Hi, I'm Corey
I'm a truth seeker who loves video games, sightseeing, hot tubs & pools. I was a Mormon.
About me
I was born into the Mormon church. I grew up in southern Idaho in a large family. Growing up, I was known for being kind, sincere and honest.
The Church was everything to me. The Church was my identity, my culture, my world view, my community, my connection to something bigger than myself, my morals and religion, my eternal plan for my life, in short, everything.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
In 2017, my wife and I had a severe falling-out with our Mormon bishop. I went online for help and went down the rabbit hole. This resulted in a faith crisis then a faith transition. Eventually, I resigned from the Mormon church in 2022. Link to my resignation essay: reddit.com/r/ExitStories/comments/18kh7p6/why_i_resigned/
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'How do you interpet your spiritual experiences in Mormonism?' by ceyre How do you interpet your spiritual experiences in Mormonism? See more answers about 'How do you interpet your spiritual experiences in Mormonism?'
I had written down my most important spiritual experiences on my mission. With this new knowledge of elevation emotion & frisson, and the knowledge I gained from studying Church history the previous 4 years, I used my critical thinking skills & evaluated my most influential spiritual experiences.
I was shocked & horrified to see that my spiritual experiences were not at all what I believed & had been taught in the Church. Almost all of my significant spiritual experiences were easily explained by elevation emotion, frisson, confirmation bias, & other things that had nothing to do with God, or the Spirit teaching me the truth. In short, my so-called spiritual experiences had betrayed me. As Anthony Miller said in his TEDx talk, my treasured spiritual experiences had confirmed the truthfulness of many things that were false or only partially true (youtube.com/…).
I also learned that my so-called spiritual experiences were not unique: to me or Mormonism. I learned this when I watched this YouTube video: youtube.com/…. Most people have the same so-called spiritual experiences about their religion that I had experienced with Mormonism. Most people believe that God has told them that their church is true & that God called them to join it.