Church Misrepresents Offering Church Buildings as Shelters for California Fire Victims

In the wake of the recent California wildfires, the LDS Church has made headlines in their own new publications claiming that they have made their meetinghouses available as shelters for those affected. However, evidence suggests that no LDS chapels have actually been used as shelters, raising questions about whether the church is engaging in media …

"When I ask for more missionaries, I am not asking for more testimony-barren or unworthy missionaries. I am asking that we start earlier and train our missionaries better in every branch and every ward in the world. That is another challenge—that the young people will understand that it is a great privilege to go on a mission and that they must be physically well, mentally well, spiritually well, and that “the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. I am asking for missionaries who have been carefully indoctrinated and trained through the family and the organizations of the Church, and who come to the mission with a great desire. I am asking for better interviews, more searching interviews, more sympathetic and understanding interviews, but especially that we train prospective missionaries much better, much earlier, much longer, so that each anticipates his mission with great joy." - Spencer W. Kimball, 1974 |
"When I ask for more missionaries, I am not asking for more testimony-barren or unworthy missionaries. I am asking that we start earlier and train our missionaries better in every branch and every ward in the world. That is another challenge—that the young people will understand that it is a great privilege to go on a mission and that they must be physically well, mentally well, spiritually well, and that “the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. I am asking for missionaries who have been carefully indoctrinated and trained through the family and the organizations of the Church, and who come to the mission with a great desire. I am asking for better interviews, more searching interviews, more sympathetic and understanding interviews, but especially that we train prospective missionaries much better, much earlier, much longer, so that each anticipates his mission with great joy." - Spencer W. Kimball, 1974

Church Indoctrination Is The Goal

Spencer W. Kimball, LDS Church President from 1973–1985. He gave an address soon after becoming the church president at a Regional Representatives Seminar where he asked for indoctrination. While the term “indoctrination” may seem neutral in some contexts, its use here is a red flag, suggesting a deliberate effort to mold individuals into unwavering adherents …

