“I just couldn't believe that kind of the brazenness of this tax avoidance or tax evasion... These records tell a damning story about a religion that's actually run as a multinational corporation and now stands accused of not just breaching its own moral code, but also breaking the law.” - Ben Schneiders, Investigative Reporter, Asian Sydney Morning Herald, Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia | wasmormon.org
“I just couldn't believe that kind of the brazenness of this tax avoidance or tax evasion... These records tell a damning story about a religion that's actually run as a multinational corporation and now stands accused of not just breaching its own moral code, but also breaking the law.” - Ben Schneiders, Investigative Reporter, Asian Sydney Morning Herald, Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia
“It's a large set of Corporations that have, as a sideline, a religion... I mean it's just so obvious. That's where the fundamental modeling of the Mormon church, to me, is just wrong, as a religious institution. It cannot justify itself as a religion because it is profit-taking rather than profit-distributing.” - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon Bishop Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia | wasmormon.org
“It's a large set of Corporations that have, as a sideline, a religion... I mean it's just so obvious. That's where the fundamental modeling of the Mormon church, to me, is just wrong, as a religious institution. It cannot justify itself as a religion because it is profit-taking rather than profit-distributing.” - Neville Rocco, Australian Barrister, Former Mormon Bishop Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia
“[The church is] acting like a big Corporation that's reducing its outlays and cheating the tax man, and we just thought, "but, that's that's not what the church is meant to be." It was very hard to reconcile that... I'll be just very straightforward. I want my tithing money back. I paid it under false pretenses.” - Trevor & Sue Given, Former Australian Mormon Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia | wasmormon.org
“[The church is] acting like a big Corporation that's reducing its outlays and cheating the tax man, and we just thought, "but, that's that's not what the church is meant to be." It was very hard to reconcile that... I'll be just very straightforward. I want my tithing money back. I paid it under false pretenses.” - Trevor & Sue Given, Former Australian Mormon Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia
“The alleged tax dodging strategy is even clearer when you look at how much Mormon money is given to charity in Australia compared to the rest of the world. Here there are just 60,000 Mormons yet together apparently they give 93 Million dollars a year to charity. But outside Australia, where tax deductibility for tithing isn't an issue the church's 16 million members combined give only 25 million dollars a year to charity. That makes Australian Mormons the most generous on the planet.” - Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia | wasmormon.org
“The alleged tax dodging strategy is even clearer when you look at how much Mormon money is given to charity in Australia compared to the rest of the world. Here there are just 60,000 Mormons yet together apparently they give 93 Million dollars a year to charity. But outside Australia, where tax deductibility for tithing isn't an issue the church's 16 million members combined give only 25 million dollars a year to charity. That makes Australian Mormons the most generous on the planet.” - Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia
“Accusations of lightening the pockets of the Australian tax office by 400 million dollars. The church's members claim very generous tax benefits, while other religions in Australia go without. It's alleged the Mormon books are actually being cooked in a massive tax dodge. Handed out on doorsteps around the world, [The Book of Mormon] promises to answer all of life's great questions. But we're throwing open a set of books the Mormons would rather nobody reads – their financial books.” - Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia | wasmormon.org
“Accusations of lightening the pockets of the Australian tax office by 400 million dollars. The church's members claim very generous tax benefits, while other religions in Australia go without. It's alleged the Mormon books are actually being cooked in a massive tax dodge. Handed out on doorsteps around the world, [The Book of Mormon] promises to answer all of life's great questions. But we're throwing open a set of books the Mormons would rather nobody reads – their financial books.” - Mormon Church Accused of Ripping Off Taxpayers by Millions, 60 Minutes Australia
