What is the church's belief in a Mother in Heaven?

Women are promised many things in the next life, such as "becoming a queen and a priestess to rule and reign in the house of Israel forever," (direct quote from the temple endowment ceremony).

However, consider the concept of Mother in Heaven. She is neither discussed, prayed to, worshiped, or given any glory. On the other hand, Father in Heaven is the great creator, discussed every week in church, prayed to daily by members, given all of the glory for HIS plan of salvation.

For any women questioning their eternal role in the church, I would encourage them to look to the role of Mother in Heaven; silently forgotten and left to support her husband as he receives all the recognition.

Members of the Mormon church often justify not discussing Heavenly Mother by claiming that she is simply too sacred to discuss. To that I offer an alternative perspective; I love my mother, so I enjoy talking about her. Avoiding any discussion of my mother and condemning others for asking about her wouldn’t bring her honor or protection. It just hinders the world from knowing how wonderful she is and would demonstrate an incredible amount of arrogance from me.

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