Hi, I am Rebecca
I was a mormon.I enjoy peaceful moments in nature. I enjoy sewing, baking, knitting, textile arts, drawing, and reading.

About me
I was a overly devoted mormom through out my life. My parents joined when I was born and still TBM. I was a homeschooling mother to four children Who are all grown now. A completely devoted mother, wife , an entrepreneur for the past 15 years.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
My shelf began breaking back in 2012. It was a ten-year process due to a rough marriage I stayed in for the children.
Over the last ten years my gifts of mysticism was magnifying out of my own control.
But there was an underlining current that began 26 years ago when I began homeschooling our children. Every ward we were in was infested with members and leaders who were embedded with relations and beliefs that to homeschooling was absolutely wrong! The worst of it was that all my children were learning disabled. Talk about insult to injury by members and leaders.
I was also a natural healer proponent. And have studied and used methods for decades (and keeping my mouth shut about it). But also in the process my gifts were magnifying into mysticism. Again -lived a silent life (even with the spouse).
My shelf really broke over the last ten years because my mysticism with visions and dreams and meditation was exponentially growing beyond my control and nothing that I was seeing was matching what was happening with the church. And I was sooooo sick and tired of being around people who did not think for themsleves.