
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Because of the lies told to young Americans by church leaders, especially the "Saint" Russell Nelson
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?' by johnpaulsilva Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true? See more answers about 'Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?'
It wasn't just a science fiction book created by a charlatan to take money from people, Ernest Hemingway would write better fiction than Joseph Smith