Hello I am John
I was a mormon.

About me
I was a member of the Mormon church. I resigned twice, 33 years apart.
I live in Florida but grew up all over the country and travelled to over 60 countries, some with the military and others on my own, so I am pretty open to ideas/cultures and different religions and being so open minded was a reason I gave Mormonism a chance.
I had friends out of high school who were Mormons so naturally I joined Mormonism because their family invited me to do so, in 1990 I joined for social reasons but something did not feel right so I resigned in 1991 on my own.
In 2022 I had forgotten Mormonism I was online and hit a like on a FB ad and with in minutes someone sent me an unsolicited message that if I wanted to come to the church, I have been going on and off to a Christian church for the last 25 years so I thought well this could be good for me to go to another Christian church again, the FB ad was a red flag now I see it, I was baptized at the beginning of 2023 towards the end of 2023 I saw many toxic bad behavior from the bishop and my sister missionaries were very very aggressive to get me to join now I know why, the leaders push them to get numbers, I resigned again in 2023 after only seven months.
Now my mission in life is to expose the dark side of Mormonism to give people resources so they can see the truth. I built websites and joined ex Mormons and we go to Utah and Idaho twice a year to minister to Mormons and give them tools so if they decide to leave they know they have many options.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I left because I saw how toxic Mormonism is. I've been around the world and I saw a lot of good and bad but Mormonism tops the top five of toxic bad behavior that I've seen on this planet.
I left because of the sexism, racism, the pedophilia and sex cover up cases, the financial lies, this is a business masquerading as a religion to make a few old men like Rusty billionaires, I see the negative they have on people the extreme mind control and tactics to keep people in line like fear, shame and guilt and victim blaming.
I am a researcher and investigator and I collected alot of evidence and found out this was fone of the biggest scams that I have ever seen and not Christians at all, I learned about iJS and the history and John Dehlin opened my eyes thru his youtube videos, also the bad behavior of two people at my ward also made me leave quickly, this time around I was older and I understood things much better so I took Mormonism for a test drive and did not buy it and never again, as a convert it was difficult to see the lies so I can only imagine how hard it is for someone born into it.
Mormonism separates family friends and community if you decide to leave it, it does not act with compassion or help humanity in any way, it takes from the poor to give to the rich and is a corporation that just wants wealth and political/media power.
I dodged a bullet. I had just become an elder in 2023 and was about to start a calling but never did I resigned thru quitmormon and I am happy I did but sad for others that are still trapped in there.