"No fair-minded person can deny that the massacre was the result of the teachings of Brigham Young, and that the Mormons in church council decided that the emigrants should be killed as they were afterwards killed." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19 | wasmormon.org
"No fair-minded person can deny that the massacre was the result of the teachings of Brigham Young, and that the Mormons in church council decided that the emigrants should be killed as they were afterwards killed." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19
"I claim that Brigham Young is the real criminal, and that John D. Lee was an instrument in his hands. That Brigham Young used John D. Lee, as the assassin uses the dagger, to strike down his unsuspecting victim; and as the assassin throws away the dagger, to avoid its bloody blade leading to his detection, so Brigham Young used John D. Lee to do his horrid work; and when discovery becomes unavoidable, he hurls Lee from him, cuts him away from the Church, and casts him far out into the whirlpool of destruction. The assassin has no further use for his weapon. I also claim that if religious fanaticism can clear a man from crime, that John D. Lee was guiltless, for he was one of the most intensely fanatical Mormons that infested Utah in 1857. But I do not claim that the fact of his being a fanatic and blinded believer of Brigham Young's so-called revelations excused him — far from it." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19 | wasmormon.org
"I claim that Brigham Young is the real criminal, and that John D. Lee was an instrument in his hands. That Brigham Young used John D. Lee, as the assassin uses the dagger, to strike down his unsuspecting victim; and as the assassin throws away the dagger, to avoid its bloody blade leading to his detection, so Brigham Young used John D. Lee to do his horrid work; and when discovery becomes unavoidable, he hurls Lee from him, cuts him away from the Church, and casts him far out into the whirlpool of destruction. The assassin has no further use for his weapon. I also claim that if religious fanaticism can clear a man from crime, that John D. Lee was guiltless, for he was one of the most intensely fanatical Mormons that infested Utah in 1857. But I do not claim that the fact of his being a fanatic and blinded believer of Brigham Young's so-called revelations excused him — far from it." - William W. Bishop, Confidential Attorney of John D. Lee. Mormonism Unveiled; The life and confessions of the late Mormon bishop, John D. Lee. Introduction, Page 19
“I am told there are some of the brethren who are willing to swear against those who were engaged in that affair. I hope there is no truth in this report. I hope there is no such person here, under the sound of my voice. But if there is, I will tell him my opinion of him, and the fact so far as his fate is concerned. Unless he repent at once of that unholy intention, and keep the secret, he will die a dog's death, and go to hell. I must not hear of any treachery among my people.” - Brigham Young, Cedar City, Speaking of the Mountain Meadows Massacre | wasmormon.org
“I am told there are some of the brethren who are willing to swear against those who were engaged in that affair. I hope there is no truth in this report. I hope there is no such person here, under the sound of my voice. But if there is, I will tell him my opinion of him, and the fact so far as his fate is concerned. Unless he repent at once of that unholy intention, and keep the secret, he will die a dog's death, and go to hell. I must not hear of any treachery among my people.” - Brigham Young, Cedar City, Speaking of the Mountain Meadows Massacre
"The Mormons courageously performed their part of the blood bath, after which they took binding oaths to stand by each other, and to always swear that the massacre was committed by Indians alone. This was the advice of Brigham." - John D. Lee, Participant in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Excommunicated by Brigham Young & Executed by US Marshalls | wasmormon.org
"The Mormons courageously performed their part of the blood bath, after which they took binding oaths to stand by each other, and to always swear that the massacre was committed by Indians alone. This was the advice of Brigham." - John D. Lee, Participant in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Excommunicated by Brigham Young & Executed by US Marshalls
"Read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and heart. As you pray to your Father in Heaven and diligently seek Him within the pages of the Book of Mormon, He will reveal the truth to you in His time and His way. He directed the creation and preservation of this record to fulfill His holy purpose, and you are an important part of that purpose. May you find God on these pages and discover His messages to you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 5 | wasmormon.org
"Read the Book of Mormon with an open mind and heart. As you pray to your Father in Heaven and diligently seek Him within the pages of the Book of Mormon, He will reveal the truth to you in His time and His way. He directed the creation and preservation of this record to fulfill His holy purpose, and you are an important part of that purpose. May you find God on these pages and discover His messages to you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 5
"In this book, you will learn of faithful, courageous people who received light and knowledge from heaven. They believed in God. They had faith in Jesus Christ, even centuries before He was born. They made great sacrifices for their faith. They also made mistakes. But they obtained redemption from their sins. And they risked their lives to share the true doctrine of Jesus Christ with others and then preserve His teachings for future generations, including you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 4 | wasmormon.org
