This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
The Church tells people to just listen to their message and only read materials that the Church has officially sanctioned. The Church has become very very good at messaging and manipulating people. The psychology that supports the way the Church messages itself is a fascinating study in its own right. Leaving the church after 60 years was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I now have a much better relationship with my grandchildren, kids, and spouse. Friendships with others have become so much more genuine. The Church thrives on guilt and manipulation. Once you let all of that go, you really do have your free agency to live a good and happy life. I consider myself a Christian. I’ve never been so happy and contented as I am now that I’m free from Mormon manipulations. It is a wonderful life. No regrets at all. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
The Church tells people to just listen to their message and only read materials that the Church has officially sanctioned. The Church has become very very good at messaging and manipulating people. The psychology that supports the way the Church messages itself is a fascinating study in its own right. Leaving the church after 60 years was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I now have a much better relationship with my grandchildren, kids, and spouse. Friendships with others have become so much more genuine. The Church thrives on guilt and manipulation. Once you let all of that go, you really do have your free agency to live a good and happy life. I consider myself a Christian. I’ve never been so happy and contented as I am now that I’m free from Mormon manipulations. It is a wonderful life. No regrets at all. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
One of the last straws was when LDS Philanthropies suggested that parents disinherit children who stray from the church and give that inheritance to the Church. Although they later deleted the information from their website, that they had advocated for this position told me that it’s really all about the money, not the people, and certainly not about Jesus Christ. So I withdrew my name from the Church records. My decision had nothing to the people in the Ward/Stake. They were good people; I liked them and I was well-liked by them. It wasn’t about living the health code, how hard it is to follow the rules of the Church, the many meetings, or being offended. It really just came down to, "is the Church true or false?" I concluded that the Church is not of God and, while it professes to follow Jesus Christ, it really doesn’t. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
One of the last straws was when LDS Philanthropies suggested that parents disinherit children who stray from the church and give that inheritance to the Church. Although they later deleted the information from their website, that they had advocated for this position told me that it’s really all about the money, not the people, and certainly not about Jesus Christ. So I withdrew my name from the Church records. My decision had nothing to the people in the Ward/Stake. They were good people; I liked them and I was well-liked by them. It wasn’t about living the health code, how hard it is to follow the rules of the Church, the many meetings, or being offended. It really just came down to, "is the Church true or false?" I concluded that the Church is not of God and, while it professes to follow Jesus Christ, it really doesn’t. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
At each general conference, the Church auditor tells the members that its finances are properly maintained, but after the Church had been found to be in violation of SEC rules and fined several million dollars, the auditor didn’t even acknowledge this gross legal violation. Then we learned that the Church had amassed well over $100 billion of cash reserves and they hadn’t told members because it might result in lower tithing receipts. The lack of financial transparency was disguising to me. Even worse, the Church’s meager charitable activities in light of its great wealth clearly didn’t align with my view of Christ’s teachings. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
At each general conference, the Church auditor tells the members that its finances are properly maintained, but after the Church had been found to be in violation of SEC rules and fined several million dollars, the auditor didn’t even acknowledge this gross legal violation. Then we learned that the Church had amassed well over $100 billion of cash reserves and they hadn’t told members because it might result in lower tithing receipts. The lack of financial transparency was disguising to me. Even worse, the Church’s meager charitable activities in light of its great wealth clearly didn’t align with my view of Christ’s teachings. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
As a missionary, I was told to not teach Black people because they were cursed. Then President Kimball said he had a revelation and they were suddenly all clean again... I remember going door to door on my mission that year and someone asked me what revelations our Prophet had recently had. I told them about how Black people could now hold the Priesthood and get married in the Temple. The person had laughed at me and said their church had always loved and accepted Black people. The Church later said that its treatment of Black people was consistent with the social norms of the times... but it never apologized for its racism or said that Brigham Young and Bruce McConkie were wrong. The Church still hasn’t apologized. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
As a missionary, I was told to not teach Black people because they were cursed. Then President Kimball said he had a revelation and they were suddenly all clean again... I remember going door to door on my mission that year and someone asked me what revelations our Prophet had recently had. I told them about how Black people could now hold the Priesthood and get married in the Temple. The person had laughed at me and said their church had always loved and accepted Black people. The Church later said that its treatment of Black people was consistent with the social norms of the times... but it never apologized for its racism or said that Brigham Young and Bruce McConkie were wrong. The Church still hasn’t apologized. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
