Monthly Archives: October 2024

Mormon Means ‘More Good’
The Crusade Against Mormon Monicker The Mormon (LDS) church has been up in arms recently about what to call itself. Or more specifically what others are allowed to call it. Leaders are pushing to remove the Mormon moniker, and only use the full name of the church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, …

Does Tithing Break the Poverty Cycle?
The cycle of poverty is a vicious trap where a parent’s poverty affects the lives of their children. Families in poverty often have limited resources, which makes it difficult to escape. Some examples of self-reinforcing disadvantages that can trap families in poverty include: Lack of financial capital, Lack of education, Lack of connections, Poor health, and Low working …
Facts vs Beliefs – No Limit At All On What Church Is Required To Teach Or Not Teach
The LDS Church Corporation is currently involved in many many lawsuits. One such is a RICO case, where the church is being accused of behavior more similar to an organized crime network, like the mafia, than a religious institution. What is RICO? A RICO case refers to charges brought under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt …
Tithing—a Commandment Even for the Destitute
Lynn G. Robbins, LDS Seventy and Elder, spoke at General Conference in April 2005. He emphasizes that even the poorest members of the Mormon Church should pay tithing, regardless of their financial hardship. While Robbins likely intended to encourage strong faith and commitment, his approach creates a predatory framework that pressures the financially vulnerable into …
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Landon Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight
Landon’s decision to leave the Mormon Church came after years of deeply ingrained expectations, personal struggles, and growing disillusionment. Raised in a devout Mormon family, he did everything the Church asked of him—from being baptized at eight to serving a mission in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. Yet, despite his efforts …
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Email to Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake: Pilot Program – Informed Consent
The members of the Sydney Australia Mortdale Stake received an email informing them the area had been selected for a Pilot Program named Informed Consent. The program announced two objectives: 1) to ensure that converts are fully informed before they commit to baptism, and 2) for all members to have a “short” lesson to make …
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