"In this book, you will learn of faithful, courageous people who received light and knowledge from heaven. They believed in God. They had faith in Jesus Christ, even centuries before He was born. They made great sacrifices for their faith. They also made mistakes. But they obtained redemption from their sins. And they risked their lives to share the true doctrine of Jesus Christ with others and then preserve His teachings for future generations, including you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 4
"It’s called the Book of Mormon because an ancient prophet named Mormon compiled centuries of writings from other prophets into one book. It is subtitled ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ’ because it bears powerful witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to earth to suffer and die for the sins of the world—including yours. He wants to heal you of your sins, make you whole again, and prepare you for eternal life with your Heavenly Father." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 3 | wasmormon.org
"It’s called the Book of Mormon because an ancient prophet named Mormon compiled centuries of writings from other prophets into one book. It is subtitled ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ’ because it bears powerful witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came to earth to suffer and die for the sins of the world—including yours. He wants to heal you of your sins, make you whole again, and prepare you for eternal life with your Heavenly Father." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 3
"Since the beginning of time, God has spoken to His children all over the world. Often they have recorded their experiences and God’s messages to inspire future generations to choose good instead of evil and come to know their Father in Heaven. Some of these records are lost to time. Others may yet be found. One such record was buried in a hillside in around A.D. 400 on the North American continent. Its location was revealed by an angel in 1823. It was translated into modern language by the gift and power of God. That record is the Book of Mormon." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 2 | wasmormon.org
"Since the beginning of time, God has spoken to His children all over the world. Often they have recorded their experiences and God’s messages to inspire future generations to choose good instead of evil and come to know their Father in Heaven. Some of these records are lost to time. Others may yet be found. One such record was buried in a hillside in around A.D. 400 on the North American continent. Its location was revealed by an angel in 1823. It was translated into modern language by the gift and power of God. That record is the Book of Mormon." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 2
"God is your Heavenly Father. He loves you, and there is so much He wants to teach you. He wants you to understand the purpose of your life. He wants to guide you back to His presence. Part of His plan for doing all that was to make this book available to you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 1 | wasmormon.org
"God is your Heavenly Father. He loves you, and there is so much He wants to teach you. He wants you to understand the purpose of your life. He wants to guide you back to His presence. Part of His plan for doing all that was to make this book available to you." - New Book of Mormon App Introduction, Paragraph 1
"Mr. Cowdery expressed a desire to associate himself with a Methodist Protestant Church of this city. Rev. John Souder and myself were appointed a committee to wait on Mr. Cowdery and confer with him respecting his connection with Mormonism and the Book of Mormon. We accordingly waited on Mr. Cowdery at his residence in Tiffin, and there learned his connection, from him, with that order, and his full and final renunciation thereof... He arose and addressed the audience present, admitted his error and implored forgiveness, and said he was sorry and ashamed of his connection with Mormonism." - Oliver Cowdery, Witness of The Gold Plates | wasmormon.org
"Mr. Cowdery expressed a desire to associate himself with a Methodist Protestant Church of this city. Rev. John Souder and myself were appointed a committee to wait on Mr. Cowdery and confer with him respecting his connection with Mormonism and the Book of Mormon. We accordingly waited on Mr. Cowdery at his residence in Tiffin, and there learned his connection, from him, with that order, and his full and final renunciation thereof... He arose and addressed the audience present, admitted his error and implored forgiveness, and said he was sorry and ashamed of his connection with Mormonism." - Oliver Cowdery, Witness of The Gold Plates
“If you believe my testimony to the Book of Mormon; if you believe that God spake to us three witnesses by his own voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to separate myself from among the Latter Day Saints.” - David Whitmer, Witness of The Golden Plates | wasmormon.org
“If you believe my testimony to the Book of Mormon; if you believe that God spake to us three witnesses by his own voice, then I tell you that in June, 1838, God spake to me again by his own voice from the heavens, and told me to separate myself from among the Latter Day Saints.” - David Whitmer, Witness of The Golden Plates
[John Murphy]: “I heard you saw an angel. I never saw one. I want your description of [the] shape, voice...” [David Whitmer]: “It had no appearance or shape.” [Murphy]: “Then you saw nothing nor heard nothing?” [Whitmer]: “Nothing, in the way you understand it.” [Murphy]: “How, then, could you have borne testimony that you saw and heard an angel?” [Whitmer]: “Have you never had impressions?” [Murphy]: “Then you had impressions as the Quaker when the spirit moves, or as a good Methodist in giving a happy experience, a feeling?” [Whitmer]: “Just so.” - David Whitmer, Witness of The Golden Plates | wasmormon.org