"In 1890, the Lord told Wilford Woodruff, the President of the Church, that men should not marry more than one wife anymore. The leaders of the Church shared this commandment with the Saints. This is still the Lord’s commandment today—a man should be married to only one wife." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"In 1890, the Lord told Wilford Woodruff, the President of the Church, that men should not marry more than one wife anymore. The leaders of the Church shared this commandment with the Saints. This is still the Lord’s commandment today—a man should be married to only one wife." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"For many years, some of the Saints were asked to be in plural marriages. People outside the Church did not like plural marriage. They made laws against it. Some Saints, including Church leaders, were put in prison. But the Lord blessed the families who obeyed His commandments, even when it was hard." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"For many years, some of the Saints were asked to be in plural marriages. People outside the Church did not like plural marriage. They made laws against it. Some Saints, including Church leaders, were put in prison. But the Lord blessed the families who obeyed His commandments, even when it was hard." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"Brigham Young and his wife Mary Ann prayed a lot to the Lord about what to do. They learned that they should obey the commandment of plural marriage." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"Brigham Young and his wife Mary Ann prayed a lot to the Lord about what to do. They learned that they should obey the commandment of plural marriage." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"Joseph taught the Twelve Apostles about plural marriage. It was a hard commandment for them too." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"Joseph taught the Twelve Apostles about plural marriage. It was a hard commandment for them too." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"This commandment was also hard for Joseph’s first wife, Emma. Sometimes, Emma helped Joseph decide who he should ask to marry him. Other times, Emma did not want Joseph to marry other women." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"This commandment was also hard for Joseph’s first wife, Emma. Sometimes, Emma helped Joseph decide who he should ask to marry him. Other times, Emma did not want Joseph to marry other women." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"A few years later, the Lord told Joseph to marry other women. Joseph didn’t want to marry other wives. But he knew it was a commandment from the Lord. When Joseph asked a woman to marry him, he told her to pray about it. He wanted her to know from the Lord that it was right." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"A few years later, the Lord told Joseph to marry other women. Joseph didn’t want to marry other wives. But he knew it was a commandment from the Lord. When Joseph asked a woman to marry him, he told her to pray about it. He wanted her to know from the Lord that it was right." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"The Lord said that usually a man should have only one wife. But sometimes the Lord commanded His people to be in marriages of one man and more than one woman. This was called plural marriage. The Lord told Joseph that His people should only be in plural marriages if He commands it." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"The Lord said that usually a man should have only one wife. But sometimes the Lord commanded His people to be in marriages of one man and more than one woman. This was called plural marriage. The Lord told Joseph that His people should only be in plural marriages if He commands it." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
"While the Prophet Joseph was studying the Bible, he read about prophets like Abraham and Moses who had been married to more than one wife. Joseph wondered how the Lord felt about that. So he decided to ask the Lord." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard |
"While the Prophet Joseph was studying the Bible, he read about prophets like Abraham and Moses who had been married to more than one wife. Joseph wondered how the Lord felt about that. So he decided to ask the Lord." - LDS Scripture Stories, Doctrine and Covenants: 1831–1890 Plural Marriage Faith to obey a law from the Lord even when it's hard
“Joseph’s polygamy came from his own creative mind, never from God. Eternal polygamy never was and never will be a reality. Please have peace of mind. Please sleep well. Please give this awful Ghost not one more ounce of your energy. That is the message I wish I could give to every one of my sisters and brothers in this church of ours, this splendid church that yet carries in its doctrine an error. It’s an error that is not just bothersome, but—for believers—potentially poisonous.” - Carol Lynn Pearson, author of 'The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy' |
“Joseph’s polygamy came from his own creative mind, never from God. Eternal polygamy never was and never will be a reality. Please have peace of mind. Please sleep well. Please give this awful Ghost not one more ounce of your energy. That is the message I wish I could give to every one of my sisters and brothers in this church of ours, this splendid church that yet carries in its doctrine an error. It’s an error that is not just bothersome, but—for believers—potentially poisonous.” - Carol Lynn Pearson, author of 'The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy'
“This new Primary lesson demonstrates that leaders of our church are determined that polygamy retain its place in history as a commandment of God. They are teaching that our place as members will always be to follow what the brethren tell us God says, no matter the dictates of our minds and hearts.” - Carol Lynn Pearson, author of 'The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy' |
“This new Primary lesson demonstrates that leaders of our church are determined that polygamy retain its place in history as a commandment of God. They are teaching that our place as members will always be to follow what the brethren tell us God says, no matter the dictates of our minds and hearts.” - Carol Lynn Pearson, author of 'The Ghost of Eternal Polygamy'
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
It was a traumatic experience finding the truth. But I can say that I'm a lot happier now that I can be my authentic self, and not live by the standards of a Church who hoards billions of dollars while there's people starving in the world. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
It was a traumatic experience finding the truth. But I can say that I'm a lot happier now that I can be my authentic self, and not live by the standards of a Church who hoards billions of dollars while there's people starving in the world. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
When you dig into the real history you'll find that what the Church teaches is not how it all went. Joseph Smith was a con artist who claimed to be able to find hidden treasures and (illegally) charged people for it. You find that there is no evidence of the Nephites and Lamanites. That the book of Abraham came from a papyrus containing the Book of Breathings which has nothing to do with Abraham (the word Abraham doesn't even appear on it) It became obvious that Joseph Smith made it all up. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
When you dig into the real history you'll find that what the Church teaches is not how it all went. Joseph Smith was a con artist who claimed to be able to find hidden treasures and (illegally) charged people for it. You find that there is no evidence of the Nephites and Lamanites. That the book of Abraham came from a papyrus containing the Book of Breathings which has nothing to do with Abraham (the word Abraham doesn't even appear on it) It became obvious that Joseph Smith made it all up. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
It was all about the truth claims for me. The Church claims to be "the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole Earth" led by Jesus himself. They teach that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus after an earnest prayer. They teach that the Book of Mormon is a real history of the American Indians, who came from a family in Jerusalem. They teach that the book of Abraham is a real scripture... - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
