This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find René's full story at There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find René's full story at There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
"I'm so happy now. Fitness and aging gracefully are important to me so wearing 3 layers of clothing doesn't jive with respecting and adoring my healthy body. My husband took a minute to cross over to the new me and though he is a TBM he loves me for who I am." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I'm so happy now. Fitness and aging gracefully are important to me so wearing 3 layers of clothing doesn't jive with respecting and adoring my healthy body. My husband took a minute to cross over to the new me and though he is a TBM he loves me for who I am." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I started an Instagram @gograydame to express my freedom and to acknowledge that getting old is my only option and I intend to live it to the fullest! I began a podcast under the umbrella of Mormon Discussions (, I only interview women where we discuss the freedom of leaving this misogynistic cult and finding our selfs!" - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I started an Instagram @gograydame to express my freedom and to acknowledge that getting old is my only option and I intend to live it to the fullest! I began a podcast under the umbrella of Mormon Discussions (, I only interview women where we discuss the freedom of leaving this misogynistic cult and finding our selfs!" - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"My last and sixth child was born when I was 32 and his traumatic birth and resulting disabilities formed my future path. My severely disabled child died on Christmas day 2022, he was 37. I had resigned my membership 3 years prior from exhaustion and increased knowledge." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"My last and sixth child was born when I was 32 and his traumatic birth and resulting disabilities formed my future path. My severely disabled child died on Christmas day 2022, he was 37. I had resigned my membership 3 years prior from exhaustion and increased knowledge." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"Patriarchy loomed large and obvious as I watched my husbands life thrive and mature with his career and his church positions. I was an eternal mother with diapers and snack bags." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"Patriarchy loomed large and obvious as I watched my husbands life thrive and mature with his career and his church positions. I was an eternal mother with diapers and snack bags." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I believed Joseph Smith was a prophet and the Book of Mormon but had no historical background and just believed what I was told. I pushed limits and poo-pooed rules that I knew were man made but still obeyed. I took out my second and third piercing and didn't get the tattoo I wanted so badly in the 90's. I was too busy to do anything but routine given to me." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I believed Joseph Smith was a prophet and the Book of Mormon but had no historical background and just believed what I was told. I pushed limits and poo-pooed rules that I knew were man made but still obeyed. I took out my second and third piercing and didn't get the tattoo I wanted so badly in the 90's. I was too busy to do anything but routine given to me." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I married a return missionary in the Salt Lake Temple and became a stay at home mom to six children. When my frontal cortex matured and I really began to form my own self, it was too late." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I married a return missionary in the Salt Lake Temple and became a stay at home mom to six children. When my frontal cortex matured and I really began to form my own self, it was too late." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I was twelve when my mother and stepfather joined the Mormon church. My older brother and I had no choice in the matter but I thought the young Elder missionary was so cute, who could say no? I grew up in a family of Methodists so much of the religion didn't seem strange to a me as a child. I was a Mormon." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
"I was twelve when my mother and stepfather joined the Mormon church. My older brother and I had no choice in the matter but I thought the young Elder missionary was so cute, who could say no? I grew up in a family of Methodists so much of the religion didn't seem strange to a me as a child. I was a Mormon." - René's 'I was a Mormon' story |
“Come over and help us; teach us our errors; convince us of our delusions, if we have any; set us in the good old paths of ancient Christianity if we are not already walking therein; take us by the hand and lead us into the light, if you consider us in darkness; prove to us that the Book of Mormon is an imposition that we may be justified in rejecting it; convince us that a plurality of wives is contrary to the gospel.” - Orson Pratt, LDS Apostle, The Seer, May 1853 |
“Come over and help us; teach us our errors; convince us of our delusions, if we have any; set us in the good old paths of ancient Christianity if we are not already walking therein; take us by the hand and lead us into the light, if you consider us in darkness; prove to us that the Book of Mormon is an imposition that we may be justified in rejecting it; convince us that a plurality of wives is contrary to the gospel.” - Orson Pratt, LDS Apostle, The Seer, May 1853
