Hi, I'm taking charge of my life!
I was a mormon.

About me
I liked being Mormon, so I didn’t realize until I left (because of disbelief) how much of my life had been decided not by me, but by the Church. Once I stepped into the great unknown of my future without Mormonism I realized there were all kinds of wonderful things I preferred to do with my life; things I feel are more worthwhile to myself, my family and others. So where did I go and what did I do? I joined a community of young moms like myself, started a business, took lots and lots of dance classes and yoga , became a published writer, spent more quality time with my kids and gave them film and ballet experience and training that would have been difficult to do as an active Mormon. I made more genuine friendships. I learned to question more and think critically. I found causes I care deeply about. I took charge of my schedule, my money, money focus, and my time. Basically, I took charge of my own life.