Hi, I'm Denise.
I was born and raised mormon. I was excommunicated at 19 for "fornication", and was rebaptized several years later bc I thought it was the best way to raise my kids. I went inactive when they were teens, and resigned permanently in early 2019.

About me
I grew up in Montana and was a member of the mormon church from birth. I was one of only a handful of mormon kids at my high school, so I always felt like a bit of an oddball. I met my future husband during my freshman year of college. He was a baptized member, but had never really attended and didn't know anything about the church. We got involved, and I was excommunicated for "fornication". The bishop of our ward also took the time to track down my husband's records and excommunicate hime also, even though he wasn't attending. (He has always been mad about that). We moved to Rexburg ID when I was pregnant with our 2nd child, and I became involved with the ward there. After moving back to Montana, I was rebaptized and thought it was what my kids needed. After trying to be the best mormon I could, fulfill all callings, and teach my kids mormonism, we slowly drifted away. I quit attending when my 4 kids were teenagers. I was Stake Primary Presidency Secretary at the time I stopped attending.
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
I was inactive for almost 20 years. Eventually the ward members left us alone. A couple of years ago, i stumbled on the Post Mormon facebook pages, learned about the CES letter, and all of the lies of the church. I resigned my membership in April 2019, and have never been happier!