Hi, i’m avery
I was a mormon

About me
Grew up mormon
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Bullied within church, religion used against me by family, don’t align with the teachings and beliefs
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith?' by averygo Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith? See more answers about 'Can you describe the type of faith you had prior to your loss of faith?'
Before I started questioning the church and its teachings, I applied its teachings to everything in my life. I suffer from mental illness, and fell into the delusion that everything was a sign from “God”. I held myself to a higher standard and forced myself to act certain ways, say certain things, and think certain things in order to view myself as worthy of the highest tier of heaven. If someone else was doing something that wasn’t “allowed”, I would unfortunately judge. I now know the only reason I judged was because I saw myself in what they were doing.