I consider myself Christian. I honestly don’t think that Mormons should consider themselves Christians. They should consider themselves Joseph Smithians. There’s far more Worship of Joseph Smith than there ever is of Jesus. And there’s far more reference to the Book of Mormon than there is to the Bible. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
I consider myself Christian. I honestly don’t think that Mormons should consider themselves Christians. They should consider themselves Joseph Smithians. There’s far more Worship of Joseph Smith than there ever is of Jesus. And there’s far more reference to the Book of Mormon than there is to the Bible. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
Numerous times people were rude and mean. Like, one time some woman got up in relief society and started to preach that if you are on any head meds it’s your fault, and it’s because you are not faithful enough. And if you become faithful and follow the church and pay your tithing, then you won’t have to take these meds. So these actions by church members came with the explanation that it’s not the church. It’s sometimes the people. Well, are the people not the church? Especially if these people are making up doctrine? It’s ridiculous and caused a lot of damage. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
Numerous times people were rude and mean. Like, one time some woman got up in relief society and started to preach that if you are on any head meds it’s your fault, and it’s because you are not faithful enough. And if you become faithful and follow the church and pay your tithing, then you won’t have to take these meds. So these actions by church members came with the explanation that it’s not the church. It’s sometimes the people. Well, are the people not the church? Especially if these people are making up doctrine? It’s ridiculous and caused a lot of damage. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
Being Mormon affected my daily life and it still does because not only do you have the church but you have the culture. It is almost all toxic. There’s so much shame and misogyny and struggles that you feel you’ll never be good enough. When I was eight, and I was going to be baptized, the only thing that I thought about was, I was so happy to have a second chance, because then I wasn’t gonna make any mistakes. Who in the hell thinks that when they’re eight years old? I feel like I had my childhood stolen from me. It was not one of love, but one of never feeling good enough. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
Being Mormon affected my daily life and it still does because not only do you have the church but you have the culture. It is almost all toxic. There’s so much shame and misogyny and struggles that you feel you’ll never be good enough. When I was eight, and I was going to be baptized, the only thing that I thought about was, I was so happy to have a second chance, because then I wasn’t gonna make any mistakes. Who in the hell thinks that when they’re eight years old? I feel like I had my childhood stolen from me. It was not one of love, but one of never feeling good enough. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
My mom ruled us with the idea that she didn’t want us to disappoint her and her status in the relief Society. Growing up and hitting puberty, I felt my body really wasn’t mine. It was something to be ashamed of. It was a battle of urges. And if I ever gave in to them, I was an abomination. It was something to be ashamed of. And God help you if you get pregnant. I’m sure my mom was overjoyed that I didn’t get pregnant. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
My mom ruled us with the idea that she didn’t want us to disappoint her and her status in the relief Society. Growing up and hitting puberty, I felt my body really wasn’t mine. It was something to be ashamed of. It was a battle of urges. And if I ever gave in to them, I was an abomination. It was something to be ashamed of. And God help you if you get pregnant. I’m sure my mom was overjoyed that I didn’t get pregnant. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
I grew up Mormon. My family wasn’t a super celestial family. My parents were married in the temple. We went to church pretty regularly. I enjoy traveling, learning, And experiencing a life well lived! I was a Mormon. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
I grew up Mormon. My family wasn’t a super celestial family. My parents were married in the temple. We went to church pretty regularly. I enjoy traveling, learning, And experiencing a life well lived! I was a Mormon. - Kathy's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/kathyh1976/
44. For had He not said unto Macaroni and others: Verily, verily, I say unto you, if ye love me, keep my commandments, and love one another, even as I have loved you. Love is all you need, all you need is love. 45. Verily, this record is true. Yea, ask of God if these things be not so, yea, ask in faith, already accepting truth. But behold, ask intently, if His answer cometh not as thou expectest, be not dismayed, for the ways of God are not thine ways. Yea, be eternally patient, for He may answer in a time that seemeth long. Thou mayest weary in thy waiting, yea, find your testimony in bearing it to numbly accept it. Testify of thine great spiritual witness when there was mere hope and faith. 46. Nevertheless, ye already know in your hearts that these words are true, for ye have received it line upon line, precept upon precept. It is scripture, thus it is true. Therefore, be not troubled, for this is so, because the Lord declares to your heard as you receive it, and thus it is. Amen. The Book of Marcaroni 22:44-46 | wasmormon.org