It was all about the truth claims for me. The Church claims to be "the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole Earth" led by Jesus himself. They teach that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus after an earnest prayer. They teach that the Book of Mormon is a real history of the American Indians, who came from a family in Jerusalem. They teach that the book of Abraham is a real scripture... - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I joined the Church in Italy at the age of 9. My mom was a single mom of 3 children. Myself and 2 sisters. I was a firm believer till I learned about the "problems" with the Church and its history on my mission in England. I was a Mormon. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I joined the Church in Italy at the age of 9. My mom was a single mom of 3 children. Myself and 2 sisters. I was a firm believer till I learned about the "problems" with the Church and its history on my mission in England. I was a Mormon. - Exmodad's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
The CES letter says, "How could it have been expected of me and any other member to know about and to embrace the rock in the hat translation when even two faithful full-time professors of religion at BYU rejected it as a fictitious lie meant to undermine Joseph Smith and the truth claims of the restoration." How can it be expected of people when they do feel that they were taught something opposite of what the truth seems to be? “What he says is true. But, to complain that people taught him the truth, taught him error, when they believed it is the truth, what else should they teach him? They believed it was true, so they did their best to tell, teach him that. As it turned out, they were wrong. So as a mature person, you just have to be willing to change your views on things as new information comes along.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast |
The CES letter says, "How could it have been expected of me and any other member to know about and to embrace the rock in the hat translation when even two faithful full-time professors of religion at BYU rejected it as a fictitious lie meant to undermine Joseph Smith and the truth claims of the restoration." How can it be expected of people when they do feel that they were taught something opposite of what the truth seems to be? “What he says is true. But, to complain that people taught him the truth, taught him error, when they believed it is the truth, what else should they teach him? They believed it was true, so they did their best to tell, teach him that. As it turned out, they were wrong. So as a mature person, you just have to be willing to change your views on things as new information comes along.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast
The whole [seer stone translation] scene is made to appear ludicrous. The CES letter says these are crazy things, and you're saying they're not as ludicrous as they may seem. Why is that? “This is an old Mormon embarrassment, that the seer stone was something that had to be obscured, because it was degrading to think of Joseph Smith as a treasure seeker. That, I think, is a mistaken historical outlook... In 1834, E. D. Howe published a book in which he trotted out all the evidence he could find from the neighbors that the Smiths were practicing money digging. And this was to discredit them. And I think that's the first time that the smiths began to feel like this is something to be embarrassed about. And they began to change the story... And so ever since then, we've been embarrassed by something, and for the Smiths, it was part of everyday life. It wasn't embarrassing at all. In fact, it probably played a large part in their ability to accept the gold plates as legitimate.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast |
The whole [seer stone translation] scene is made to appear ludicrous. The CES letter says these are crazy things, and you're saying they're not as ludicrous as they may seem. Why is that? “This is an old Mormon embarrassment, that the seer stone was something that had to be obscured, because it was degrading to think of Joseph Smith as a treasure seeker. That, I think, is a mistaken historical outlook... In 1834, E. D. Howe published a book in which he trotted out all the evidence he could find from the neighbors that the Smiths were practicing money digging. And this was to discredit them. And I think that's the first time that the smiths began to feel like this is something to be embarrassed about. And they began to change the story... And so ever since then, we've been embarrassed by something, and for the Smiths, it was part of everyday life. It wasn't embarrassing at all. In fact, it probably played a large part in their ability to accept the gold plates as legitimate.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast
What was the purpose of the plates if they lay covered on the table while the translation commenced and proceeded? “We don't really have an answer, but they are important... their presence is significant. The problem is we don't know the technology of revealed translation. It's like the Book of Abraham manuscripts. That scholarship seems to show that what was on the scrolls we actually have is not what's in the Book of Abraham. And so the scrolls are like the plates. They're present, but they are not really containing the message. So there's some kind of stimulus or provocation or something that starts the revelatory process... I think it's an error for us to try to figure out how that really works. It's a couple of centuries ahead of us in engineering knowledge.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast |
What was the purpose of the plates if they lay covered on the table while the translation commenced and proceeded? “We don't really have an answer, but they are important... their presence is significant. The problem is we don't know the technology of revealed translation. It's like the Book of Abraham manuscripts. That scholarship seems to show that what was on the scrolls we actually have is not what's in the Book of Abraham. And so the scrolls are like the plates. They're present, but they are not really containing the message. So there's some kind of stimulus or provocation or something that starts the revelatory process... I think it's an error for us to try to figure out how that really works. It's a couple of centuries ahead of us in engineering knowledge.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast
I think that may make some people nervous, that the church is trying to cover up the truth. How would you help them through something that might cause dissonance like that? “You just have to accept the fact that they didn't want to be made to look silly. Who wants to be made to look silly? So, if Joseph's associated with the wrong class of people, you do your best to make him look better. It wasn't a real lie. It was just subordinating, or retelling the story. Who doesn't retell the stories of their lives to make them look better?” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast |
I think that may make some people nervous, that the church is trying to cover up the truth. How would you help them through something that might cause dissonance like that? “You just have to accept the fact that they didn't want to be made to look silly. Who wants to be made to look silly? So, if Joseph's associated with the wrong class of people, you do your best to make him look better. It wasn't a real lie. It was just subordinating, or retelling the story. Who doesn't retell the stories of their lives to make them look better?” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast
Some people may have concerns that the history was changed or that the narrative was changed a little bit. How would you help those people recognize the history and what is actually true and how to determine what is changed of the narrative or what is the actual truth of it? “It was changed. The Smiths immediately began trying to bury the fact. Joseph Smith played down his treasure seeking background as just a little episode which Josiah Stowell, just dismissed as something; Lucy Mack did the same. And what's significant is from the Book of Commandments to the Doctrine and Covenants, they changed one of the revelations to insert the word Urim and Thummim. See that's acceptable, desirable, versus seer stone. The church was trying to cover up, in that case, Joseph Smith's involvement with treasure seeking.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast |
Some people may have concerns that the history was changed or that the narrative was changed a little bit. How would you help those people recognize the history and what is actually true and how to determine what is changed of the narrative or what is the actual truth of it? “It was changed. The Smiths immediately began trying to bury the fact. Joseph Smith played down his treasure seeking background as just a little episode which Josiah Stowell, just dismissed as something; Lucy Mack did the same. And what's significant is from the Book of Commandments to the Doctrine and Covenants, they changed one of the revelations to insert the word Urim and Thummim. See that's acceptable, desirable, versus seer stone. The church was trying to cover up, in that case, Joseph Smith's involvement with treasure seeking.” - Richard Bushman, LDS Historian | Interview on CES Letters (Study & Faith) Podcast

