My name is Ariane
and I’m an Ex Mormon.

About me
I used to believe that God had a special plan for ME and that I belonged to a special group that God was personally leading. It felt really good to believe that. After 40 years, I cried as I gave up that belief but found great joy in values that remained-love of family, friends, nature, and the awesome brains of children. Thank you to those who have listened to my highs, my lows, and my shrieks of anger as I learned to live with my new understanding of the truth. May profusions of blessings fall upon your heads!
Some links to information that I found helpful:
Jim Whitefield’s Ex Mormon Foundation talk, “Will the Real Joseph Smith Please Stand Up?” 2010
Dianne Ormond’s letter of membership resignation
“In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith” by Todd Compton
“Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling” by Richard Lyman Bushman
“No Man Knows My History” by Fawn M. Brodie
# Why I left More stories of 'Why I left' the Mormon church
Recently, a neighbor approached me in the middle of my snow shoveling and asked me, if I didn’t mind the question, “Who was it that offended you 15 years ago?” I realized that neighbors and even family members had never been given an explanation of my departure. For my former church members, rest assured—there were no offenses and perhaps this video satisfies curiosity.
I agreed to participate in this project because I choose to offer comfort to those contemplating leaving the church and community for those who have left. Blessings upon your heads as well!
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'What resources have helped you through the process of leaving?' by Ariane What resources have helped you through the process of leaving? See more answers about 'What resources have helped you through the process of leaving?'
Some links to information that I found helpful:
Jim Whitefield’s Ex Mormon Foundation talk, “Will the Real Joseph Smith Please Stand Up?” 2010
Dianne Ormond’s letter of membership resignation
“In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith” by Todd Compton
“Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling” by Richard Lyman Bushman
“No Man Knows My History” by Fawn M. Brodie