Shaylee was born into the Mormon church and was raised with a fundamentalist leaning. She always knew all the answers at church and graduating seminary was more important to her than high school. She knew about Joseph Smith’s polygamy at a young age and stated that she would “also marry a prophet at age 14 …
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Just days after the September 11th bombings, Larry King Live had a special program reflecting and reporting on the terrorist attacks. He invited LDS Church President, Gordon B. Hinckley to appear again and speak to the nation still reeling from the attack. This was a follow-up to the interview Hinckley did a few years earlier …
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Freidom was a happy Mormon, or so she thought. Her questions were ignored, she was silenced, and her devotion was taken for granted. After experiencing a devastating divorce she realized that she was not cared for at all! Out of spite she checked out an exmormon channel on youtube and binged it. This led to …
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