“There are large trees called Indian laurel... Recently many of these trees were attacked by a disease... When this fungus attacks, the effects are not seen for some years. However, the fungus gradually rots the roots of those beautiful trees, and they begin to die... and the trees must be cut down. Like the fungus that enters these trees, doubts can invade our thoughts. If we let them grow, over time they can affect our roots and rot our foundation of faith until we too may be cut down.” - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017 | wasmormon.org
“There are large trees called Indian laurel... Recently many of these trees were attacked by a disease... When this fungus attacks, the effects are not seen for some years. However, the fungus gradually rots the roots of those beautiful trees, and they begin to die... and the trees must be cut down. Like the fungus that enters these trees, doubts can invade our thoughts. If we let them grow, over time they can affect our roots and rot our foundation of faith until we too may be cut down.” - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017
"So-called friends can introduce doubt by asking hurtful questions. Internet sites can generate doubt by presenting information out of context. But doubts especially intensify when we ourselves, feeling abandoned or overwhelmed, question the burdens we bear." - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017 | wasmormon.org
"So-called friends can introduce doubt by asking hurtful questions. Internet sites can generate doubt by presenting information out of context. But doubts especially intensify when we ourselves, feeling abandoned or overwhelmed, question the burdens we bear." - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017
"Let us not doubt that this work is true. Whenever we are tried with doubts, let us ponder our spiritual experiences. Doing so will help us to erase the doubts. This is particularly true for those who have returned from full-time missionary service and then allowed doubts to creep in, for longtime members who have grown tired of enduring, and for recent converts who initially felt great joy but have not nourished their faith." - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017 | wasmormon.org
"Let us not doubt that this work is true. Whenever we are tried with doubts, let us ponder our spiritual experiences. Doing so will help us to erase the doubts. This is particularly true for those who have returned from full-time missionary service and then allowed doubts to creep in, for longtime members who have grown tired of enduring, and for recent converts who initially felt great joy but have not nourished their faith." - LDS Seventy, Elder Hugo Montoya, Ensign, June 2017
"So what am I now? A Jaded exmo? A Godless commie? You could probably say atheist or agnostic. But those have a lot of negative connotations here in Utah. The label I’m most comfortable with is Secular Humanist. Humanists believe we can be moral and find fulfillment without a belief in God. I wholeheartedly endorse their 10 commitments which they use as an alternative to the ten commandments. The beauty of letting go of dogmatic and unquestionable beliefs is that I can be flexible and simply follow the evidence. I can practice intellectual humility." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"So what am I now? A Jaded exmo? A Godless commie? You could probably say atheist or agnostic. But those have a lot of negative connotations here in Utah. The label I’m most comfortable with is Secular Humanist. Humanists believe we can be moral and find fulfillment without a belief in God. I wholeheartedly endorse their 10 commitments which they use as an alternative to the ten commandments. The beauty of letting go of dogmatic and unquestionable beliefs is that I can be flexible and simply follow the evidence. I can practice intellectual humility." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"You may not have experienced a so-called "faith crisis" but put yourself in my shoes for a minute. I know this is difficult for my critics, but imagine you’re in a situation where you’ve somehow come to know with certainty that your childhood religion isn’t true. If it’s easier, imagine you grew up in a completely different religion like Scientology or Islam. What would you do once you learned it wasn’t what you thought?" - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"You may not have experienced a so-called "faith crisis" but put yourself in my shoes for a minute. I know this is difficult for my critics, but imagine you’re in a situation where you’ve somehow come to know with certainty that your childhood religion isn’t true. If it’s easier, imagine you grew up in a completely different religion like Scientology or Islam. What would you do once you learned it wasn’t what you thought?" - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Anja's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at wasmormon.org. These are just the highlights, so please find Anja's full story at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/. There are over a hundred more stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at wasmormon.org!