44. For had He not said unto Macaroni and others: Verily, verily, I say unto you, if ye love me, keep my commandments, and love one another, even as I have loved you. Love is all you need, all you need is love. 45. Verily, this record is true. Yea, ask of God if these things be not so, yea, ask in faith, already accepting truth. But behold, ask intently, if His answer cometh not as thou expectest, be not dismayed, for the ways of God are not thine ways. Yea, be eternally patient, for He may answer in a time that seemeth long. Thou mayest weary in thy waiting, yea, find your testimony in bearing it to numbly accept it. Testify of thine great spiritual witness when there was mere hope and faith. 46. Nevertheless, ye already know in your hearts that these words are true, for ye have received it line upon line, precept upon precept. It is scripture, thus it is true. Therefore, be not troubled, for this is so, because the Lord declares to your heard as you receive it, and thus it is. Amen. The Book of Marcaroni 22:44-46 | wasmormon.org
33. And as ye increase in service, and heeding the wise over those who focus on thier own authority over you, the darkness that hath infiltrated the churches of men shall be driven back, and humanity shall grow beyond the scourge of this organized religion and all others in time. 34. For behold, it is not fealty to organizations that shall save thee, but adherence to the principles of goodness and love. 35. And in the end, in even these last of last days, and even to the last hour, love shall overcome all things, for as it hath been spoken by the true prophets, yea, even by one of the greatest of these, 'Love is all ye need,' and 'Love is love.' 36. And it came to pass that the people marveled at the words of the Lord, and they did fall upon their knees and give thanks again, for His words were sharp, but they were filled with truth. The Book of Marcaroni 22:33-36 | wasmormon.org
33. And as ye increase in service, and heeding the wise over those who focus on thier own authority over you, the darkness that hath infiltrated the churches of men shall be driven back, and humanity shall grow beyond the scourge of this organized religion and all others in time. 34. For behold, it is not fealty to organizations that shall save thee, but adherence to the principles of goodness and love. 35. And in the end, in even these last of last days, and even to the last hour, love shall overcome all things, for as it hath been spoken by the true prophets, yea, even by one of the greatest of these, 'Love is all ye need,' and 'Love is love.' 36. And it came to pass that the people marveled at the words of the Lord, and they did fall upon their knees and give thanks again, for His words were sharp, but they were filled with truth. The Book of Marcaroni 22:33-36 | wasmormon.org
12. Yea, ye are here for a short time, and then ye shall return to the mother earth, from whence ye came. 13. And I say unto you, that the hope of any noble god is that ye find beauty in life, and that ye choose to love, yea choose goodness over greed and self-interest. 14. For behold, I and my Father are one, and we are also one with Mother Nature, and with every god of any pure religion upon the earth. 15. For anything that is good cometh from good, and it is men who quickly turn goodness into wickedness for their own gain... 17. Therefore, I say unto you, rise above the corporations that masquerade as churches. Reject the false prophets who seek to profit rather than to prophesy. 18. Serve the least of these, my brethren, and love thy neighbor as thyself, for in this, ye shall fulfill the law of God. The Book of Marcaroni 22:12-18 | wasmormon.org
12. Yea, ye are here for a short time, and then ye shall return to the mother earth, from whence ye came. 13. And I say unto you, that the hope of any noble god is that ye find beauty in life, and that ye choose to love, yea choose goodness over greed and self-interest. 14. For behold, I and my Father are one, and we are also one with Mother Nature, and with every god of any pure religion upon the earth. 15. For anything that is good cometh from good, and it is men who quickly turn goodness into wickedness for their own gain... 17. Therefore, I say unto you, rise above the corporations that masquerade as churches. Reject the false prophets who seek to profit rather than to prophesy. 18. Serve the least of these, my brethren, and love thy neighbor as thyself, for in this, ye shall fulfill the law of God. The Book of Marcaroni 22:12-18 | wasmormon.org
