“We recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background, and above all, the same religious background, without question.” - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce | wasmormon.org
“We recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background, and above all, the same religious background, without question.” - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce
“In diminishing faith, ATC (activism towards the church) effectively gaslights our dear brothers and sisters who engage in it – not in the sense that it manipulates them to question their own sanity, but in that it narrows minds, enlarges beams and blind spots, and invites judgmentalism all at once. Whereas discipleship says, "Lord is it I?" or "Help thou mine unbelief," ATC rarely seeks to humbly understand others' perspectives or experience or to meekly introspect. Because it has all the information it requires, there is no need for questions.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“In diminishing faith, ATC (activism towards the church) effectively gaslights our dear brothers and sisters who engage in it – not in the sense that it manipulates them to question their own sanity, but in that it narrows minds, enlarges beams and blind spots, and invites judgmentalism all at once. Whereas discipleship says, "Lord is it I?" or "Help thou mine unbelief," ATC rarely seeks to humbly understand others' perspectives or experience or to meekly introspect. Because it has all the information it requires, there is no need for questions.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“Please do not misunderstand. I am not at all saying ATC's (activism towards the church) causes are not important or good or often pursued in good faith. I tend to agree with many of ATC's underlying causes as I'm sure you do. A light bulb must be changed to avoid darkness and restore light. My simple point is a hammer is not the right tool for that job. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“Please do not misunderstand. I am not at all saying ATC's (activism towards the church) causes are not important or good or often pursued in good faith. I tend to agree with many of ATC's underlying causes as I'm sure you do. A light bulb must be changed to avoid darkness and restore light. My simple point is a hammer is not the right tool for that job. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“ATC (activism towards the church) focuses precisely on [church leader's] human weakness rather than their strengths and mantles. In doing so, it subtly gives permission and justification for murmuring, backbiting and evil speaking of the Lord's anointed, all deceptively cloaked as principled. Let us also be aware that ATC takes advantage of some of our newer or converting brothers and sisters who may not be used to this principle. Those who, contrary to President Nelson's counsel, "rehearse their doubts with other doubters" will be especially vulnerable to not sustaining their leaders and to ATC.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“ATC (activism towards the church) focuses precisely on [church leader's] human weakness rather than their strengths and mantles. In doing so, it subtly gives permission and justification for murmuring, backbiting and evil speaking of the Lord's anointed, all deceptively cloaked as principled. Let us also be aware that ATC takes advantage of some of our newer or converting brothers and sisters who may not be used to this principle. Those who, contrary to President Nelson's counsel, "rehearse their doubts with other doubters" will be especially vulnerable to not sustaining their leaders and to ATC.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“Activism toward the Lord's church is not of God. One obvious [reason] is it almost invariably fosters contention. Jesus taught with great emphasis and clarity, "Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away." He famously taught contention "is of the devil." Given this prohibition one can hardly justify a contentious approach toward the Lord's own church. Yet ATC not only foments such contention but justifies it as noble.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“Activism toward the Lord's church is not of God. One obvious [reason] is it almost invariably fosters contention. Jesus taught with great emphasis and clarity, "Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away." He famously taught contention "is of the devil." Given this prohibition one can hardly justify a contentious approach toward the Lord's own church. Yet ATC not only foments such contention but justifies it as noble.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“All subsequent aspects of the doctrine of Christ flow from and are powered by faith in Christ... Activism rightly recognizes the popular truism that power corrupts. Activists tend to naturally suspect the powerful... But this distrust is the very opposite of the faith the Lord requires of His covenant people in Himself, His prophets and apostles, and those they direct... Thus, any activism or advocacy that could weaken one's own or another's confidence, faith or prayer in or on behalf of church leaders or diminish one's ability to give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles is obviously not of God. In my observation, such lack of faith inevitably leads to letting go of the Church entirely and losing the testimony of Jesus. Hence ATC (activism towards the church) often indirectly undermines faith in Jesus Christ.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“All subsequent aspects of the doctrine of Christ flow from and are powered by faith in Christ... Activism rightly recognizes the popular truism that power corrupts. Activists tend to naturally suspect the powerful... But this distrust is the very opposite of the faith the Lord requires of His covenant people in Himself, His prophets and apostles, and those they direct... Thus, any activism or advocacy that could weaken one's own or another's confidence, faith or prayer in or on behalf of church leaders or diminish one's ability to give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles is obviously not of God. In my observation, such lack of faith inevitably leads to letting go of the Church entirely and losing the testimony of Jesus. Hence ATC (activism towards the church) often indirectly undermines faith in Jesus Christ.