[John Murphy]: “I heard you saw an angel. I never saw one. I want your description of [the] shape, voice...” [David Whitmer]: “It had no appearance or shape.” [Murphy]: “Then you saw nothing nor heard nothing?” [Whitmer]: “Nothing, in the way you understand it.” [Murphy]: “How, then, could you have borne testimony that you saw and heard an angel?” [Whitmer]: “Have you never had impressions?” [Murphy]: “Then you had impressions as the Quaker when the spirit moves, or as a good Methodist in giving a happy experience, a feeling?” [Whitmer]: “Just so.” - David Whitmer, Witness of The Golden Plates
"I was well acquainted with Martin Harris, who was often at my house for days at a time. I have questioned him much about the plates from which the “Book of Mormon” purports to have been translated. He never claimed to have seen them with his natural eyes, only spiritual vision." - Reuben P. Harmon, a neighbor of Martin Harris in Kirtland, Ohio | Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates | wasmormon.org
"I was well acquainted with Martin Harris, who was often at my house for days at a time. I have questioned him much about the plates from which the “Book of Mormon” purports to have been translated. He never claimed to have seen them with his natural eyes, only spiritual vision." - Reuben P. Harmon, a neighbor of Martin Harris in Kirtland, Ohio | Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates
"A sensible and religious gentleman in Palmyra put the following question to Harris: 'Did you see these plates?' Harris replied that he did. 'But did you see the plates and the engravings on them with your bodily eyes?' Harris replied, 'Yes, I saw them with my eyes; there were shown unto me by the power of God, and not of man.' 'But did you see them with your natural, bodily eyes, just as you see this pencil case in my hand? Now say no or yes to this.' Harris replied, 'I did not see them as I do that pencil case, yet I saw them with the eye of faith; I saw them just as distinctly as I see anything around me, though at the time they were covered over with a cloth.'" - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates | wasmormon.org
"A sensible and religious gentleman in Palmyra put the following question to Harris: 'Did you see these plates?' Harris replied that he did. 'But did you see the plates and the engravings on them with your bodily eyes?' Harris replied, 'Yes, I saw them with my eyes; there were shown unto me by the power of God, and not of man.' 'But did you see them with your natural, bodily eyes, just as you see this pencil case in my hand? Now say no or yes to this.' Harris replied, 'I did not see them as I do that pencil case, yet I saw them with the eye of faith; I saw them just as distinctly as I see anything around me, though at the time they were covered over with a cloth.'" - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates
Martin was in the office when I [John H. Gilbert, typesetter for most of the Book of Mormon] finished setting up the testimony of the three witnesses, I said to him, “Martin, did you see those plates with your naked eyes?” Martin looked down for an instant, raised his eyes up, and said, “No, I saw them with a spiritual eye.” - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates | wasmormon.org
Martin was in the office when I [John H. Gilbert, typesetter for most of the Book of Mormon] finished setting up the testimony of the three witnesses, I said to him, “Martin, did you see those plates with your naked eyes?” Martin looked down for an instant, raised his eyes up, and said, “No, I saw them with a spiritual eye.” - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates
Stephen Burnett claimed that Martin Harris denied having seen the plates “with his natural eyes.” Citing the language of the revelation, Burnett asserted that to see by God’s power meant that the witnesses viewed the plates only “in vision or imagination.” Harris felt misrepresented and immediately attempted to clarify his earlier statement. Struggling to put the transcendent experience into words, he stated, according to Burnett, that he saw the plates as if he “saw a city through a mountain.” - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates | wasmormon.org
Stephen Burnett claimed that Martin Harris denied having seen the plates “with his natural eyes.” Citing the language of the revelation, Burnett asserted that to see by God’s power meant that the witnesses viewed the plates only “in vision or imagination.” Harris felt misrepresented and immediately attempted to clarify his earlier statement. Struggling to put the transcendent experience into words, he stated, according to Burnett, that he saw the plates as if he “saw a city through a mountain.” - Martin Harris, Witness of the Gold Plates
"Be it known... that we... have seen the plates. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify... an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the grace of God... that we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes." - Testimony of Three Witnesses Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer | wasmormon.org
"Be it known... that we... have seen the plates. And we also know that they have been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us; wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify... an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the grace of God... that we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes." - Testimony of Three Witnesses Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer

How To Leave the Mormon Church

There are many reasons someone might decide to quit the Mormon Church, often stemming from a deep desire for authenticity, integrity, and personal freedom. For some, the decision arises after discovering inconsistencies in the church’s foundational narratives, such as the lack of evidence for the Book of Mormon or the troubling aspects of Joseph Smith’s …

QuitMormon Offers Free Legal Assistance For Mormons Who Want To Resign

Mark Naugle, an immigration attorney from Orem, UT, is the creator of QuitMormon.com, a free service that helps members resign from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His involvement in this effort was not initially planned but was influenced by his own personal experience. When Naugle was 15, his family, after conducting their …