I'm Mike, an old guy from Utah
I was a mormon until March 11, 2022. I haven't been in a chapel since April 2011 when my brother's new grandson was blessed. I went to that meeting because I wanted to see my niece, who is the baby's mother, and we'd always been close. (long story) I'm old enough to have some health issues which don't seem to go away, so I may go away before too long (not on purpose).

About me
I was the 5th of 6 children, born to Mormon parents (dad wasn't active) and grew up in Sandy UT. My dad got active and my parents went to the temple when I was 14. My younger brother and I were sealed to them. I was a "good mormon boy", seminary graduate, went to BYU (hated every minute) . Served a mission in Brasil and I liked that for the most part; as in every other area of the church there were lots of good people( and lots of awful ones). I had 10 companions, about half of whom that I didn't want to beat up. I'm not very physical.