As I studied and prayed, the stories of children and women being sexually abused emerged and, while the Church said that abuse was abhorrent, it also covered up the assaults, paid off victims, protected the perpetrators, and referred the matters to its attorneys rather than to the police. The Church actively opposed same-sex marriage in Hawaii and California. Several General Authorities said they had stopped doing electro-conversion therapy at BYU in the early 70’s but they were still doing it to people I know when I attended the school in the late 70’s and 80’s. Their comments were disingenuous. The Church kicked out anyone even suspected of being gay or lesbian, that was just wrong. God wouldn’t treat his children that way. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
As I studied and prayed, the stories of children and women being sexually abused emerged and, while the Church said that abuse was abhorrent, it also covered up the assaults, paid off victims, protected the perpetrators, and referred the matters to its attorneys rather than to the police. The Church actively opposed same-sex marriage in Hawaii and California. Several General Authorities said they had stopped doing electro-conversion therapy at BYU in the early 70’s but they were still doing it to people I know when I attended the school in the late 70’s and 80’s. Their comments were disingenuous. The Church kicked out anyone even suspected of being gay or lesbian, that was just wrong. God wouldn’t treat his children that way. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I remembered reading that if the Joseph Smith story is false then the entire church is just a house of cards. If the Book of Mormon isn’t true, then the entire faith is false. So, I studied the Book of Mormon with a slightly different perspective and determined that it was a good read, but hardly an inspired word of God. There’s no historical evidence to collaborate the BofM like there is for the Bible. Clearly, a ‘perfect’ book would not have to be edited multiple times and would contain no historical misinformation - but it does. Yes, I prayed and prayed, and fasted and prayed, but the tingly feeling was nothing more than the same feeling I had when attending a great concert or watching Star Wars for the first time; it was hardly a witness for the truth. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I remembered reading that if the Joseph Smith story is false then the entire church is just a house of cards. If the Book of Mormon isn’t true, then the entire faith is false. So, I studied the Book of Mormon with a slightly different perspective and determined that it was a good read, but hardly an inspired word of God. There’s no historical evidence to collaborate the BofM like there is for the Bible. Clearly, a ‘perfect’ book would not have to be edited multiple times and would contain no historical misinformation - but it does. Yes, I prayed and prayed, and fasted and prayed, but the tingly feeling was nothing more than the same feeling I had when attending a great concert or watching Star Wars for the first time; it was hardly a witness for the truth. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Why would God pick Joseph Smith? Polygamy... Really? What woman would embrace a role of making babies for eternity? Joseph Smith didn’t even tell Emma about all of his ‘wives’ until he had to - what a liar. Then I looked at the Book of Abraham. Joseph Smith’s claims about a funeral text make no sense at all. His strange attempt to conform the Bible to his beliefs with the JS Translation was misguided given the well-established history of the Bible translations. From the Church’s own records, I studied its history of racism, xenophobia, sexism, polygamy, temple ordinance origins and evolution, support of slavery, church’s support for nazi Germany, lack of godly discernment, doctrinal changes, inconsistencies in the priesthood restoration, BofM discovery accounts and different versions of how Joseph Smith wrote the BofM. The carefully crafted Church messages just didn’t cut it for me. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Why would God pick Joseph Smith? Polygamy... Really? What woman would embrace a role of making babies for eternity? Joseph Smith didn’t even tell Emma about all of his ‘wives’ until he had to - what a liar. Then I looked at the Book of Abraham. Joseph Smith’s claims about a funeral text make no sense at all. His strange attempt to conform the Bible to his beliefs with the JS Translation was misguided given the well-established history of the Bible translations. From the Church’s own records, I studied its history of racism, xenophobia, sexism, polygamy, temple ordinance origins and evolution, support of slavery, church’s support for nazi Germany, lack of godly discernment, doctrinal changes, inconsistencies in the priesthood restoration, BofM discovery accounts and different versions of how Joseph Smith wrote the BofM. The carefully crafted Church messages just didn’t cut it for me. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I wondered why, if this is so great, why doesn’t everyone embrace it. What am I missing and why does the Church make me feel empty? Why would a loving God treat his children so differently based on where they were born, who their parents are, what race they were born into, what their last name is, what their sexual preference is, what their gender is, how much money they have and whether they followed Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian teachings. Why would God demand 10% tithing to get into the celestial kingdom; pay-to-play just didn’t seem right. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
