I was born-in-the-covenant, lived in Utah my whole life, returned missionary to England. I hold an M.Ed. and a cum laude B.S. in Education; both education degrees are from BYU. I married in the Provo temple and held a myriad of callings. I have always had an extremely strong conscience that kept me on the straight and narrow path, always striving to do right, and never rebelling. I was a Mormon. - Dianne's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/dianne-ormond/
I was born-in-the-covenant, lived in Utah my whole life, returned missionary to England. I hold an M.Ed. and a cum laude B.S. in Education; both education degrees are from BYU. I married in the Provo temple and held a myriad of callings. I have always had an extremely strong conscience that kept me on the straight and narrow path, always striving to do right, and never rebelling. I was a Mormon. - Dianne's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/dianne-ormond/
Anytime an organization's operational budget is primarily made up of tax-free donations, from my perspective, they have an ethical obligation to be transparent about their finances. The reason why they have tried for so long to keep these portfolios under wraps, is because they are concerned that it would lower people's willingness to pay tithing. - Ryan McKnight, Government Regulator & Founder of Mormon Leaks. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
Anytime an organization's operational budget is primarily made up of tax-free donations, from my perspective, they have an ethical obligation to be transparent about their finances. The reason why they have tried for so long to keep these portfolios under wraps, is because they are concerned that it would lower people's willingness to pay tithing. - Ryan McKnight, Government Regulator & Founder of Mormon Leaks. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
It makes me feel pretty nauseous, to be quite honest, because although it's good to see a church investing funds in blue chip investments, that has to be balanced against how those funds could be used to benefit the lives of individuals and families. Even if it were only individuals and families within the church, a lot of people who are suffering could have their suffering alleviated if instead instead of diverting those monies into investment, they invested in individuals and families. - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon, Bishop, Free-thinker - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
It makes me feel pretty nauseous, to be quite honest, because although it's good to see a church investing funds in blue chip investments, that has to be balanced against how those funds could be used to benefit the lives of individuals and families. Even if it were only individuals and families within the church, a lot of people who are suffering could have their suffering alleviated if instead instead of diverting those monies into investment, they invested in individuals and families. - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon, Bishop, Free-thinker - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
We knew they had plenty of money, but we always assumed the money was just being used for good, charitable purposes. That's the messaging that you receive through the church anyway. It wasn't a gift, it was extorted out of us, and I want that acknowledged. I want it acknowledged that I did not give that money willingly. I gave it because I had to, and I don't believe the rubbish their peddling. I want my tithing money back. - Trevor and Sue Given, Australian Ex-Mormons, seeking refund of donations to Mormon church - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
We knew they had plenty of money, but we always assumed the money was just being used for good, charitable purposes. That's the messaging that you receive through the church anyway. It wasn't a gift, it was extorted out of us, and I want that acknowledged. I want it acknowledged that I did not give that money willingly. I gave it because I had to, and I don't believe the rubbish their peddling. I want my tithing money back. - Trevor and Sue Given, Australian Ex-Mormons, seeking refund of donations to Mormon church - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
The Mormon church will have you to believe that it's a religion that dabbles in business, but the evidence clearly shows that they are a business dabbling in religion, 100 percent. We uncovered, in terms of dollar value, even if you go on the conservative end of it, the church are clearly without a doubt, the wealthiest single landowner in the United States. There's no no question about it. Nobody comes even close. - Ryan McKnight, Government Regulator & Founder of Mormon Leaks. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
The Mormon church will have you to believe that it's a religion that dabbles in business, but the evidence clearly shows that they are a business dabbling in religion, 100 percent. We uncovered, in terms of dollar value, even if you go on the conservative end of it, the church are clearly without a doubt, the wealthiest single landowner in the United States. There's no no question about it. Nobody comes even close. - Ryan McKnight, Government Regulator & Founder of Mormon Leaks. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
In Canada, there's a charities directorate and I was able to see the full financial information. I was floored. I was like, holy cow, why don't I see qualified donations for the Red Cross or the Food Bank? I was like, what the heck!? $100 million donated to BYU? They've manipulated not only the general membership, but they've duped governments. - Nigel Kennet, a Canadian accountant, was working on the books of a church of a different faith, when he saw how much their members gave to charity. So, he looked into the Mormon's books, and was stunned by where their donations were going. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