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“It is a three-step maneuver that is genius in its simplicity and effectiveness: (1) focus the rising generation and the valiant generally away from the doctrine of Christ and onto real or imagined unfairness or injustice in the Lord's church and the imperfections of its leaders; (2) use this shift in focus to stir up feelings of disillusionment, annoyance, resentment, anger and hatred toward church policies, declarations, proclamations, principles, doctrines and eventually leaders; and (3) manipulate these negative impulses to instigate the use of worldly or secular activism or advocacy rather than the doctrine of Christ to effect change in the Kingdom of God.”“I would like to address an especially effective tactic Satan is using to blind and mislead the young, those transitioning from other religious traditions and cultures, and even long-time and life-time members of the Lord's restored church. In my humble view, it is one of the great mists of darkness of our time. I speak of our enemy's effort to transform disciples of Jesus Christ into activists towards or against the Lord's church and its leaders”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“It is a three-step maneuver that is genius in its simplicity and effectiveness: (1) focus the rising generation and the valiant generally away from the doctrine of Christ and onto real or imagined unfairness or injustice in the Lord's church and the imperfections of its leaders; (2) use this shift in focus to stir up feelings of disillusionment, annoyance, resentment, anger and hatred toward church policies, declarations, proclamations, principles, doctrines and eventually leaders; and (3) manipulate these negative impulses to instigate the use of worldly or secular activism or advocacy rather than the doctrine of Christ to effect change in the Kingdom of God.”“I would like to address an especially effective tactic Satan is using to blind and mislead the young, those transitioning from other religious traditions and cultures, and even long-time and life-time members of the Lord's restored church. In my humble view, it is one of the great mists of darkness of our time. I speak of our enemy's effort to transform disciples of Jesus Christ into activists towards or against the Lord's church and its leaders”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“ATC (activism towards the church) looks backward with an eye of judgment and condemns or looks sideways with an eye of scorn and finds fault. Because it "watch(es) for iniquity," ATC sits on the trash heap of disappointing history recycling others' real or imagined sins and shortcomings... I have personally seen examples where ATC has impeded needed progress in the Church by doing more harm than good, a result that often occurs when the wrong tool is used for a particular job... By nature, ATC will always drive its followers to find other issues.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“ATC (activism towards the church) looks backward with an eye of judgment and condemns or looks sideways with an eye of scorn and finds fault. Because it "watch(es) for iniquity," ATC sits on the trash heap of disappointing history recycling others' real or imagined sins and shortcomings... I have personally seen examples where ATC has impeded needed progress in the Church by doing more harm than good, a result that often occurs when the wrong tool is used for a particular job... By nature, ATC will always drive its followers to find other issues.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“Because ATC (activism towards the church) rejects Church leaders and their counsel, usually openly, it must somehow preserve a sense of religious sincerity or authenticity to effectively influence others. Thus, it produces catchphrases such as: "I don't follow the Brethren, I follow Jesus Christ" or even "I am holding the Brethren accountable to do what's right." But these dangerous claims are as counter to Jesus's own teachings as they are confused.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“Because ATC (activism towards the church) rejects Church leaders and their counsel, usually openly, it must somehow preserve a sense of religious sincerity or authenticity to effectively influence others. Thus, it produces catchphrases such as: "I don't follow the Brethren, I follow Jesus Christ" or even "I am holding the Brethren accountable to do what's right." But these dangerous claims are as counter to Jesus's own teachings as they are confused.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“Activism or advocacy directed toward or against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a secular, worldly device misapplied in a spiritual, otherworldly context... When activism or advocacy is directed at the Kingdom of God on earth or its leaders, especially prophets and apostles, it is the wrong tool for the wrong job in the wrong place.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“Activism or advocacy directed toward or against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a secular, worldly device misapplied in a spiritual, otherworldly context... When activism or advocacy is directed at the Kingdom of God on earth or its leaders, especially prophets and apostles, it is the wrong tool for the wrong job in the wrong place.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“I would like to address an especially effective tactic Satan is using to blind and mislead the young, those transitioning from other religious traditions and cultures, and even long-time and life-time members of the Lord's restored church. In my humble view, it is one of the great mists of darkness of our time. I speak of our enemy's effort to transform disciples of Jesus Christ into activists towards or against the Lord's church and its leaders”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“I would like to address an especially effective tactic Satan is using to blind and mislead the young, those transitioning from other religious traditions and cultures, and even long-time and life-time members of the Lord's restored church. In my humble view, it is one of the great mists of darkness of our time. I speak of our enemy's effort to transform disciples of Jesus Christ into activists towards or against the Lord's church and its leaders”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“When it comes to fighting injustices on an institutional level, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to be able to successfully address injustices within the parameters of the same institution that put the injustices in place. No advancement of Black people in America, for example, came by way of just doing what white people told us to do.” - James C. Jones, a Black Latter-day Saint Student at Union Theological Seminary in New York | wasmormon.org