9. But there shall be some among them, yea, even those who reach the deepest understandings. Those who endure their own wrestle with God and experience a dark night of the soul, and these shall come to know great truths. Blessed are these truth seekers, they find the truth. 10. For they shall see that faith in organized religion is misplaced. They will understand great things and that these churches are but a tool to grow, and also control the masses. Some shall realize that the existence of any god, yea, even my own existence, is irrelevant to their mortal life. They will study science and true wonders of the world and still will live with empathy toward their fellow man. They shall have faith in goodness. 11. Verily, verily, I say unto you, some will even begin to understand the answers to the very existential questions that created religion and other myths of ancient days. Yea, these truth seekers begin to understand that the purpose of life is to do good, to enjoy the time upon the earth, for ye are all as ephemeral as the sunset and the crashing of the waves. The Book of Marcaroni 22:9-11 | wasmormon.org
9. But there shall be some among them, yea, even those who reach the deepest understandings. Those who endure their own wrestle with God and experience a dark night of the soul, and these shall come to know great truths. Blessed are these truth seekers, they find the truth. 10. For they shall see that faith in organized religion is misplaced. They will understand great things and that these churches are but a tool to grow, and also control the masses. Some shall realize that the existence of any god, yea, even my own existence, is irrelevant to their mortal life. They will study science and true wonders of the world and still will live with empathy toward their fellow man. They shall have faith in goodness. 11. Verily, verily, I say unto you, some will even begin to understand the answers to the very existential questions that created religion and other myths of ancient days. Yea, these truth seekers begin to understand that the purpose of life is to do good, to enjoy the time upon the earth, for ye are all as ephemeral as the sunset and the crashing of the waves. The Book of Marcaroni 22:9-11 | wasmormon.org
4. And behold, they shall sue any who stand in their way, challenge their authority, or have pre-established regulations in zones they wish to build in, for their hearts are filled with pride, and they seek not to serve, but to be served. They seek to be obeyed, not to obey. 5. They shall boast of their accomplishments, seeking world records and vainglorious celebrations of their leaders' birthdays and purchased awards, and in their pride, they shall say unto the people that they do great works. But this is merely propaganda and manipulative deceptions with the intent of exercising authority over the good people of the church. 6. Yea, they shall even claim that saying the name of our great prophet, even Mormon, is a major victory of Satan, and the people shall continue to be led astray by their words. Let this be a sign unto you in the last days, when you read these words, if it be wisdom that you receive them, that these leaders are not of me but vipers as the Pharisees. The Book of Marcaroni 22:4-6 | wasmormon.org
4. And behold, they shall sue any who stand in their way, challenge their authority, or have pre-established regulations in zones they wish to build in, for their hearts are filled with pride, and they seek not to serve, but to be served. They seek to be obeyed, not to obey. 5. They shall boast of their accomplishments, seeking world records and vainglorious celebrations of their leaders' birthdays and purchased awards, and in their pride, they shall say unto the people that they do great works. But this is merely propaganda and manipulative deceptions with the intent of exercising authority over the good people of the church. 6. Yea, they shall even claim that saying the name of our great prophet, even Mormon, is a major victory of Satan, and the people shall continue to be led astray by their words. Let this be a sign unto you in the last days, when you read these words, if it be wisdom that you receive them, that these leaders are not of me but vipers as the Pharisees. The Book of Marcaroni 22:4-6 | wasmormon.org
1. And it came to pass that the Lord continued to speak unto the people, saying: Behold, in the latter days, there shall arise a great and abominable church, which shall set its heart upon the riches of the earth. 2. Yea, they shall be deeply invested in the stock market and in the buying and accumulating of real estate, and they shall own much land in a place which shall be called Florida in the latter days. 3. And this church shall create vast media conglomerates, and they shall enrich themselves through books, yea, even through book deals, and they shall heap up wealth through great construction projects that span the lands; yea shopping malls and industrial endeavors. But in all this, they shall hide their wealth with shell corps and other obfuscations, and deal in other illegal tax-evasion practices across all the lands. They will hush these as rumors and proclaim boldly yet with hollow words, that they follow the laws of the land and treat the mites of widows with sacred respect. The Book of Marcaroni 22:1-3 | wasmormon.org