"The more I contemplated, the weaker my belief in Christianity became. Human behavior is so much more than choice and willpower. It stems from our evolution — it’s influenced by what our parents ate while pregnant with us and whether they smoked or not. It’s influenced by the genes we didn’t choose and the zip codes we were born into. It’s affected by hormones, neurotransmitters, pollution, toxins, trauma, and an endless list of other factors. Once I immersed myself in the complexities of the brain, studied the origin of behavior, and read the history of how mental illness has been treated, I saw how little conscious control we really have over our behaviors." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"The more I contemplated, the weaker my belief in Christianity became. Human behavior is so much more than choice and willpower. It stems from our evolution — it’s influenced by what our parents ate while pregnant with us and whether they smoked or not. It’s influenced by the genes we didn’t choose and the zip codes we were born into. It’s affected by hormones, neurotransmitters, pollution, toxins, trauma, and an endless list of other factors. Once I immersed myself in the complexities of the brain, studied the origin of behavior, and read the history of how mental illness has been treated, I saw how little conscious control we really have over our behaviors." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I read memoirs of other people leaving their childhood religions and searched for how they made sense of their life afterward. I learned about cults and how we humans justify our beliefs. I learned about how we make decisions — about how susceptible we are to biases, fallacies, and overconfidence. I dove into evolutionary psychology to understand human nature from a broader perspective, learning how group behaviors, snap judgments, and intuition can be both adaptive and maladaptive." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I read memoirs of other people leaving their childhood religions and searched for how they made sense of their life afterward. I learned about cults and how we humans justify our beliefs. I learned about how we make decisions — about how susceptible we are to biases, fallacies, and overconfidence. I dove into evolutionary psychology to understand human nature from a broader perspective, learning how group behaviors, snap judgments, and intuition can be both adaptive and maladaptive." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I let go of claiming, as many religious people had in the past, that my feelings confer ultimate truth. I let go of certainty. I made no claim to know if there was an afterlife or a supreme being. I don’t believe suffering is a lesson from God to help us grow. Sometimes bad things just happen, and there is no supernatural explanation. People experience injustice and needless suffering. Leaving the church created a greater urgency in me to learn about injustice, social policy, and community action. If God isn’t here to end world hunger, slow climate change, or welcome asylum seekers at the border, who is?" - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I let go of claiming, as many religious people had in the past, that my feelings confer ultimate truth. I let go of certainty. I made no claim to know if there was an afterlife or a supreme being. I don’t believe suffering is a lesson from God to help us grow. Sometimes bad things just happen, and there is no supernatural explanation. People experience injustice and needless suffering. Leaving the church created a greater urgency in me to learn about injustice, social policy, and community action. If God isn’t here to end world hunger, slow climate change, or welcome asylum seekers at the border, who is?" - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"It made sense to me to keep the parts of the gospel that advocated for service and love. But if it wasn’t capital T True, how could I excuse the church’s stance on LGBTQ members, the role of women, or the church’s history of racism? My platitudes that "God works in mysterious ways" and "It’ll all make sense in the end," were only comforting when I believed the church was ultimately run by God. After my shelf broke, meaning after I acknowledged all the things I couldn’t make sense of in Mormonism and everything fell apart, I wasn’t sure what I believed in." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"It made sense to me to keep the parts of the gospel that advocated for service and love. But if it wasn’t capital T True, how could I excuse the church’s stance on LGBTQ members, the role of women, or the church’s history of racism? My platitudes that "God works in mysterious ways" and "It’ll all make sense in the end," were only comforting when I believed the church was ultimately run by God. After my shelf broke, meaning after I acknowledged all the things I couldn’t make sense of in Mormonism and everything fell apart, I wasn’t sure what I believed in." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"We, humans, evolved with the capacity for empathy. Communities that were cooperative were more likely to survive and reproduce. We have mirror neurons that allow us to feel what we perceive another person to be experiencing. I don’t know what the meaning of life is. But I know despair and loneliness. I know shared pain. I don’t want anyone to go through needless suffering." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"We, humans, evolved with the capacity for empathy. Communities that were cooperative were more likely to survive and reproduce. We have mirror neurons that allow us to feel what we perceive another person to be experiencing. I don’t know what the meaning of life is. But I know despair and loneliness. I know shared pain. I don’t want anyone to go through needless suffering." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I knew it was true because I had felt the spirit. But even if it wasn’t and there ended up being nothing after this life, living the gospel would lead to a happy and fulfilling life. I assumed that if I were ever to leave the church, I would immediately become a sex worker strung out on drugs who neglected her many children from multiple partners. I would worship Satan and live a short and miserable life." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I knew it was true because I had felt the spirit. But even if it wasn’t and there ended up being nothing after this life, living the gospel would lead to a happy and fulfilling life. I assumed that if I were ever to leave the church, I would immediately become a sex worker strung out on drugs who neglected her many children from multiple partners. I would worship Satan and live a short and miserable life." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I am a mother, wife, psychology professor, and writer. I was raised LDS and grew up in South Jordan, UT. I was the first to walk away from the church in my immediate family at the age of 29. I was a Mormon." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"I am a mother, wife, psychology professor, and writer. I was raised LDS and grew up in South Jordan, UT. I was the first to walk away from the church in my immediate family at the age of 29. I was a Mormon." - Veronika's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at https://wasmormon.org/profile/veronika-tait/
