I'm Mike
Like a phoenix, I've risen from the ashes! I was a mormon.

About me
I’m your typical Mormon, I have pioneer ancestry from both sides, I live in Mesa where my great great great grandfather was one of the founders. About 4 years ago, after battling depression and being out to my family as gay, I became suicidal and blamed my religion and even God about it. My parents didn’t know I was in disbelief and still going to church. My dad sent me to dialectic behavioral therapy where it was then I found the source of my depression was my faith. It was in DBT that I knew where I will go, it didn’t take overnight to get going or arise. But like the Phoenix, I have risen from the ashes of depression and shame and can say I am happier than ever. My journey of where I will go is a daily one and I am enjoying it as my true authentic self.