Do you hang out with other ex-Mormons?
bakiraka01My brother? I have very few ex-Mormon friends. My therapist is ex-Mormon, and I've become pretty active on the exmo subreddit in recent months, but my interactions with exmos are still on the smaller scale
layhandsondeezHonestly it's been kind of hard to.
They are some of the only people who understand in detail the sort of things I went through that have so adversely affected my life... but at the same time, I kind of prefer not centering the church in my life anymore. Sometimes I run into ex-Mormons, but I don't like thinking about the church, so it doesn't usually come up unless we're specifically shit-talking the church. I've got a buddy I see every now and then, and I participate in some online social groups, but no, generally I don't hang out with other exmos.
ashmonster2000The military is full of current and ex Mormons. I probably do but I don’t hang out with anyone BECAUSE they’re ex Mormons.
bholtI welcome social interactions from anyone. Living in northern Colorado doesn't lend itself to much exMormon interaction because it's not in the "Moridor". With the bulk of family members living in the Moridor, I do have occasion to visit but certainly not very often. I'd love to meet with exMo groups on any such visit, if possible.