“Convince us of our errors of doctrine, if we have any, by reason, by logical arguments, or by the Word of God, and we will be ever grateful for the information.” - Joseph Smith, Nauvoo, July 12th 1843 Celestial Marriage: A Revelation on the Patriarchal Order of Matrimony or Plurality of Wives. Published in 'The Seer', January 1853, Volume 1 Number 1, by Orson Pratt |
“Convince us of our errors of doctrine, if we have any, by reason, by logical arguments, or by the Word of God, and we will be ever grateful for the information.” - Joseph Smith, Nauvoo, July 12th 1843 Celestial Marriage: A Revelation on the Patriarchal Order of Matrimony or Plurality of Wives. Published in 'The Seer', January 1853, Volume 1 Number 1, by Orson Pratt
"To those searching for truth – not the truth of dogma and darkness but the truth brought by reason, search, examination, and inquiry, discipline is required. For faith, as well-intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction – faith in fiction is a damnable false hope." - Thomas Edison |
"To those searching for truth – not the truth of dogma and darkness but the truth brought by reason, search, examination, and inquiry, discipline is required. For faith, as well-intentioned as it may be, must be built on facts, not fiction – faith in fiction is a damnable false hope." - Thomas Edison
King: I know that the Church is opposed to gay marriage. HINCKLEY: Yes. KING: Do you have an alternative? Do you like the idea of civil unions? HINCKLEY: Well, we're not anti-gay. We are pro-family. Let me put it that way. And we love these people and try to work with them and help them. We know they have a problem. We want to help them solve that problem. President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004 |
King: I know that the Church is opposed to gay marriage.HINCKLEY: Yes.KING: Do you have an alternative? Do you like the idea of civil unions?HINCKLEY: Well, we're not anti-gay. We are pro-family. Let me put it that way.And we love these people and try to work with them and help them. We know they have a problem. We want to help them solve that problem.President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004
Larry King: You are the prophet, right? Does that mean that, according to the church canon, the Lord speaks through you? Hinckley “I think he makes his will manifest, yes.” Larry King: So if you change things, that's done by an edict given to you. How do you receive it? Hinckley: “Yes, sir. Well, various ways. It isn't necessarily a voice heard. Impressions come.” - President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004 |
Larry King: You are the prophet, right? Does that mean that, according to the church canon, the Lord speaks through you? Hinckley “I think he makes his will manifest, yes.” Larry King: So if you change things, that's done by an edict given to you. How do you receive it? Hinckley: “Yes, sir. Well, various ways. It isn't necessarily a voice heard. Impressions come.” - President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004
KING: A problem they caused, or they were born with? HINCKLEY: I don't know. I'm not an expert on these things. I don't pretend to be an expert on these things. The fact is, they have a problem. KING: Do you favor some sort of state union? HINCKLEY: Well, we want to be very careful about that, because that - whatever may lead to gay marriage, we're not in favor of. President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004 |
KING: A problem they caused, or they were born with?HINCKLEY: I don't know. I'm not an expert on these things. I don't pretend to be an expert on these things. The fact is, they have a problem.KING: Do you favor some sort of state union?HINCKLEY: Well, we want to be very careful about that, because that - whatever may lead to gay marriage, we're not in favor of.President Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2004
"KING: President Hinckley, though, couldn't He have prevented this? HINCKLEY: Oh, I suppose so. I believe he's all powerful, yes. I don't know His will. I don't know how He operates. His wisdom is greater than mine. He sees beyond what I see." - President and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2001 regarding 9/11
"KING: President Hinckley, though, couldn't He have prevented this?HINCKLEY: Oh, I suppose so. I believe he's all powerful, yes. I don't know His will. I don't know how He operates. His wisdom is greater than mine. He sees beyond what I see." - President and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley on Larry King Live in 2001 regarding 9/11
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the church. I served a mission in Everett, Washington. I married my wife in the Temple. I always felt I had a strong connection with God. I was a Mormon. The Mormon church’s teachings are, and always have been, centered on the same Jesus Christ that we read about in the New Testament. I don’t know that the whole religion is a cult. But there are wards, families, and communities that have become cults within the religion. Leader worship is a thing in the LDS church. I don’t necessarily think the higher ups promote it, but the culture of church members does. If a bishop or leader says something, whether factual or opinion, it is regarded as absolute doctrine. My wife was raised to believe that her father was given the “gift if discernment”, and that he had the ability to know any persons true intentions and whether they were good or bad. All members of the family, extended family included, would always go to him to inquire about if significant others were worthy or not. He would claim visions. He and his wife would control my wifes life, and attempt to make all of her decisions, claiming they received revelation for her. We are conditioned to worship priesthood holders, and this leads to cult-like behavior. After a series of events, my eyes were opened. I don’t care to speak about the doctrine of the church, because I don’t know how much I still believe. But what I do know is the LDS church is, and always has been, corrupt. Troy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I can't even list everything that pushed me to resign, but those are a few of them. It occurred to me that I had more integrity than the "Only True" church I had been brought up in, because when I was made aware of their lies and atrocities I refused to be associated with them any longer. I left because the church is not true: plain and simple. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I can't even list everything that pushed me to resign, but those are a few of them. It occurred to me that I had more integrity than the "Only True" church I had been brought up in, because when I was made aware of their lies and atrocities I refused to be associated with them any longer. I left because the church is not true: plain and simple. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I found out that a bishop (Sam Young) had been excommunicated partly for his insistence on ending 1-on-1 interviews between grown men and children ( The Gospel Topic Essays told mixed truths after decades of leaving crucial pieces of history out of Sunday School lessons. The temple ordinances changed and members were told not to speak about them despite the trauma that those changes and the previous ordinances inflicted. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I found out that a bishop (Sam Young) had been excommunicated partly for his insistence on ending 1-on-1 interviews between grown men and children ( The Gospel Topic Essays told mixed truths after decades of leaving crucial pieces of history out of Sunday School lessons. The temple ordinances changed and members were told not to speak about them despite the trauma that those changes and the previous ordinances inflicted. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
After watching my husband become a happier, more confident person as he stepped further & further away from the Mormon church, I realized my entire life had been based on a lie. I promptly had an identity crisis and began experiencing a painful yet beautiful transition of faith. Ultimately, I found that I am a healthier, happier, more empathetic person outside of the Mormon church and I have never looked back. Life is so much better when you get to choose how you live it. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
After watching my husband become a happier, more confident person as he stepped further & further away from the Mormon church, I realized my entire life had been based on a lie. I promptly had an identity crisis and began experiencing a painful yet beautiful transition of faith. Ultimately, I found that I am a healthier, happier, more empathetic person outside of the Mormon church and I have never looked back. Life is so much better when you get to choose how you live it. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My family has Mormon ties on both sides going back to the early days of the church. We have a history of abuse, undiagnosed mental illnesses and disorders, enmeshment, breeding fetishes, blood atonement, pharisaical behavior, lack of boundaries, and overall dysfunction, all in the name of God. And I'm only just beginning to work on breaking all of those cycles moving forward. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My family has Mormon ties on both sides going back to the early days of the church. We have a history of abuse, undiagnosed mental illnesses and disorders, enmeshment, breeding fetishes, blood atonement, pharisaical behavior, lack of boundaries, and overall dysfunction, all in the name of God. And I'm only just beginning to work on breaking all of those cycles moving forward. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was the obnoxious kid in Sunday School who knew all the answers, the overzealous girl in Young Women who volunteered to help with all of the projects. I was the one who actually did know church history and was totally okay with Joseph Smith marrying children, and I even stated that I would also marry a prophet at age 14 if "God asked me to". I wasted hours and hours of my life indexing for Family Search. Graduating from seminary was more important to me than getting a High School diploma. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was the obnoxious kid in Sunday School who knew all the answers, the overzealous girl in Young Women who volunteered to help with all of the projects. I was the one who actually did know church history and was totally okay with Joseph Smith marrying children, and I even stated that I would also marry a prophet at age 14 if "God asked me to". I wasted hours and hours of my life indexing for Family Search. Graduating from seminary was more important to me than getting a High School diploma. