Hi, I'm Hector Autry.
I was a mormon.

# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
My wife and I were 'all in'. I had been a VERY active member of the Mormon church for... 43 years.
I had served in a wide range of callings including: Deacons Quorum President, Teachers Quorum President, Priest Quorum Group Leader, Ward Young Adult Representative, Ward Mission Leader (twice), Full Time Missionary (Missouri-Independence Mission, '74-'76), Single and Unaccompanied Group Leader (Seoul, Korea), Attended the Dedication of the Seoul Korea Temple, Elders Quorum President (twice), Gospel Doctrine Teacher, Ward Financial Clerk, Ward Membership Clerk, Stake Emergency Preparedness Committee President, Served on the Security Detail for the Open House of the Kansas City Missouri Temple, attended the Dedication of the Kansas City Missouri Temple ...
So, 'hear me' when I say, "I had a VERY strong testimony of 'the gospel'."
On December 29th, 2013, my wife and I had just had a very pleasant visit with our Branch President at Tithing Settlement, and my wife paid the final check (about $2,000) to make sure we were declared 'full tithe payers'. We were happy to do that, because we always wanted to be 'right' with the Lord.
That night, my wife was watching an interesting and educational video on YouTube about the Amish people. They are a fascinating people. When she finished watching the video, she looked down the right side of the YouTube page at the 'thumbnails' of other 'related videos'... some which were related to the Amish... and some which were not. One of the video titles caught her interest and raised her curiosity. The title said something like, "Ex-Mormon Bishop...". My wife thought, "Pfft!", "This is probably just some anti-Mormon rant."
As you know, the Church has always taught 'never to look' at anything that speaks ill of the Church. So, she almost changed the page. But, then she said to herself, "I'm 56 years old and have been active in the Church since I was a child, and I don't think there's a single thing this ex-Bishop could possibly say that would shake my testimony!"
So, she clicked on the link.
Sue was somewhat surprised to discover that the video wasn't a 'rant' at all. It was simply a middle-aged couple... a Bishop and his wife... telling a story. It was the story about some information they happened to come across and the experience they had relative to it.
She watched that video privately, which led to other videos, for three days. Finally, on the third day, when I came home from work, she sat me down at the computer and said, "After today, your life will never be the same."
She was right. She began showing me the videos she watched, and in less than one hour... my testimony was gone.
I wrote a resignation letter, and our names were off the church records in two weeks.