I wondered why, if this is so great, why doesn’t everyone embrace it. What am I missing and why does the Church make me feel empty? Why would a loving God treat his children so differently based on where they were born, who their parents are, what race they were born into, what their last name is, what their sexual preference is, what their gender is, how much money they have and whether they followed Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christian teachings. Why would God demand 10% tithing to get into the celestial kingdom; pay-to-play just didn’t seem right. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Born and raised in the faith, I’m a descendant of pioneers who crossed the plains and settled the Salt Lake Valley. I was the perfect Mormon. Seminary, mission, BYU, Temple marriage, family, Stake, and Ward leadership. Ancestors crossed the plains with Brigham Young. Life revolved around the church in every way. We held family home evenings each week and attended every Church service, conference, and fireside. If something was happening at the Church, we were there! I’m a corporate executive, educator, parent, and husband. I was a Mormon. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Born and raised in the faith, I’m a descendant of pioneers who crossed the plains and settled the Salt Lake Valley. I was the perfect Mormon. Seminary, mission, BYU, Temple marriage, family, Stake, and Ward leadership. Ancestors crossed the plains with Brigham Young. Life revolved around the church in every way. We held family home evenings each week and attended every Church service, conference, and fireside. If something was happening at the Church, we were there! I’m a corporate executive, educator, parent, and husband. I was a Mormon. - Tom's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
It is not charity to aid a business enterprise... Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) has operated a for-profit securities investment business that (a) used none of its $100 billion for any religious, charitable, or educational purpose, and (b) made distributions to only two recipients, in each case to for-profit activities that are “private” interests. Distributing or transferring a combined $2 billion for an insurance company (Beneficial Financial Group) and a shopping mall (City Creek Center) clearly conflicts with EPA’s requirement to operate for religious, charitable, or educational purposes. Either of these facts is sufficient, by itself, to defeat tax-exempt status for EPA. - David Nielsen, former Senior Portfolio Manager, Ensign Peak Advisors, Memorandum regarding Ensign Peak Advisors submitted to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee |
It is not charity to aid a business enterprise... Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) has operated a for-profit securities investment business that (a) used none of its $100 billion for any religious, charitable, or educational purpose, and (b) made distributions to only two recipients, in each case to for-profit activities that are “private” interests. Distributing or transferring a combined $2 billion for an insurance company (Beneficial Financial Group) and a shopping mall (City Creek Center) clearly conflicts with EPA’s requirement to operate for religious, charitable, or educational purposes. Either of these facts is sufficient, by itself, to defeat tax-exempt status for EPA. - David Nielsen, former Senior Portfolio Manager, Ensign Peak Advisors, Memorandum regarding Ensign Peak Advisors submitted to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee
Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) has made only two sets of distributions. Each was for profit-making, “private interests”: 1. In 2009, EPA distributed approximately $600 million to benefit Beneficial Financial Group (BFG). BFG is one of the Church’s for-profit entities, and operates as an insurance and financial services company. 2. Between 2010 and 2014, EPA distributed $1.4 billion to Property Reserve Inc. (PRI) for development of a luxury shopping mall known as the City Creek Mall. PRI used the funds to upgrade this shopping mall. - David Nielsen, former Senior Portfolio Manager, Ensign Peak Advisors Memorandum regarding Ensign Peak Advisors submitted to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee |
Ensign Peak Advisors (EPA) has made only two sets of distributions. Each was for profit-making, “private interests”: 1. In 2009, EPA distributed approximately $600 million to benefit Beneficial Financial Group (BFG). BFG is one of the Church’s for-profit entities, and operates as an insurance and financial services company. 2. Between 2010 and 2014, EPA distributed $1.4 billion to Property Reserve Inc. (PRI) for development of a luxury shopping mall known as the City Creek Mall. PRI used the funds to upgrade this shopping mall. - David Nielsen, former Senior Portfolio Manager, Ensign Peak Advisors Memorandum regarding Ensign Peak Advisors submitted to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee
"He who takes offense when offense was not intended is a fool, yet he who takes offense when offense is intended is an even greater fool for he has succumbed to the will of his adversary." - Brigham Young, Mormon Prophet |
"He who takes offense when offense was not intended is a fool, yet he who takes offense when offense is intended is an even greater fool for he has succumbed to the will of his adversary." - Brigham Young, Mormon Prophet
"It’s wonderful to know what we know. We're so blessed. We don't have to wonder why we're here for. We don't have to question anything in the church. Don’t get off into that. Just stay in the Book of Mormon. Just stay in the Doctrine and Covenants. Just listen to the prophets. Just listen to the apostles. We won't lead you astray. We cannot lead you astray." - LDS Apostle, M. Russell Ballard, Provo YSA Devotional, October 24, 2015 |
"It’s wonderful to know what we know. We're so blessed. We don't have to wonder why we're here for. We don't have to question anything in the church. Don’t get off into that. Just stay in the Book of Mormon. Just stay in the Doctrine and Covenants. Just listen to the prophets. Just listen to the apostles. We won't lead you astray. We cannot lead you astray." - LDS Apostle, M. Russell Ballard, Provo YSA Devotional, October 24, 2015
Faith Crisis: A state of intense emotional distress resulting from the discovery of “uncorrelated” Church history facts that do not align with the traditional LDS narrative. This distress—and ensuing analysis of LDS truth claims—often results in members losing literal belief in the LDS truth claims. - BYU Study |
Faith Crisis: A state of intense emotional distress resulting from the discovery of “uncorrelated” Church history facts that do not align with the traditional LDS narrative. This distress—and ensuing analysis of LDS truth claims—often results in members losing literal belief in the LDS truth claims. - BYU Study
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
This is a spotlight on a profile shared at These are just the highlights, so please find the full story at There are stories of Mormon faith journeys contributed by hundreds of users like you. Come check them out and consider sharing your own story at!