Richard Bushman, Mormon Historian, Concedes to CES Letter Truths on CES Letters Podcast

Richard Bushman concedes to many points Jeremy Runnells brought up in the CES Letter in a discussion on the CES Letters podcast. CES Letters has no affiliation with the CES Letter, but is the latest attempt to debunk it. Richard Bushman is asked a series of questions stemming from the CES Letter, and responds to …

"No fair-minded person can deny that the massacre was the result of the teachings of Brigham Young, and that the Mormons in church council decided that the emigrants should be killed as they were afterwards killed." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19 |
"No fair-minded person can deny that the massacre was the result of the teachings of Brigham Young, and that the Mormons in church council decided that the emigrants should be killed as they were afterwards killed." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19
"I claim that Brigham Young is the real criminal, and that John D. Lee was an instrument in his hands. That Brigham Young used John D. Lee, as the assassin uses the dagger, to strike down his unsuspecting victim; and as the assassin throws away the dagger, to avoid its bloody blade leading to his detection, so Brigham Young used John D. Lee to do his horrid work; and when discovery becomes unavoidable, he hurls Lee from him, cuts him away from the Church, and casts him far out into the whirlpool of destruction. The assassin has no further use for his weapon. I also claim that if religious fanaticism can clear a man from crime, that John D. Lee was guiltless, for he was one of the most intensely fanatical Mormons that infested Utah in 1857. But I do not claim that the fact of his being a fanatic and blinded believer of Brigham Young's so-called revelations excused him — far from it." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19 |
"I claim that Brigham Young is the real criminal, and that John D. Lee was an instrument in his hands. That Brigham Young used John D. Lee, as the assassin uses the dagger, to strike down his unsuspecting victim; and as the assassin throws away the dagger, to avoid its bloody blade leading to his detection, so Brigham Young used John D. Lee to do his horrid work; and when discovery becomes unavoidable, he hurls Lee from him, cuts him away from the Church, and casts him far out into the whirlpool of destruction. The assassin has no further use for his weapon. I also claim that if religious fanaticism can clear a man from crime, that John D. Lee was guiltless, for he was one of the most intensely fanatical Mormons that infested Utah in 1857. But I do not claim that the fact of his being a fanatic and blinded believer of Brigham Young's so-called revelations excused him — far from it." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19