“When it comes to fighting injustices on an institutional level, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to be able to successfully address injustices within the parameters of the same institution that put the injustices in place. No advancement of Black people in America, for example, came by way of just doing what white people told us to do.” - James C. Jones, a Black Latter-day Saint Student at Union Theological Seminary in New York

Mormons and Interracial Marriage

President Spencer W Kimball, as president of the church gave a speech at BYU about Marriage and Divorce in 1976. This talk is currently referenced frequently, nearly 50 years later, in church lesson manuals and by church leaders. In this talk, he spoke against interracial marriages. He advised against marriages between those from differing economic …

"If you have any questions about tax matters, contact the Church Tax Division, which has tax rulings and research that support the validity of not reporting as income the funds you receive as mission president. Because most tax advisers are not aware of this information, their advice may be incorrect." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | wasmormon.org
"If you have any questions about tax matters, contact the Church Tax Division, which has tax rulings and research that support the validity of not reporting as income the funds you receive as mission president. Because most tax advisers are not aware of this information, their advice may be incorrect." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"To avoid raising unnecessary tax questions, please do not share information on funds you receive from the Church with those who help you with financial or tax matters. Any exceptions should be discussed with the Church Tax Division. Never represent in any way that you are paid for your service." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | wasmormon.org
"To avoid raising unnecessary tax questions, please do not share information on funds you receive from the Church with those who help you with financial or tax matters. Any exceptions should be discussed with the Church Tax Division. Never represent in any way that you are paid for your service." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"While you are serving as mission president, the Church reimburses the necessary living expenses for you, your wife, and your dependent children... Living expenses include food, clothing, household supplies, family activities, dry cleaning, personal long-distance calls to family, and modest gifts. (Also medical expenses, dental, vision, children serving missions, children's school expenses: elementary and secondary tuition, college tuition, fees, books, materials, and extracurricular activities.)" - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | wasmormon.org
"While you are serving as mission president, the Church reimburses the necessary living expenses for you, your wife, and your dependent children... Living expenses include food, clothing, household supplies, family activities, dry cleaning, personal long-distance calls to family, and modest gifts. (Also medical expenses, dental, vision, children serving missions, children's school expenses: elementary and secondary tuition, college tuition, fees, books, materials, and extracurricular activities.)" - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"Because you are engaged in volunteer religious service, no employer-employee relationship exists between you and the Church. As a result, any funds reimbursed to you from the Church are not considered income for tax purposes; they are not reported to the government, and taxes are not withheld with regard to these funds." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | wasmormon.org
"Because you are engaged in volunteer religious service, no employer-employee relationship exists between you and the Church. As a result, any funds reimbursed to you from the Church are not considered income for tax purposes; they are not reported to the government, and taxes are not withheld with regard to these funds." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"The amount of any funds reimbursed to you should be kept strictly confidential and should not be discussed with missionaries, other mission presidents, friends, or family members." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | wasmormon.org
"The amount of any funds reimbursed to you should be kept strictly confidential and should not be discussed with missionaries, other mission presidents, friends, or family members." - Leaked 2006 Mission President's Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“I answered that the Church is not wealthy but that we follow the ancient biblical principle of tithing, which principle is reemphasized in our modern scripture. I explained also that our Church has no paid ministry” - Thomas S. Monson, LDS Church President, General Conference 2004 Received $97,201 "living allowance" paychecks in 2004 | wasmormon.org
“I answered that the Church is not wealthy but that we follow the ancient biblical principle of tithing, which principle is reemphasized in our modern scripture. I explained also that our Church has no paid ministry” - Thomas S. Monson, LDS Church President, General Conference 2004 Received $97,201 "living allowance" paychecks in 2004