It’s not God’s one and only true church. Joseph Smith was a sexual freak. I think God loves everyone and the church’s stance on LGBTQ is just plain wrong. I never understood why 15 old men in Utah determine what underwear I can and cannot wear. The sexism in the church is ridiculous. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
It’s not God’s one and only true church. Joseph Smith was a sexual freak. I think God loves everyone and the church’s stance on LGBTQ is just plain wrong. I never understood why 15 old men in Utah determine what underwear I can and cannot wear. The sexism in the church is ridiculous. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My main reason for leaving is the church’s culture in regard to abuse. They pretend it doesn’t happen, hide it, and cover it up. It’s a toxic culture filled with judgmental people. I also don’t think it’s God’s church. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My main reason for leaving is the church’s culture in regard to abuse. They pretend it doesn’t happen, hide it, and cover it up. It’s a toxic culture filled with judgmental people. I also don’t think it’s God’s church. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! When I was 15, I was able to get to a phone and call the police when my mom horrifically beat me. My mom told the police that I beat myself up (eye roll) and I was suicidal. I wasn’t suicidal, but I knew if I said I was, then the police would have to take me away to a mental hospital. Yes, the mental hospital was a better option than home. At the hospital, the therapists determined that it would be unsafe for me to return home to my mother. They asked me if I knew of a home that would be safe. I recommended the Relief Society President’s home. The hospital released me to the RS president’s house. I told her about my abuse and how terrifying my mom was. I figured I’d stay at her house for a few weeks until the courts could find me a safe home. Instead, the RS President dropped me off at my mom’s house the next morning. I had about 12 hours of abuse-free time after leaving the hospital. The RS President knowingly returned me to my abuser and I received a beating on arrival. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! When I was 15, I was able to get to a phone and call the police when my mom horrifically beat me. My mom told the police that I beat myself up (eye roll) and I was suicidal. I wasn’t suicidal, but I knew if I said I was, then the police would have to take me away to a mental hospital. Yes, the mental hospital was a better option than home. At the hospital, the therapists determined that it would be unsafe for me to return home to my mother. They asked me if I knew of a home that would be safe. I recommended the Relief Society President’s home. The hospital released me to the RS president’s house. I told her about my abuse and how terrifying my mom was. I figured I’d stay at her house for a few weeks until the courts could find me a safe home. Instead, the RS President dropped me off at my mom’s house the next morning. I had about 12 hours of abuse-free time after leaving the hospital. The RS President knowingly returned me to my abuser and I received a beating on arrival. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! The same bishop called me into his office two other times to tell me that I was a bad kid and needed to be better. At this point, I never broke the word of wisdom, didn’t kiss any boys, no porn, etc. I cried to the bishop and told him I was being abused. I told him I was afraid my mom would murder me. His reply was I just needed to be a better kid and my mom wouldn’t hurt me if I was nicer. I first reported my abuse to the church when I was 12. Absolutely nothing was done. I was abused an additional 5 years because the church did nothing! Let that sink in, 5 years of additional extreme child abuse because the church didn’t report the abuse. I told multiple YWs leaders, seminary teachers, bishop, and a RS president of my abuse and no one did a thing to save me. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! The same bishop called me into his office two other times to tell me that I was a bad kid and needed to be better. At this point, I never broke the word of wisdom, didn’t kiss any boys, no porn, etc. I cried to the bishop and told him I was being abused. I told him I was afraid my mom would murder me. His reply was I just needed to be a better kid and my mom wouldn’t hurt me if I was nicer. I first reported my abuse to the church when I was 12. Absolutely nothing was done. I was abused an additional 5 years because the church did nothing! Let that sink in, 5 years of additional extreme child abuse because the church didn’t report the abuse. I told multiple YWs leaders, seminary teachers, bishop, and a RS president of my abuse and no one did a thing to save me. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! When I was about 11 years old, my mom thought my 3 sisters and myself were being possessed by the devil. I remember closing my eyes and trying to feel if satan was in me. I felt no satan. I looked at my sisters and I didn’t think satan had power over them either. My mom slapped my face to get the devil out. When the slap didn’t work, my mom called the bishop and asked him to come over to pray satan out of our bodies. The bishop said he’d be right over! I thought that since the bishop is the mostly godly person in our ward, the Holy Ghost would tell him that we were being abused and he’d save us. Or at the very least, he’d be able to tell that we were 4 good kids and we aren’t possessed by the devil. I was wrong! My mom had us 4 girls meet with the bishop in my sister’s bedroom. It was awkward and uncomfortable. He told us that we need to be better kids and honor our (father) and mother. He then said a weird prayer/blessing where he asked the devil’s spirit to leave our bodies. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! When I was about 11 years old, my mom thought my 3 sisters and myself were being possessed by the devil. I remember closing my eyes and trying to feel if satan was in me. I felt no satan. I looked at my sisters and I didn’t think satan had power over them either. My mom slapped my face to get the devil out. When the slap didn’t work, my mom called the bishop and asked him to come over to pray satan out of our bodies. The bishop said he’d be right over! I thought that since the bishop is the mostly godly person in our ward, the Holy Ghost would tell him that we were being abused and he’d save us. Or at the very least, he’d be able to tell that we were 4 good kids and we aren’t possessed by the devil. I was wrong! My mom had us 4 girls meet with the bishop in my sister’s bedroom. It was awkward and uncomfortable. He told us that we need to be better kids and honor our (father) and mother. He then said a weird prayer/blessing where he asked the devil’s spirit to leave our bodies. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! My mom would abuse me in the name of religion. She’d sometimes approach me and tell me that the Holy Ghost told her that I did something bad and needed to be punished. I’d then get beat up, grounded, or possessions taken away. I never did anything that the Holy Ghost accused me of. I once got accused of doing drugs by the Holy Ghost (which I never touched). The Holy Ghost even told my mom that I was having sex with my dad (very not true). My mom would beat me to “knock the satan” out of me. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
Trigger Warning: Abuse! My mom would abuse me in the name of religion. She’d sometimes approach me and tell me that the Holy Ghost told her that I did something bad and needed to be punished. I’d then get beat up, grounded, or possessions taken away. I never did anything that the Holy Ghost accused me of. I once got accused of doing drugs by the Holy Ghost (which I never touched). The Holy Ghost even told my mom that I was having sex with my dad (very not true). My mom would beat me to “knock the satan” out of me. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My parents divorced when I was 10 and my dad left the church. Every time I went to church, members would tell me how amazing my mom was because she was Mormon and how horrible my dad was because he left the church. It bugged me but also confused the hell out of me. My mom, the abusive psychopath, was good cause she was Mormon. And my dad was bad because he didn’t go to church. I kinda believed it! I also believed that my dad would go to Mormon hell and I’d never see him after we die. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My parents divorced when I was 10 and my dad left the church. Every time I went to church, members would tell me how amazing my mom was because she was Mormon and how horrible my dad was because he left the church. It bugged me but also confused the hell out of me. My mom, the abusive psychopath, was good cause she was Mormon. And my dad was bad because he didn’t go to church. I kinda believed it! I also believed that my dad would go to Mormon hell and I’d never see him after we die. - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My mom was extremely abusive. My earliest memory of abuse was at age 3 and my abuse ended when I moved out at age 17. My life was a living hell in which I had to pretend all was perfect on Sundays at church. I never felt like I fit in. I was always trying to jump through Mormon hoops but never felt perfect enough. Can you imagine being forced to sing “I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me. I want to spend my life with them through all eternity” when your mom just beat you up 10 minutes before church? - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at
My mom was extremely abusive. My earliest memory of abuse was at age 3 and my abuse ended when I moved out at age 17. My life was a living hell in which I had to pretend all was perfect on Sundays at church. I never felt like I fit in. I was always trying to jump through Mormon hoops but never felt perfect enough. Can you imagine being forced to sing “I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me. I want to spend my life with them through all eternity” when your mom just beat you up 10 minutes before church? - Sandra's "I was a Mormon" story. Read more at