Hi, I’m Grace
I was a Mormon. I enjoy traveling and camping

About me
I was a gay Mormon. I knew I was gay at age 9 and grew up being told my entire life that I was sinful. I denied who I was for years because I believed god hated people like me. I thought if I just didn’t accept what I was it would go away and I’d go to Heaven. I spent years “praying the gay” out of me with only more self hatred growing inside me.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
After a near suicide attempt at age 13, I started reading online “anti Mormon websites” to try and discover why god would hate me so much as to make me gay. As I read I discovered the ways the church harmed those like me, from excommunication to the conversion therapy led at BYU by elder oaks. As I kept reading I saw more and more that I was in a very very dark religious group. I mentally ran from the church shortly after, but was forced by my parents into Sunday attendance for another year. After that year ended I refused to step foot in a church building again, and so far have not. For another 6 months church members arrived on my doorstep with food, presents and letters begging me to return. To this day I still receive letters and gifts asking me to come back.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Has the church been dishonest with its own history?' by gracefoster25 Has the church been dishonest with its own history? See more answers about 'Has the church been dishonest with its own history?'
Absolutely. I was never taught most of the truth and lies instead.