Were you asked inappropriate questions in "worthiness" interviews by your Mormon Bishop?
I had an interview with my bishop one time over my bisexuality. One of my most embarrassing moments and I never want to live through something like that again. This conversation happened when I was TWELVE and I was not allowed to have my parents with me. This was a private one-on-one between me (who was a fucking minor) and my bishop (who was in his 40s, maybe even 50s)

The questions the Bishop and Stake President ask are often quite intrusive. They seem to have an obsession with sex and sexuality and what we do in our bedrooms. I wouldn’t let them meet privately with my children and ask such questions. If my kids had questions about sexuality, they knew that we could talk openly and non-judgmentally.
God knows if we are worthy of him. There is no need for a Bishop to conduct an inquisition into our intimate lives - especially since they don’t really have any spirit of discernment or any pastoral training.

I didn’t even know what masturbation was until my bishop described it to me alone in his office. At least in my case I don’t think he had any ill intent. This is just the kind of thing that happens when a former marine drill Sargent, warehouse manager is told to interview children without having any kind of social work, legal, ethical, or psychological training.

I was not only asked inappropriate questions; my bishop pulled me out of a youth class on Sunday without my parents' knowledge and taught me what masturbation was and how it works, then told me never to think about it again.

I was not. I was fortunate to have respectful bishops.