"The rewriting and refilming of Elder Ronald Poelman's October 1984 Conference address, originally a rare and inspiring defense of free agency, so that it became yet another cry for obedience. His text was not edited — his ideas were turned inside out." - L. Jackson Newell, Dialogue, Volume 19 Number 1. 1986 | wasmormon.org
"The rewriting and refilming of Elder Ronald Poelman's October 1984 Conference address, originally a rare and inspiring defense of free agency, so that it became yet another cry for obedience. His text was not edited — his ideas were turned inside out." - L. Jackson Newell, Dialogue, Volume 19 Number 1. 1986
“Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek... it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price. - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce | wasmormon.org
“Soul mates” are fiction and an illusion; and while every young man and young woman will seek... it is certain that almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price. - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce
“We recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background, and above all, the same religious background, without question.” - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce | wasmormon.org
“We recommend that people marry those who are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background, and above all, the same religious background, without question.” - LDS Church President, Spencer W. Kimball 1976 BYU Devotional, Marriage and Divorce
“In diminishing faith, ATC (activism towards the church) effectively gaslights our dear brothers and sisters who engage in it – not in the sense that it manipulates them to question their own sanity, but in that it narrows minds, enlarges beams and blind spots, and invites judgmentalism all at once. Whereas discipleship says, "Lord is it I?" or "Help thou mine unbelief," ATC rarely seeks to humbly understand others' perspectives or experience or to meekly introspect. Because it has all the information it requires, there is no need for questions.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“In diminishing faith, ATC (activism towards the church) effectively gaslights our dear brothers and sisters who engage in it – not in the sense that it manipulates them to question their own sanity, but in that it narrows minds, enlarges beams and blind spots, and invites judgmentalism all at once. Whereas discipleship says, "Lord is it I?" or "Help thou mine unbelief," ATC rarely seeks to humbly understand others' perspectives or experience or to meekly introspect. Because it has all the information it requires, there is no need for questions.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“All subsequent aspects of the doctrine of Christ flow from and are powered by faith in Christ... Activism rightly recognizes the popular truism that power corrupts. Activists tend to naturally suspect the powerful... But this distrust is the very opposite of the faith the Lord requires of His covenant people in Himself, His prophets and apostles, and those they direct... Thus, any activism or advocacy that could weaken one's own or another's confidence, faith or prayer in or on behalf of church leaders or diminish one's ability to give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles is obviously not of God. In my observation, such lack of faith inevitably leads to letting go of the Church entirely and losing the testimony of Jesus. Hence ATC (activism towards the church) often indirectly undermines faith in Jesus Christ.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“All subsequent aspects of the doctrine of Christ flow from and are powered by faith in Christ... Activism rightly recognizes the popular truism that power corrupts. Activists tend to naturally suspect the powerful... But this distrust is the very opposite of the faith the Lord requires of His covenant people in Himself, His prophets and apostles, and those they direct... Thus, any activism or advocacy that could weaken one's own or another's confidence, faith or prayer in or on behalf of church leaders or diminish one's ability to give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles is obviously not of God. In my observation, such lack of faith inevitably leads to letting go of the Church entirely and losing the testimony of Jesus. Hence ATC (activism towards the church) often indirectly undermines faith in Jesus Christ.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy
“Please do not misunderstand. I am not at all saying ATC's (activism towards the church) causes are not important or good or often pursued in good faith. I tend to agree with many of ATC's underlying causes as I'm sure you do. A light bulb must be changed to avoid darkness and restore light. My simple point is a hammer is not the right tool for that job. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy | wasmormon.org
“Please do not misunderstand. I am not at all saying ATC's (activism towards the church) causes are not important or good or often pursued in good faith. I tend to agree with many of ATC's underlying causes as I'm sure you do. A light bulb must be changed to avoid darkness and restore light. My simple point is a hammer is not the right tool for that job. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass. All needed and appropriate changes in the Kingdom of God are God's work to bring to pass.”- Brother Ahmad S. Corbitt, Activism vs Disipleship, 2022, as First Counselor in Young Men General Presidency. Now Elder Ahmad S. Corbitt, LDS General Authority Seventy