In Canada, there's a charities directorate and I was able to see the full financial information. I was floored. I was like, holy cow, why don't I see qualified donations for the Red Cross or the Food Bank? I was like, what the heck!? $100 million donated to BYU? They've manipulated not only the general membership, but they've duped governments. - Nigel Kennet, a Canadian accountant, was working on the books of a church of a different faith, when he saw how much their members gave to charity. So, he looked into the Mormon's books, and was stunned by where their donations were going. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
The church is taking away the government's ability to fund health care, and education, and provide other essential services. They've done it at the expense of taxpayer dollars. There's definitely been a change in [my] perspective. The church teaches that the temple should always be a focal point in your life. The temple has become a physical reminder of greed for me. - Nigel Kennet, a Canadian accountant, was working on the books of a church of a different faith, when he saw how much their members gave to charity. So, he looked into the Mormon's books, and was stunned by where their donations were going. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
The church is taking away the government's ability to fund health care, and education, and provide other essential services. They've done it at the expense of taxpayer dollars. There's definitely been a change in [my] perspective. The church teaches that the temple should always be a focal point in your life. The temple has become a physical reminder of greed for me. - Nigel Kennet, a Canadian accountant, was working on the books of a church of a different faith, when he saw how much their members gave to charity. So, he looked into the Mormon's books, and was stunned by where their donations were going. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
Why does God, God of Miracles, require all this money? With its preponderantly corporate structure, what else is it going to do? It's going to bring money in like a vacuum cleaner, to benefit the shareholders. That's what it does. When you join the dots, this seems to be a pattern of behavior that doesn't really favor the church very well in how it looks as a church. - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon, Bishop, Free-thinker - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
Why does God, God of Miracles, require all this money? With its preponderantly corporate structure, what else is it going to do? It's going to bring money in like a vacuum cleaner, to benefit the shareholders. That's what it does. When you join the dots, this seems to be a pattern of behavior that doesn't really favor the church very well in how it looks as a church. - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon, Bishop, Free-thinker - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
If people knew that the church had a hundred billion dollars, and they weren't putting it to any use, they would be less inclined to continue donating to the church. A lot of members of the Mormon church have been clamoring to get their tithing back. People are upset about this, they know that the ethics are not Christ's ethics. [The church has] billions of dollars in Apple, and in fossil fuel burning companies, and energy companies. All of these vehicles, you wouldn't think, are what churches would invest in. So that rattled people, and then the lack of activity in doing something that that money is designed to be used for. Nothing religious educational or charitable. Small community congregationalist type churches shouldn't be subjected to a severe burden of reporting. But giga churches have to. There are mega churches in this country, maybe there are a few in Canada too, but in this country, there is one giga church, and it's the Mormon Church. - Lars Nielsen, Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
If people knew that the church had a hundred billion dollars, and they weren't putting it to any use, they would be less inclined to continue donating to the church. A lot of members of the Mormon church have been clamoring to get their tithing back. People are upset about this, they know that the ethics are not Christ's ethics. [The church has] billions of dollars in Apple, and in fossil fuel burning companies, and energy companies. All of these vehicles, you wouldn't think, are what churches would invest in. So that rattled people, and then the lack of activity in doing something that that money is designed to be used for. Nothing religious educational or charitable. Small community congregationalist type churches shouldn't be subjected to a severe burden of reporting. But giga churches have to. There are mega churches in this country, maybe there are a few in Canada too, but in this country, there is one giga church, and it's the Mormon Church. - Lars Nielsen, Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
There is in [Canada's] tax system a loophole that says if it's used for educational purposes that benefit Canadians outside of Canada, then you can use the money that way. They rationalize, oh, well maybe one percent of BYU is Canadian. They say as long as it's benefiting anyone who is Canadian at BYU... Even if it benefits one student. [My brother] started to hear that the leaders of the Mormon Church were saying things like, not one penny of tithing money was being used to build the City Creek Mall. That, blatantly wasn't true. He had seen the journal ledgers, he had been in on these conversations, he knew that 1.4 billion dollars had been spent to shore up the the City Creek Mall. If they do something that's illegal, I'm going to call them out on it because that's the right thing to do, and they taught me that. - Lars Nielsen, Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
