Hi, I'm Deserae Dawn
My community is me. I was a mormon.

About me
I grew up Mormon and left 4 years ago after also leaving an abusive marriage. One of the hardest things for me with the sense of “community” within the church is that I am by nature incredibly introverted. Being around people is so incredibly exhausting for me and in the church you are surrounded by people ALL THE TIME! You want to go on a trip? You take people from church. You date in groups. You’re just NEVER by yourself. And yet, I always felt alone. I don’t think I ever really knew myself or what I wanted out of life, my career, a partner, etc. until I left the church.
Questions about Mormons My Answers to Questions about Mormonism
#Link to this answer of 'Where will you go?' by Deserae Dawn Where will you go? See more answers about 'Where will you go?'
I rescued my dog, Frankie, moved to a small apartment in the suburbs, and learned to simply enjoy spending time with myself. I travel by myself. I go to nice restaurants by myself. I go to movies by myself. I love spending time with me. Yes, I have an amazing career surrounded by amazing people. Yes, I’ve made friends. Yes, I have local hangouts. But when asked the question of “To whom shall I go?” Well, I went and found myself, by myself, on my own terms.