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Almost daily as a child, I repeated words that my parents curated for my siblings and I, as we aspired to be "the Elect" in the Mormon church: "We are children of imperfect parents who love us and who strive to raise in truth and righteousness. Our goal in being taught at home is to prepare ourselves spiritually and temporally to be worthy and productive members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also, to be positive influences in the world, to be good and active citizens, and to face all trials and temptations with steadfastness in Christ, having faith that we will live together as an eternal family." - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Almost daily as a child, I repeated words that my parents curated for my siblings and I, as we aspired to be "the Elect" in the Mormon church: "We are children of imperfect parents who love us and who strive to raise in truth and righteousness. Our goal in being taught at home is to prepare ourselves spiritually and temporally to be worthy and productive members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also, to be positive influences in the world, to be good and active citizens, and to face all trials and temptations with steadfastness in Christ, having faith that we will live together as an eternal family." - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the Mormon church, blessed as a baby, baptized at 8, married at 19. I was homeschooled in a fundie-like community and raised to believe that my highest purpose in life was to get married and have "as many babies as the Lord would give me". I was a Mormon. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I was born and raised in the Mormon church, blessed as a baby, baptized at 8, married at 19. I was homeschooled in a fundie-like community and raised to believe that my highest purpose in life was to get married and have "as many babies as the Lord would give me". I was a Mormon. - Shaylee's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
“The principle spoken upon by brother Pratt, this morning [plural marriage], we believe in. And I tell you—for I know it—it will sail over and ride triumphantly above all the prejudice and priestcraft of the day: it will be fostered and believed in by the more intelligent portion of the world as one of the best doctrines ever proclaimed to any people.” - Brigham Young |
“The principle spoken upon by brother Pratt, this morning [plural marriage], we believe in. And I tell you—for I know it—it will sail over and ride triumphantly above all the prejudice and priestcraft of the day: it will be fostered and believed in by the more intelligent portion of the world as one of the best doctrines ever proclaimed to any people.” - Brigham Young
“It was the first time in my life that I had desired the grave, and I could hardly get over it for a long time. And when I saw a funeral, I felt to envy the corpse its situation, and to regret that I was not in the coffin, knowing the toil and labor that my body would have to undergo.” - Brigham Young on his feelings when Joseph Smith privately introduced the principle of plural marriage to him as a divine commandment |
“It was the first time in my life that I had desired the grave, and I could hardly get over it for a long time. And when I saw a funeral, I felt to envy the corpse its situation, and to regret that I was not in the coffin, knowing the toil and labor that my body would have to undergo.” - Brigham Young on his feelings when Joseph Smith privately introduced the principle of plural marriage to him as a divine commandment
“The exact number of women to whom [Joseph Smith] was sealed in his lifetime is unknown because the evidence is fragmentary. *Careful estimates put the number between 30 and 40.” - Gospel Topic Essay: Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo, LDS Church |
“The exact number of women to whom [Joseph Smith] was sealed in his lifetime is unknown because the evidence is fragmentary. *Careful estimates put the number between 30 and 40.” - Gospel Topic Essay: Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo, LDS Church
"What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one. I am the same man." - Joseph Smith, LDS Church Founder and Mormon Prophet - Testimony Against the Dissenters at Nauvoo, in May 1844 |
"What a thing it is for a man to be accused of committing adultery, and having seven wives, when I can only find one. I am the same man." - Joseph Smith, LDS Church Founder and Mormon Prophet - Testimony Against the Dissenters at Nauvoo, in May 1844
"If one portion of the doctrines of the Church is true, the whole of them are true. If the doctrine of polygamy, as revealed to the Latter-day Saints, is not true, I would not give a fig for all your other revelations that came through Joseph Smith the Prophet; I would renounce the whole of them, because it is utterly impossible, according to the revelations that are contained in these books, to believe a part of them to be divine—from God—and part of them to be from the devil." - LDS Apostle Orson Pratt | wasmormon.rg
"If one portion of the doctrines of the Church is true, the whole of them are true. If the doctrine of polygamy, as revealed to the Latter-day Saints, is not true, I would not give a fig for all your other revelations that came through Joseph Smith the Prophet; I would renounce the whole of them, because it is utterly impossible, according to the revelations that are contained in these books, to believe a part of them to be divine—from God—and part of them to be from the devil." - LDS Apostle Orson Pratt