There is in [Canada's] tax system a loophole that says if it's used for educational purposes that benefit Canadians outside of Canada, then you can use the money that way. They rationalize, oh, well maybe one percent of BYU is Canadian. They say as long as it's benefiting anyone who is Canadian at BYU... Even if it benefits one student. [My brother] started to hear that the leaders of the Mormon Church were saying things like, not one penny of tithing money was being used to build the City Creek Mall. That, blatantly wasn't true. He had seen the journal ledgers, he had been in on these conversations, he knew that 1.4 billion dollars had been spent to shore up the the City Creek Mall. If they do something that's illegal, I'm going to call them out on it because that's the right thing to do, and they taught me that. - Lars Nielsen, Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
The [prosperity gosepl] idea is, if you bring your tithing to God, that he will open the windows of heaven and you will have everything that you need. That is false. Jesus never taught that. It's not the way that the scripture should be interpreted. That's the way that Mormon culture interprets it. When you build out these complex corporate structures, you do it for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to hide. I observed that when there's money and the accumulation of wealth involved, truth and transparency often take a back seat. - Josh Bigley, Canadian Ex-mormon Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
The [prosperity gosepl] idea is, if you bring your tithing to God, that he will open the windows of heaven and you will have everything that you need. That is false. Jesus never taught that. It's not the way that the scripture should be interpreted. That's the way that Mormon culture interprets it. When you build out these complex corporate structures, you do it for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to hide. I observed that when there's money and the accumulation of wealth involved, truth and transparency often take a back seat. - Josh Bigley, Canadian Ex-mormon Whistleblower - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
I'm bisexual, I'm not straight. I don't struggle with same-sex attraction, I struggle with people who struggle with my same-sex attraction. [Being bisexual at BYU] is absolutely awful. Because anyone can report you to the honor code office. That's the reality for queer students—we all live with that fear. They allow this atmosphere of homophobia to permeate. - Jeannie Williams, a Bisexual BYU Student. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
I'm bisexual, I'm not straight. I don't struggle with same-sex attraction, I struggle with people who struggle with my same-sex attraction. [Being bisexual at BYU] is absolutely awful. Because anyone can report you to the honor code office. That's the reality for queer students—we all live with that fear. They allow this atmosphere of homophobia to permeate. - Jeannie Williams, a Bisexual BYU Student. The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
Starting in 2007, the Mormon Church in Canada began moving mass amounts of money to BYU. The biggest year on record, was 2016, when almost 110 million dollars was gifted to the university. That was nearly 70 percent of all the tithing money collected that year by the Canadian Church... More than one billion dollars, donated by Mormons, all eligible for tax deductions for those donations. When you add it all up, those deductions cost the Canadian treasury as much as 280 million dollars. In an emailed statement to The Fifth Estate, the church said, it is using a legitimate and well-known tax provision to transfer money to BYU and points out more donations were retained and used in Canada than the U.S. We crunched the numbers, since 2007, 46 percent of Canadian tithing money left the country. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
Starting in 2007, the Mormon Church in Canada began moving mass amounts of money to BYU. The biggest year on record, was 2016, when almost 110 million dollars was gifted to the university. That was nearly 70 percent of all the tithing money collected that year by the Canadian Church... More than one billion dollars, donated by Mormons, all eligible for tax deductions for those donations. When you add it all up, those deductions cost the Canadian treasury as much as 280 million dollars. In an emailed statement to The Fifth Estate, the church said, it is using a legitimate and well-known tax provision to transfer money to BYU and points out more donations were retained and used in Canada than the U.S. We crunched the numbers, since 2007, 46 percent of Canadian tithing money left the country. - The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022
Compared to other religions or Christian denominations, [the LDS church] is actually not a very charitable entity. It doesn't spend a lot of money out there. It doesn't create hospitals, it doesn't create social welfare, it doesn't do soup kitchens, that kind of thing. There's a lot of questions about whether the church has engaged in wide-scale tax avoidance or illegal wide-scale tax evasion. - Ben Schneiders, Investigative Journalist with the Asian Sydney Morning Herald, The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022 | wasmormon.org
Compared to other religions or Christian denominations, [the LDS church] is actually not a very charitable entity. It doesn't spend a lot of money out there. It doesn't create hospitals, it doesn't create social welfare, it doesn't do soup kitchens, that kind of thing. There's a lot of questions about whether the church has engaged in wide-scale tax avoidance or illegal wide-scale tax evasion. - Ben Schneiders, Investigative Journalist with the Asian Sydney Morning Herald, The Fifth Estate, October 27, 2022

Gift of Crisis

