Hi, I'm Katie!
I was a Mormon

About me
I grew up in a small town on a farm in rural California. I became active in church when I was thirteen, mainly because a girl in my class and her mother were great friends with my mother and me. We were friends long before we even knew they were Mormons.
It was the dancing that drew me in. I still love to dance. I joined the church at seventeen for the sole purpose of going to BYU. My parents thought I was to young to go away to college at any old place and BYU was very controlling in the late 60's. I already had an AA and by the time I was 19, I was teaching math at a local high school. I taught for 50 years in many different places~Park City, Navaho Nation, the inner city in Los Angeles, several rural schools, on a Naval base and finally in a super max prison.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I got married to a returned missionary at 19 in the Salt Lake Temple. That started my leaving. It was weird and not spiritual in the least. I didn't care for my husband who was one way in real life and another at church. So I quit going. I had trouble when Paul Toscano was excommunicated. I had more trouble with the church's stand on homosexuality. I would briefly return to church but not for long. It was getting too culty for me . I remarried and my new husband was more than willing to take the missionary lesson until the young elders wanted him to promise to read the BOM with an open heart and boom! He'd believe. He told them his word was worth quite a lot to him and he didn't make promises to random teenagers whom he didn't know. They put pressure on him like encyclopedia salesmen and that was when I was done.