"Out of sheer spite, I found an exmo YouTube channel and binged it. That was the beginning of the end. I have since read the CES letter, read various biographies and writings of exmos. I have begun thinking for myself. I have let my children think for themselves. And we are happier than ever. My joy is mine to determine. My life is in my own hands." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"Out of sheer spite, I found an exmo YouTube channel and binged it. That was the beginning of the end. I have since read the CES letter, read various biographies and writings of exmos. I have begun thinking for myself. I have let my children think for themselves. And we are happier than ever. My joy is mine to determine. My life is in my own hands." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"After I discovered my then-husband's "dark secret life" (his words for explaining his interests in other women). When I left him, no one gave a fuck. No one visited. No one called. Not the bish. Not his counselors. Not the RS or missionaries or elders quorum. Not my own mother. I went through my divorce fumbling alone. I lived in squalor, a tiny 600sq ft 2bedroom apartment for me and my three kids. No one offered help. No one visited. No one cared. I was so pissed!!! Why had I wasted so much time, effort, money, on an institution that didn't care about me." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"After I discovered my then-husband's "dark secret life" (his words for explaining his interests in other women). When I left him, no one gave a fuck. No one visited. No one called. Not the bish. Not his counselors. Not the RS or missionaries or elders quorum. Not my own mother. I went through my divorce fumbling alone. I lived in squalor, a tiny 600sq ft 2bedroom apartment for me and my three kids. No one offered help. No one visited. No one cared. I was so pissed!!! Why had I wasted so much time, effort, money, on an institution that didn't care about me." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"I never knew anything other than mormon life. So much praying! The mormon church told me how to dress, how to eat, what to eat, what to drink, what I could not drink. They told me when I could date and who I was allowed to date. My days, my weeks were planned with all mormon activity at the church, the temple, or "reactivating" the less-active. I had to give 10% of my income, instead of taking my children to a movie or circus. It was in every aspect of my life. Including my sex life!" - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"I never knew anything other than mormon life. So much praying! The mormon church told me how to dress, how to eat, what to eat, what to drink, what I could not drink. They told me when I could date and who I was allowed to date. My days, my weeks were planned with all mormon activity at the church, the temple, or "reactivating" the less-active. I had to give 10% of my income, instead of taking my children to a movie or circus. It was in every aspect of my life. Including my sex life!" - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"I had blind, trusting faith. I was taught the Prophet was unfalible. I was taught that stake presidents and bishops were always inspired. I had faith of a child. I asked questions but was told so many times to "just stop". So I asked questions quietly, apologizing for my lack of faith." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
"I had blind, trusting faith. I was taught the Prophet was unfalible. I was taught that stake presidents and bishops were always inspired. I had faith of a child. I asked questions but was told so many times to "just stop". So I asked questions quietly, apologizing for my lack of faith." - Freidom's "I was a Mormon" story at
We have basic cornerstones on which this great latter- day Church has been established by the Lord and built, “fitly framed together.” They are absolutely fundamental to this work—the very foundation, anchors on which it stands... The second cornerstone is the First Vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith... Without it as a foundation stone for our faith and organization, we have nothing... It is an essential foundation stone, a cornerstone, without which the Church could not be “fitly framed together.” - Gordon B. Hinckley regarding the First Vision |
We have basic cornerstones on which this great latter- day Church has been established by the Lord and built, “fitly framed together.” They are absolutely fundamental to this work—the very foundation, anchors on which it stands... The second cornerstone is the First Vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith... Without it as a foundation stone for our faith and organization, we have nothing... It is an essential foundation stone, a cornerstone, without which the Church could not be “fitly framed together.” - Gordon B. Hinckley regarding the First Vision
"One evening we were sitting till quite late conversing upon the subject of the diversity of churches that had risen up in the world and the many thousand opinions in existence as to the truths contained in scripture. Joseph never said many words upon any subject but always seemed to reflect more deeply than common persons of his age upon everything of a religious nature. After we ceased conversation, he went to bed and was pondering in his mind which of the churches was the true one. But he had not lain there long till he saw a bright light enter the room where he lay. He looked up and saw an angel of the Lord standing by him. The angel spoke: ‘I perceive that you are inquiring in your mind which is the true church. There is not a true church on earth-no, not one-and has not been since Peter took the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood after the order of God into the kingdom of heaven. The churches that are now upon the earth are all man-made churches. There is a record for you, Joseph, but you cannot get it until you learn to keep the commandments of God, for it is not to get gain, but it is to bring forth that light and intelligence which has been long lost in the earth. Now, Joseph, beware or when you go to get the plates, your mind will be filled with darkness and all manner of evil will rush into your mind to prevent you from keeping the commandments of God. You must tell your father of this, for he will believe every word you say. The record is on a side of the hill of Cumorah, three miles from this place. Remove the grass and moss, and you will find the record under it, lying on four pillars of cement." - Lucy Mack Smith, Preliminary Manuscript, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet |
