Hi, I'm Emily
I was a mormon. I found a new home.

About me
I was born into a good LDS family with ancestors going back to the Mormon pioneers. I participated fully in primary, had many callings starting from a young age, graduated seminary and institute, and got married in the temple.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I met a lot of amazing people and had some great experiences, but through it all, I never felt like I quite fit in, never felt like I was in the right place, never felt like my beliefs totally fell in line with those in the LDS church. The more I grew, and the more I learned, the greater that divide became until it hurt too much to stay. At first I left to give myself time to think, time to pray, plead with God to help me find a way to fit in. My prayers were answered but not how I expected.
I had several occasions to go to Community of Christ and partake in services, and every time I relished in the joy I found there. Just a visit became 2, and then “I’ll just go once a month.” I finally decided that it was stupid to stay away from a place that gave me peace and happiness, so I started going every chance I got. I go to services, book clubs, parties, girls nights out, Dungeons & Dragons nights, LGBTQ+ events, camping, women’s retreats where we connect with the feminine divine, and so much more that is involved in Community of Christ.
This change in my life has been such a wonderful blessing! I have finally found a home, a place where I truly fit. I have learned what it feels like to be loved, and to love, what grace really is, how to forgive and find peace with those who cause me pain, that every creation of God’s has great value, and I can learn from every person’s perspective, no matter their religion, gender, race, age, or sexual orientation. I know that I am becoming a better person because of Community of Christ and I wouldn’t change my participation with them for anything in the world!