I'm Zach
The grass is greener! I was a mormon.

About me
Truly, the grass is greener on the other side. My name is Zach Wetzel, and I left the church one month ago. Since I’ve done so I’ve had greater peace of mind and a more firm desire to be a better person because I choose to. A bit of info about me: I am from Los Angeles and I studied opera at Brigham Young University. At the moment I am just about to finish law school. The critical thinking I honed in law school was ultimately the thing that helped me break through and discover my true self. Recently I watched an episode of Black Mirror on Netflix. In it a man challenges a reality filled with screens and superficiality. He leaves it all behind for what he feels is right. That’s where I am now. Where will I go? Where my heart tells me. I will serve my fellow man. I will express my opinions without doubting them. I will go for walks on trails and feel the sun on my face. God is real. He is there. I know He loves us regardless of our race, religion, or choices. I’m a husband and father. I am a Post-Mormon.