"The angel spoke: ‘I perceive that you are inquiring in your mind which is the true church. There is not a true church on earth-no, not one-and has not been since Peter took the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood after the order of God into the kingdom of heaven. The churches that are now upon the earth are all man-made churches. There is a record for you, Joseph, but you cannot get it until you learn to keep the commandments of God, for it is not to get gain, but it is to bring forth that light and intelligence which has been long lost in the earth. Now, Joseph, beware or when you go to get the plates, your mind will be filled with darkness and all manner of evil will rush into your mind to prevent you from keeping the commandments of God. You must tell your father of this, for he will believe every word you say. The record is on a side of the hill of Cumorah, three miles from this place. Remove the grass and moss, and you will find the record under it, lying on four pillars of cement." - Lucy Mack Smith, Preliminary Manuscript, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet
"One evening we were sitting till quite late conversing upon the subject of the diversity of churches that had risen up in the world and the many thousand opinions in existence as to the truths contained in scripture. Joseph never said many words upon any subject but always seemed to reflect more deeply than common persons of his age upon everything of a religious nature. After we ceased conversation, he went to bed and was pondering in his mind which of the churches was the true one. But he had not lain there long till he saw a bright light enter the room where he lay. He looked up and saw an angel of the Lord standing by him. The angel spoke: ‘I perceive that you are inquiring in your mind which is the true church. There is not a true church on earth-no, not one-and has not been since Peter took the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood after the order of God into the kingdom of heaven. The churches that are now upon the earth are all man-made churches. There is a record for you, Joseph, but you cannot get it until you learn to keep the commandments of God, for it is not to get gain, but it is to bring forth that light and intelligence which has been long lost in the earth. Now, Joseph, beware or when you go to get the plates, your mind will be filled with darkness and all manner of evil will rush into your mind to prevent you from keeping the commandments of God. You must tell your father of this, for he will believe every word you say. The record is on a side of the hill of Cumorah, three miles from this place. Remove the grass and moss, and you will find the record under it, lying on four pillars of cement." - Lucy Mack Smith, Preliminary Manuscript, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet |
"One evening we were sitting till quite late conversing upon the subject of the diversity of churches that had risen up in the world and the many thousand opinions in existence as to the truths contained in scripture. Joseph never said many words upon any subject but always seemed to reflect more deeply than common persons of his age upon everything of a religious nature. After we ceased conversation, he went to bed and was pondering in his mind which of the churches was the true one. But he had not lain there long till he saw a bright light enter the room where he lay. He looked up and saw an angel of the Lord standing by him." - Lucy Mack Smith, Preliminary Manuscript, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet
"During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined: he would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent; their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, and their buildings, with every particular; he would describe their warfare, as also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life with them." - Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph Smith's Mother |
"During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined: he would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent; their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, and their buildings, with every particular; he would describe their warfare, as also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life with them." - Lucy Mack Smith, Joseph Smith's Mother
“Our family presented an aspect as singular as any that ever lived upon the face of the earth all seated in a circle father mother sons and daughters and giving the most profound attention to a boy eighteen years of age who had never read the Bible through in his life” - Lucy Mack Smith, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet, 1853 |
“Our family presented an aspect as singular as any that ever lived upon the face of the earth all seated in a circle father mother sons and daughters and giving the most profound attention to a boy eighteen years of age who had never read the Bible through in his life” - Lucy Mack Smith, Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet, and his progenitors for many generations, by Lucy Smith, Mother of the Prophet, 1853