What church callings did you serve in?
Funnily enough, when I was struggling with my attraction to both men and women, I was called to be the Mia Maids president. While others might have seen this as an opportunity to throw themselves into their calling and forget their worldly troubles, I saw it as proof the leaders were not divinely inspired. Didn't they know how sinful and dirty I was?

I held a variety of callings in the church.
For those unaware, a "calling" is considered to be a volunteer position in the church for which you are not paid any salary or stipend (unless you are a general authority).
As a youth (age 12-17) I was involved in each class presidency (president of the 12-13 year olds, president of the 14-15 year olds, 1st counselor of the 16-17 year olds). As an 18 year old, I was the youth president of a missionary training camp called "Camp Helaman" or "Sons of Helaman". As a missionary, I was a district leader and trainer. As an adult, I have been involved in presiding over the young men's organization on a local level. I have been involved in the local Sunday School presidency and provided trainings to other teachers on curriculum. I have been a local scout master, and I have been a bishop's secretary twice (sometimes referred to as the executive secretary).
I have always been very involved in each responsibility given to me. I took pride in feeling like my service was building god's kingdom.
I lost my testimony while a member of the Sunday School presidency, and officially resigned from my volunteer position while serving as the bishop's secretary the second time.
After my testimony shattered, all I could think about was how much time and energy I had given to the church for all those years; time that I could have devoted to my family instead. Since that day, I have chosen to give my family all of my time and make them the focus of my spiritual rejuvenation and service.

Secretary of the Deacon's Quorum

I was my ward Music Director for about 3 or 4 years before I left. Before that I had various minor callings like a secretary.