It’s wonderful to know what we know. We’re so blessed. We don’t have to wonder why we’re here for. We don’t have to question anything in the church. Don’t get off into that. Just stay in the Book of Mormon. Just stay in the Doctrine and Covenants. Just listen to the prophets. Just listen to …
Russell M. Nelson, in his youthful apostolic messages, taught that truth was important, but must be paired with mercy and more. He warns that simply knowing the truth does not excuse us from thoughtfully considering its use and power. He relates a story of a surgeon who spoke the truth bluntly and ended up hurting …
Continue reading “Truth and More – Merciful Companion to Truth is Silence?”
Sandra’s story is a powerful account of resilience amid a culture that, for her, enabled abuse. Growing up in the Mormon Church, Sandra’s experience was shaped by religious structures that were more protective of image than of truth or individual well-being. From a young age, she endured severe physical and emotional abuse from her mother, …
Continue reading “Sandra Was a Mormon, an Ex-Mormon Profile Spotlight”
The Crusade Against Mormon Monicker The Mormon (LDS) church has been up in arms recently about what to call itself. Or more specifically what others are allowed to call it. Leaders are pushing to remove the Mormon moniker, and only use the full name of the church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, …