The tumult of a faith deconstruction, especially in the Mormon faith, has been termed as a crisis, it’s often referred to as a faith crisis. There are podcasts focused on this, even books written about it. BYU did a study on the social media impact on a faith crisis which defines how the church views …

"The Greek root of the word crisis is “to sift.” As in to shake out the excesses and leave only what’s important. That’s what crises do. They shake things up until we are forced to decide and hold onto what matters most." - Carry On Warrior, Thoughts on Life Unarmed: To My Friend, on Her First Sober Morning, by Glennon Doyle | wasmormon.org
"The Greek root of the word crisis is “to sift.” As in to shake out the excesses and leave only what’s important. That’s what crises do. They shake things up until we are forced to decide and hold onto what matters most." - Carry On Warrior, Thoughts on Life Unarmed: To My Friend, on Her First Sober Morning, by Glennon Doyle
A Mormon Faith Crisis can actually be one of the greatest gifts of your lifetime – helping to: • Improve your overall mental and physical health. • Strengthen/deepen your family relationships. • Improve your marriage or your relationship with a significant other. • Find more meaningful and fulfilling friendships and community. • Improve your parenting effectiveness (for current and/or future children). • Develop a more authentic connection with yourself and your life. - John & Margi Dehlin, and Natasha Parker | “The Gift of the Mormon Faith Crisis” Podcast | wasmormon.org
A Mormon Faith Crisis can actually be one of the greatest gifts of your lifetime – helping to: • Improve your overall mental and physical health. • Strengthen/deepen your family relationships. • Improve your marriage or your relationship with a significant other. • Find more meaningful and fulfilling friendships and community. • Improve your parenting effectiveness (for current and/or future children). • Develop a more authentic connection with yourself and your life. - John & Margi Dehlin, and Natasha Parker | “The Gift of the Mormon Faith Crisis” Podcast
Mormon Faith Crisis - A state of intense emotional distress resulting from the discovery of “uncorrelated” Church history facts that do not align with the traditional LDS narrative. This distress—and ensuing analysis of LDS truth claims—often results in members losing literal belief in the LDS truth claims. | wasmormon.org
Mormon Faith Crisis - A state of intense emotional distress resulting from the discovery of “uncorrelated” Church history facts that do not align with the traditional LDS narrative. This distress—and ensuing analysis of LDS truth claims—often results in members losing literal belief in the LDS truth claims.
I had some kid at BYU say to me, “I don’t believe in Joseph Smith anymore, but I still believe in God and Jesus”. And I said, “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but do you realize how stupid you just sounded?” - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022 | wasmormon.org
I had some kid at BYU say to me, “I don’t believe in Joseph Smith anymore, but I still believe in God and Jesus”. And I said, “Look, I don’t mean to be rude, but do you realize how stupid you just sounded?” - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022
A lot of people get uptight about priesthood issues. It’s one of the most glorious things we have in the church, and yet people want to sit and fight about it and get uptight about it. “How come the blacks didn’t get the priesthood until 1978?” Maybe we’re asking the wrong question. Instead of saying, “Why did the Blacks have to wait until 1978?”, maybe what we should be asking is “Why did the whites and other races have to wait until 1829?” - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022 | wasmormon.org
A lot of people get uptight about priesthood issues. It’s one of the most glorious things we have in the church, and yet people want to sit and fight about it and get uptight about it. “How come the blacks didn’t get the priesthood until 1978?” Maybe we’re asking the wrong question. Instead of saying, “Why did the Blacks have to wait until 1978?”, maybe what we should be asking is “Why did the whites and other races have to wait until 1829?” - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022
"It’s what most people in the world are doing. They’re playing Church... In our church, we don’t play church." - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022 | wasmormon.org
"It’s what most people in the world are doing. They’re playing Church... In our church, we don’t play church." - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022
I said, “In my Church, we get married in the temple, where we are sealed for time and all eternity”, and she went, “Oh! I love that!”... She went to the minister and said, “May I write my own ceremony?” He said, “For an extra fee.” So she paid the extra money and wrote her own ceremony. I sat there in that Protestant church and listened as the preacher sealed them for time and all eternity. I was like, “That is so wrong!” Why? Authority. No authority. They just didn’t have permission to say those words. Because they were playing church, and in our church, we don’t play church. - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022 | wasmormon.org
I said, “In my Church, we get married in the temple, where we are sealed for time and all eternity”, and she went, “Oh! I love that!”... She went to the minister and said, “May I write my own ceremony?” He said, “For an extra fee.” So she paid the extra money and wrote her own ceremony. I sat there in that Protestant church and listened as the preacher sealed them for time and all eternity. I was like, “That is so wrong!” Why? Authority. No authority. They just didn’t have permission to say those words. Because they were playing church, and in our church, we don’t play church. - Brad Wilcox, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, Tri-Stake Fireside in Alpine, Utah, February 6, 2022