1. And it came to pass that the Lord continued to speak unto the people, saying: Behold, in the latter days, there shall arise a great and abominable church, which shall set its heart upon the riches of the earth. 2. Yea, they shall be deeply invested in the stock market and in the buying and accumulating of real estate, and they shall own much land in a place which shall be called Florida in the latter days. 3. And this church shall create vast media conglomerates, and they shall enrich themselves through books, yea, even through book deals, and they shall heap up wealth through great construction projects that span the lands; yea shopping malls and industrial endeavors. But in all this, they shall hide their wealth with shell corps and other obfuscations, and deal in other illegal tax-evasion practices across all the lands. They will hush these as rumors and proclaim boldly yet with hollow words, that they follow the laws of the land and treat the mites of widows with sacred respect. The Book of Marcaroni 22:1-3 | wasmormon.org
9. Yea, for in the latter days, there shall arise a great church, yea, a church that shall build fine temples of stone, and they shall heap up treasures in hedge funds, and their storehouses shall overflow with riches. 10. Some of the principles and ideas of the church did come from the truth that is me. But behold, this church is not of me. Yea, they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 11. For the leaders of this church shall be as wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they shall deceive the righteous and lead them astray. They shall teach the philosophies of business-men mingled with scripture, and they shall pervert my holy gospel for gain. 12. Yea, I say unto you, they shall enrich themselves upon the backs of the poor and the widows, and their wealth shall be stored up in vaults of steel and gold, hidden from the sight of the people. 13. And they shall turn my holy church into a corporation, where profits lead and prophets are silenced. The Book of Macaroni 21:9-13 | wasmormon.org
9. Yea, for in the latter days, there shall arise a great church, yea, a church that shall build fine temples of stone, and they shall heap up treasures in hedge funds, and their storehouses shall overflow with riches. 10. Some of the principles and ideas of the church did come from the truth that is me. But behold, this church is not of me. Yea, they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 11. For the leaders of this church shall be as wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they shall deceive the righteous and lead them astray. They shall teach the philosophies of business-men mingled with scripture, and they shall pervert my holy gospel for gain. 12. Yea, I say unto you, they shall enrich themselves upon the backs of the poor and the widows, and their wealth shall be stored up in vaults of steel and gold, hidden from the sight of the people. 13. And they shall turn my holy church into a corporation, where profits lead and prophets are silenced. The Book of Macaroni 21:9-13 | wasmormon.org
4. And behold, getting on with it, it came to pass, in the years of the reign of a Judge, the heavens opened, much to the astonishment of Macaroni and the people, and there descended from the clouds one who was as the Son of Man, bearded, clothed in white and light and majesty, and His glory did shine round about. He descended in a pillar of fire, yea a pillar exceedingly bright like unto the noonday sun. 5. And when He did set upon the earth, the people did fall to the ground in terror, for they knew it was Jesus Christ, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who had risen and come to visit his lost sheep again. 6. And the Lord spake unto them, saying: Peace be unto you, my beloved. I have seen your thoughts, and I have heard your prayers, yea, the desires of your hearts are before me. 7. For behold, I say unto you, that thoughts and prayers alone do not suffice. For even as ye have prayed in my name, so also must ye act in righteousness in my name. The Book of Macaroni 21:4-7 | wasmormon.org
4. And behold, getting on with it, it came to pass, in the years of the reign of a Judge, the heavens opened, much to the astonishment of Macaroni and the people, and there descended from the clouds one who was as the Son of Man, bearded, clothed in white and light and majesty, and His glory did shine round about. He descended in a pillar of fire, yea a pillar exceedingly bright like unto the noonday sun. 5. And when He did set upon the earth, the people did fall to the ground in terror, for they knew it was Jesus Christ, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, who had risen and come to visit his lost sheep again. 6. And the Lord spake unto them, saying: Peace be unto you, my beloved. I have seen your thoughts, and I have heard your prayers, yea, the desires of your hearts are before me. 7. For behold, I say unto you, that thoughts and prayers alone do not suffice. For even as ye have prayed in my name, so also must ye act in righteousness in my name. The Book of Macaroni 21:4-7 | wasmormon.org

New Scripture Translated From Sealed Portion – Jesus visits Macaroni and Condemns Viper Church Leaders of Last Days

A few years ago, Russell M. Nelson revealed how Joseph Smith would translate by using a rock in a hat a few years ago. Suppose, for a moment, that he could know this technique from experience. What if President Russell M. Nelson knew more about the translation process? What if he used the same technique …